
“Purpose” Magazine?

Orginally published on Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 6:46 AM
by Todd Rhoades

What if I told you that Reader's Digest was getting ready this fall to test market a new magazine called "Purpose" based on Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life"?

There are reports out today that say it will happen. Although a publishing spokesman said "I'm not allowed to talk about it" and a 'spokeswoman' for Rick Warren, when asked, said: "If such a project were to happen, we would know about it, but can't confirm anything of that nature at this time." (Wow... I bet Rick's spokeswoman got an "A" in spokeswoman school... what a great answer).

So... let's suppose, for a moment that this is true... there will be a magazine with Rick's moniker on it soon. (I really don't doubt that something is in the works... I'm sure Reader's Digest is looking at Rick as a gold-mine right now). Here's the question for you today...

1.  Would you read the magazine?

2.  Would you take out a subscription?

3.  Would you encourage your church to read it?

4.  Would you buy bulk copies of the magazine and make it available in your welcome center?

It seems that this would be a nice piece of market research that the Reader’s Digest people would like to find out.

My guess of your answers to the above questions:  no.  no.  no.  and no. 

Am I wrong?

What do you think?  How would you answer questions 1-4 above?


PS—I MIGHT read a Perry Magazine, an Andy Magazine or a Craig Magazine though.

Oh… here’s the article about the supposed magazine… complete with a nice spoofed cover!

This post has been viewed 538 times so far.

  There are 19 Comments:

  • 1. Once2. Probably not, but somebody I love who was buying magazines for a school fundraiser would probably gift me thinking I’d like it.3. The people who go to my church make up their own minds about stuff like this. There would be mass rebellion if a formal urging was made.4. Our welcome center is so fledgling that we have trouble getting information about the church into the hands of visitors. This would cripple the system.I thought magazines were dead?

  • Posted by Andy Wood

    1. Yes, once, in print.  Maybe more if it had an RSS feed.  I’d totally dump it if it turned into a 21st century Guideposts.  But if it offered biblically-based insights with real-life applications, why not?

    2.  Doubtful

    3.  No

    4.  No

  • Posted by Jesse James

    Like you said: no, no, no, no. But I’m a young guy (27) and artsy. I’m more Relevant Magazine and Donald Miller, than Rick Warren and Purpose Driven I-have-all-the-answers curriculum type stuff.

    don’t get me wrong. LOVE what Rick is doing. LOVE what he’s said. EXCITED that he’s gaining influence. but that logo ... not for me.

  • Posted by

    1 yes
    2 yes
    3 maybe
    4 no

    I would also send a subscription to Ken Silva along with several translations of the bible so he can find the scriptures Rick uses as a peace offering for our sharp words..

  • Posted by

    Only if the title was actually a cool acrostic for something…

  • Posted by Scott

    1. Of course.  I’ve read and appreciated and benefited from everything the guy has done.  I’d read two or three issues before passing judgment.

    2. Depends on how #1 went…

    3. Again, if it was consistently beneficial, I’d reference and recommend it just like anything else.

    4.  No to the welcome center no matter what, but maybe - again depending on #1 - as a low- or no-cost resource, like we do with a couple of other magazines.

    Like someone said, I’d be disappointed if it turned into a Guideposts, or a RD clone with some Rick thrown in.  I hope the decision is thoroughly vetted and prayed over.

  • Posted by

    #1.  I’d take a look at it.

    #2. No, I do not subscribe to any magazines.
    --------Most everything I read in Mags seemed to be recyled in one form or another.

    #3. Probably not.

    #4. No.
    Hey Leonard, is this better? Smiling, friend, smiling.

  • Posted by

    Wow, I had to check the name twice.  Thanks, I appreciate it. I really do.

  • Posted by


    “My guess of your answers to the above questions:  no.  no.  no.  and no.”

    Not quite.  For the first question, I’d probably give it a read, just to understand what is being planned in churches all across the nation. 


  • Posted by Steve K.

    1. Yes, especially if it’s online wink

    2. No

    3. No

    4. No

    Here’s my suggestion for the acrostic:






    Stories and


  • Posted by

    No second guessing here, NO

  • Posted by Tyler

    It could be any pastor and my answers would be no to all of those questions.

  • Posted by

    The Doubting Thomas of me is coming to the forefront, I am begining to see an Oprah type of movement gathering momentum, and this has made me not only skeptical but highly uncomfortable, the Time mag, Press coverage, comparisons to the new Billy Graham etc etc, I am much more comfortable not participating or subcribing to anything associated with him, that is one of my purposes in my driven life smile I am sure Mr. Warren can get along without any help from me

  • Posted by nathan

    No, No, No No.
    Same as you.
    No, No, No. No.

  • Posted by

    Please do not misconstrue anything from me, I do not know that much about pastor warren, what i have managed to see and do my own investigating has rasied doubts, simply becasue the mainstream press has a tendancy to promote or exalt the celeb dujour, and not saying that he being Mr Warren has accepted the mantle, however the recent rise in publicity although altogether not a negative thing still makes me personally skeptical, the more I hear and see the more I question.
    If he is like Billy Graham then Jesus Christ is the tip of the spear and everything evolves from that, no ambiguity, and I do not see that or hear that from him “warren”, the interfaith dialogue and such makes “me” uneasy, getting along with others is understandable and to be applauded and emulated , however along with that we are to live and preach and carry the Good News to all to all 4 corners of the world, because we as Christians know that Jesus and no other is the true living redeemer and absolutely the only authority to which we have to answer to, I do not recall once ever seeing Billy Graham waver or comprimise from the message, I do however hear and or feel that from Mr. Warren, I may be wrong, would not be the first, but so far I am a non participant in his message , I see no tip of the spear but lots of arrows

  • Posted by Derek





    Who has the time to read magazines anyway? Blogs, podcasts, and books...that is it for me.


    P.S. Nice acrostic Steve K.

  • Posted by matt


  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    Yes no no no

    Unless the acrostic is REALLY REALLY COOL!

  • Posted by

    It’s amazing how cynical ministers can become.

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