Orginally published on Monday, January 07, 2008 at 8:03 AM
by Todd Rhoades
Last year, Pat said that we would lose major US cities in a nuclear-type attack. This year, it's a recession, followed a stock market crash. Here's the prediction: God has economic disaster in store for us: A deep recession, $150-a-barrel oil, a tumbling dollar. All of this will lead to a major stock market crash in 2009 or '10...
It’s worth noting that Robertson’s past predictions have often been wrong.
In 1980, he predicted that the Soviet Union would invade the Middle East.
In 1981, he predicted a global economic collapse.
In 2004, he predicted that George W. Bush would win re-election in a “blowout.”
In 2005, he predicted that Bush was “now positioned to have victory after victory and that his second term is going to be one of triumph.”
In 2006, he predicted that the “the coasts of America will be lashed by storms. ... There well may be something as bad as a tsunami in the Pacific Northwest.”
In 2007, he predicted a terrorist attack on the United States with massive casualties. “I’m not necessarily saying it’s going to be nuclear. The Lord didn’t say nuclear. But I do believe it will be something like that.”
What do you think of Pat’s premonitions from the Lord? Who is confused, God or Pat? And after he’s missed so many of these predictions, why does he keep making them year after year?
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There are 24 Comments:
LOL! That was exacting what I was thinking.
Er.. I meant exactly..
Okay, at what point do we call the guy a false prophet and stone him?
Well, maybe that’s a littel far fetched. But only a little. Who is he accountable to and why don’t they step up and ask him to stop? And why do we (the Christian community) keep supporting him? Do I think he’s “evil?” Not at all. Do I think he’s a false prophet (gives prophecy then they don’t happen = false prophet right?) YES!
Good idea Todd. Can someone please call Bob Newhart for Pat.
Or maybe call someone with a Robertson-sized-box. Afterall, we all remember what happened to OT prophets when their prophecy turned out to be false.
Who keeps getting it wrong? Well, it’s not God, and as there’s only one other candidate…
Why does he keep on doing it? Simple - his “prophecies” keep selling. There are so many gullible people out there it’s scary.
By the way, there’s only one name for someone who keeps on giving self-proclaimed prophecies that prove themselves false. That’s a false prophet. I’m not being judgemental, just stating a fact. (That doesn’t mean we should stone him, though...but does mean that someone should admonish him.)
The problem with Pat Robertson is the same as with Britney Spears or Mike Tyson or any other “pop star”. He surrounds himself with “yes” people who are afraid to tell the emperor that he has no clothes.
If this was something new, I’d say Pat was senile, but this has been an on-going circus.
Yes, he is a false prophet. Really the only thing that responsible Christian leaders can do is shun him. But I’m sure that there will still be some Christian leaders who will jump at the opportunity to appear on the 700 club.
Since Jerry Falwell died, Pat seems to be the only high-profile Christian political embarrassment left, and Jerry was at least right some of the time. Let us hope someone (his son, perhaps) tells him to retire quietly. It would really be the best service he could perform.
He is a false prophet and in dire need of prayer and a good slap upside the face (from God, not a human being--this is metaphorical speech folks).
Notice also who his ‘we’ includes. Rather than speak about the Church (every Christian’s primary ‘we’), he speaks about the U.S. of A. (to which we cannot pledge whole-hearted allegiance as citizens of another Kingdom).
Let’s pray that someone talks some sense into this poor man. Otherwise he may be lost. God holds those in prominent positions to high standards of accountability. And Robertson is doing a pretty crummy job.
Pat is a joke. Nobody cares......wait. People do care and that is sad. His reputation is completely ruined as far as most people are concerned, but I do think an older generation cares what he says. As far as I am concerned...he is just tarnishing the gospel of Jesus.
Pat should submit his prophecies to other prophetic voices in the body of Christ before publishing them across the airwaves. Once they are aired, the only corrective possible is others pointing out error when they go unfulfilled, and then accusing him of being a false prophet. That serves neither him nor the cause of Christ. As to what’s the likelihood he would subject himself to brothers and sisters and not publish anything that did not pass their judgment, I can’t prognosticate.This, it seems to me, would be a biblical way to handle it.
People DO listen to him and tune in week after week, and they even send money. I just tend to ignore everything he says and does.
I am a little taken back by the idea that Pat Robertson is a good man. Scripture tells us otherwise. (None are good) But to the point. Pat Robertson is a false prophet. God speaks through his word only. What Robertson is doing is engaging in divination. A practice specifically prohibited in scripture. He is not attempting to see what God has said in his revealed word - God speaks to him directly outside of scripture. That should scare us all and we should pray for Robertson to repent. If I seem a little stong on this point - I am. I grow tired of the “christian” trump card, “God told me” and think as christians we should demand scripture as our only rule of life.
PR is a disgrace to the Christian Church.
Pat Robertson has become a bitter old man and I believe (personally) that he HOPES for disasters to hit America. He cannot tolerate the National sin in our country. He never should have gotten so involved in politics and never should have run for President as a powerful Christian leader with a job to do for the Kingdom of God. Again, theses are things I have personally taken note of with Pat Robertson. However, he could very well be right about a stock market crash.
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With the recession, did he predicted it as well? Instead of thinking about his predictions were valid or not, we need to act. I’m a gamer and nowadays, even finding cheap wow gold is my last resort aside from grinding endlessly. The recession really is affecting everyone globally. Everyone should be helping each other to make it through, specially the government.
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