Small Churches: The Advantages
Orginally published on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 at 1:00 PM
by Todd Rhoades
Michael Hines has an interesting post on the advantage and disadvantages of small churches on his blog (The Discipler). Since I’m often accused (by a very small group of people) to be pro-mega-church and anti-small church; (which I’m not, by the way); I thought this would be a great discussion topic here. Today, we’ll look at what Michael says are some real advantages of small churches. Tomorrow, we’ll look at some of the disadvantages... Michael writes…
That's true especially for the really small congregation, but it is also true for the mid-size church. Those who have been there for some time know almost everyone in the church at least by name or by sight. There is a sense of belonging and a community of spirit that permeates the whole structure.
Second, in a smaller church there can be a greater awareness of needs. Since the members know each other, those who face medical, economic, mental, or spiritual needs are known and have the help and sympathy of others. It isn?t always true, of course, but the response to a need can come more quickly from a smaller group that identifies itself as ?family.?Third, in a smaller church the ministers can truly shepherd the sheep. Although I?ve never thought it was the minister?s responsibility alone to call, counsel, or shepherd, there is a sense of closeness that develops between the committed shepherd and the congregation. The minister almost becomes a ?father? figure and has far more direct contact with his flock than the senior minister in a mega-church. In a mega-church, one of the members asked the caller who had come to see them in the hospital when the senior minister was going to come see them. The caller responded, ?You don?t want to be that sick.? And so it goes!Fourth, in a smaller church there is a stronger sense of tradition. Tradition can be either good or bad, but when it is good it binds together people better than slick programs or beautiful structures. Traditions create loyalties and identifications that can be positive and helpful. Fifth, in a smaller church there is a strong sense of identity. Of course, that identity can sometimes degenerate into a prejudice against those ?ho aren?t like us.? Nonetheless, there are positive benefits for gathering people together who come from similar backgrounds, interests, and occupations. Sixth, in a smaller church there is a greater tolerance with those who make an effort. Aunt Mary may not be the most accomplished pianist in the world, but she tries hard and hits most of the notes so she is loved and accepted. Besides, she may be the only one who can even play. Professional quality is not often available in the smaller church, but loving acceptance for those who make the effort is.
Your thoughts? (Remember... part two is tomorrow!)
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There are 19 Comments:
Hmmm… small church… small response. I wonder why the mega-church articles get all the responses?
What is this fixation with size on either end of the spectrum? I suspect that it is largely an American peculiarity to describe one’s church as size first and nature second. When I ask someone to tell me about their congregation, I could care less how many people sit in seats there at any given event. I want to know their character, their spirit, their heart, their mindset. But when’s the last time you asked someone about their church that they started by describing the people instead of the attendance and programs, etc. Is anybody else out there noticing the basis on which the vitality of the church is measured is primarly size? So what! A crowd can be on track as well as a compact company of Christians and the reverse is also true. Can we please do something together to change the starting point of the conversation about the vitality of the church? The size and style and structure aren’t going to change the spiritual culture and climate around us, but a clear contrast between the kingdoms of the world and the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior will. When we begin to intentionally choose simplicity of possessions for the joy of sharing with those in need instead of getting bigger houses and transportation devices and tech toys, I am convinced that the kingdom of this world will begin to take us seriously. Until then, all the affluent mega complexes and well-heeled professional priesthood in the world won’t do spit to advance the true Kingdom of Jesus. Again, can we scrap the size comparisons, please. It’s not helping to renew, reform or invigorate the Kingdom of Jesus at all.
Wow. Thanks, Dean. That’s a real kick in the pants.
I get complaints that I’m not balanced. ‘He only favors the mega-churches’, they say.
‘No one ever talks about the smaller churches.’
So I go out of my way…
Oh well,
Nice rant though, Dean… I give it a B-.
Here’s a question for Dean-
Should you aim for a small, medium, or large church? Suppose you are very successful with your ministry. Some will plant new churches, so they will always have a small or medium church. Some will rebuild and make a mega-church. Which option would you do? You have to do something, because you’re growing numerically, and can’t fit in the same building. You have to deal with the numbers. What would you do and why?
My church just shrank. 2200 to 200.
All my freinds are gone. I can’t resist the oppurtunity to build up on evangelism alone.
Thanks, Bernie… I was dyin’ out here.
(Who woulda thunk that Bernie would throw a lifelife to me on the small church/large church issue?!)
Bernie brings up a point.. not sure it’s exactly what this post is totally about… but as a church grows it has to do something:
1. Start a new church
2. Build a bigger church
3. Start another site
I know each of us has preferences; and I think each could be valid for different reasons in different scenarios/communities.
Thanks, Bernie!
I pastor a small church and just wrote about one benfit of a smaller church.
Community is a huge part of our church life. We eat together all the time. Many of our members are actively involved in each others lives outside of church. I hear stories all the time of how different people in the church have helped each other out. I hear about it after the fact which to me means the community is authentic. This is certainly possible in a large church. Sometimes this doesn’t happen when people get so involved with the programs of the church that they don’t have a whole lot of time outside of the church to interact with each other. And in some churchs I have been a part of I saw these same people so much at church that I didn’t want to see them outside of church.
Maybe that’s beside the point. But small churchs have a lot of things to offer people. So do large churchs.
I believe there is a crisis in the small church in America today. These places have succumbed to tickling the ears of a few worshippers telling them what they want to hear so they won’t leave. They devote themselves to the creation of programs that only tend to feed the “sleeping.” Their potlucks are a clear attempt to cater to the whims and wants of people who would rather be fed food then the truth of God’s Word. These churches continue to band together for “revival” events that are nothing more then preaching, if you can call it that, to the choir. More, they congregate in small homes, to escape the World, while indulging themselves in pastries and coffee. The leadership is always talking to them, finding out what they “really” need and then bend all the rules of the Truth to give them what they want. You will find them coming to church in fancy cars and wearing fancy dresses like they owned the place. And heaven forbid that the “big giver” in the church gets upset, you will find the congregation pleading with the “injured” party to stay, giving him or her what ever they want in return, which is usually Power. Oh and lets not forget the youth and children’s departments, run by people who would rather give into the whining of the children, so the rooms are filled with games and TV’s and anything else that will keep them quiet for an hour, with the Word of God left on the shelf to gather dust. It is here also you will find makeshift “play equipment” to get the neighborhood kids to join up with the church, an obvious attempt appeal to their sinful “fun nature.”
Oh and let’s not forget the pastors or “Sheppard” as they like to call themselves. Generally they are obese men with not much going for them but the ability to schmooze with the “power” base, to insure his salary. Yes these “men of the cloth” pride themselves on their superior knowledge and flaunt their wears every Sunday morning, complementing sister so and so from the platform and praising brother such and such for his work on the flower bed. What they don’t tell you is that brother such and such and sister so and so run the board who in fact pays his salary and bakes him apple pies! Reminds me of the church of Laodicia who was neither hot nor cold, lukewarm they are I tell ya! Clouds without water, born of the evil one and destined to an eternity of flames!
Yes, the small church in America is in a crisis
Hi Todd
Sorry it took so long for me to get back and read the responses. I had to do my real job.
Sorry for making you sigh. I know you wanted to balance things out. And you’re right; I was ranting.
I really think the questions is not whether large, medium or small assemblies are healthy or unhealthy. The question should be whether the Body in a region, nation and around the world is healthy or not.
The point again… What is this fixation on size in the first place? I don’t see any point to that debate. Let’s talk about lifestyle, character and transformational influence that should stand in stark contrast to the rampant materialistic and humanistic mindset of the dominant culture. This seems to be prevalent both in and outside of the organizations making the claim to represent and have the heart and mind of a sacrificial Savior.
Let’s shift the debate from our size to our level of sacrifice, from our style to our substance, from our methodology to our similarity to the life of the Master. If we are followers of Jesus, doesn’t it make sense that our lives would at least look more like someone who didn’t even have a place to lay His head.
I’ve attended many large assemblies in the past several years and they always have a very good package put together. But the thing that never ceases to puzzle me is the absence of persons from the lower rungs of culture and economy in every one of those groups. Why is the mega church thing so popular to middle/upper class people but foreign to the poor? Something just doesn’t seem right about that for some reason.
Back to my assertion that we can evaluate the health of the church in a region or country or around the world… If you ask me (and you didn’t, but I’m going to state my case anyway) unless the poor experience the gospel (good news), it may be a good production, but it ain’t the gospel yet.
Jesus told the representatives from John the Baptizer to report that the gospel was being preached to the poor. Paul urged the church to give to the poor, not to hoard and build bigger barns. James deals with this issue as the litmus test of true faith.
The biggest uneasiness I have with the popularity of the mega complexes and their chief executives is that this is not what it’s meant to be about. The crowds are coming, but just what are they finding? They are finding the same thing that economically successful people in the world are promoting with a big Jesus twist thrown in for good luck.
I believe that the American church is blind people leading blind people and its the success and prosperity people are leading the procession. So much for my two dollars worth.
Maybe I should have spent that where there are ears to hear.
Thanks for posting my comments though. My hope is that together we will reflect a gospel that embraces those on the lower rungs of our culture and economy, but I suspect that will only happen when the wealthy in the “church” curb their appetite for accumulation of both popularity and possessions.
And for Bernie
What would I do in the scenario you mentioned? Thanks for making me accountable. A few years ago, I would have said, “Build it bigger.” These days, I’d say, “Make sure it looks like Jesus.” That seems to indicate intentional communities, smaller in size, deeper in spirit, sharper in mission and sacrificial by nature. Hope that provides a snapshot of my thinking on size in general.
I hope I am not offending by writing here again. I had said I would honor what I perceived as a request to cease from writing because of what was taken as a bias on my part against the Mega-Church world. However, I just want to share very briefly that I am having a transformational experience through all of the challenging discussion about these issues and wanted to thank you Todd for braving the waters of a very imbittered arena.
I think I am leaning toward believing there may not really even be such a thing as a small Church or a large Church. I’m beginning to sense that Church by the very nature of it being a relationship oriented WHO as opposed to a WHAT, and from the only perspective of reality that matters (His reality) a living connection that only exists as a visible expression when the WHO that is the Church are actually experiencing His presence in their midst, and the impossibility that their even exists anyone in the Church anywhere at any time that is not a truly born from above follower of Jesus, the Church wherever she finds herself is always and at all times HUGE and at the same time as SMALL as the right now moment being experienced together in His presence.
So, even a Mega-Church so to speak, at best is really just a whole bunch of small Church experiences, providing those experiences are actually happening, and a small Church is still and always will be however large the Body of Christ as a whole becomes. Any way you look at it that is pretty MEGA I’d say.
so, unless we are not really under one Lord, and one Body, of one Faith and one Spirit, we are all a LITTLE BIG CHURCH!
Elementary and shallow I know but safe water to walk in.
I don’t think it’s a matter of what you do in as a small church or a large chuch. What does matter is your every day walk and where or with who you plant your seeds. I read somewhere that a shoe salesman witnessed to Billy Graham and no one asked what type of chuch he, {the shoe salesman}, belonged to. God knows His plans and as He doesn’t see as men see, who are we to say? LD
As the pastor of a small church I resent the sterotypicial image painted earlier by a mega church maniac. We pastors of small flocks are not all fat, even though I am fluffy. My good friend and fellow laborer of another small church weighs little more than a tooth pick. My buddy and me do not pander to the power base because we do not have one. We have small congregations of blue collar workers that have been rejected by mega churches. We enjoy being a church full of rejects thank you very much. In our churches there is a sence of family. For those who are widowed, those who are not all polished and professional, those who are too timid, those who are illiterate, those who are too old, those who are bed ridden with illness and those who are despised and rejected of men there is a place to serve - a place to matter and make a difference. Why is that such a bad thing? We have potlucks and we enjoy fellowshipping at these times. I did read somwhere that Jesus often sat down with the boys of His ministry and had enjoyed a meal or two. Did not seem to me as He was pandering to anyone at these times. Yes we do compliment those who do something nice around the church because there are so few of them. Everybody should get a pat on the back for a job well done. I also read somewhere that Jesus says something to the effect well done thou good and faithfull servant. To some of the members of His flock. Do you suppose He was working the crowd? It makes me nuts when people stress quantity over quality on anything, but especially a church. Yeah I’d like to try being a mega church pastor for a day, but I’m afraid that I would miss that incredable sence of connectivity to what I’m really called to do to finish that day out.
JCE! Not elementary. Not shallow! AMEN!
I just moved earlier this year from serving on a volunteer basis in a tiny church to being one of five paid pastors in a church of just under 1000 members. So Here’s my perspective so far…
First, in a smaller church you get to know everybody.
True, but in a larger church, if you lead you need to get to know all the leaders. Small group experiences can facilitate keeping the big church “small”.
Second, in a smaller church there can be a greater awareness of needs.
I disagree. In our bigger church (in a not-so-wealthy area) we have a GREAT understanding of the needs of the individuals and of the community, because we WORK at that.
Third, in a smaller church the ministers can truly shepherd the sheep.
This is true if you take the “traditional American” definition of a pastor. In a larger church, though, if you equip the people to be the ministers (I am a pastor, not a minister… look again at Ephesians 4f:11-13) then any size church can minister to its own through its ministers/people. (Remember the priesthood of all believers?) Sorry, I’ve been reading too much Sue Mallory.
Fourth, in a smaller church there is a stronger sense of tradition.
So true. No argument there.
Fifth, in a smaller church there is a strong sense of identity.
I’ve been in churches of 60, 300, and 1000. The sense of identity in my experience has nothing to do with size.
Sixth, in a smaller church there is a greater tolerance with those who make an effort.
This is absolutely true!
Hi Pastor Proseus,
I too have been the pastor of a small church. I understand full well the challenges and blessings of such a place.
My former comments were to, in a sense, turn the tables on those who decry the “large church” and how they “tickle the ears” of everyone to get them to come.” I wanted to show how one can look at the small church and make similar claims.
You see we all can judge a situation or different church based on our biases, which can have little to do with fact and much to do with perception.
It would be nice if we all allowed each church to be what God intended for that church to be! If small then small, if large then large, why do we have to rate something based on size or numbers? Sounds a little like when we were kids and use to say, “my dad is bigger then yours,” NO, “my dad is bigger then yours...” A bit childish don’t you think?
All the best no matter what size your church is!
Pastor Al
Whew....your post was really loaded with unfair generalities!
You’ve painted the picture that small church pastors are fat, lazy, weak, have ill intentions, bow to false idols, and are a disgrace to “real” pastors.
I would challenge you to examine your motive in making the statements that you did. I choose not to pick apart the work of a large-church pastor or a small-church pastor. I choose to learn from both models, taking the things that help my ministry and “tossing” that don’t.
Since God didn’t make his human creations with a cookie cutter, why would be create the churches to be identical?
Can we value the advantages of the SMALL church (which I believe are true) while still valuing the advantages of the LARGE church (which I believe are true)?
My preference isn’t what size of church I serve, it that I serve in the church God has placed me. AND that I serve HIM with fervor, zeal, and passion.
So, Al...could you bring yourself to see anything of value in a small-church pastor?
I once read taht 90% of churches in the USA are less than 50-75 people. Considering those mega churches with over 5-10,000 members I can agree with the statements printed in November/05. I have a very small pioneer work, and I lead worship, play keyboard/guitar and preach [as pastor]. Visitors call and want a small church, but since we meet in our home, there is a ‘subbing’ of the site. There are too many, as a friend of mine once quoted “"kangaroo Christians"” jumping from one building to another always looking for that perfect place. Too bad that a lot of times we do not look to the perfect One, The Lamb of God who should be our direction and not the best choir, guitarist, etc.
God Bless and Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah
I’ve read all the posts and enjoyed the wisdom in each one. I’ve pastored small and medium sized churches, but no mega-sized. A In my own personal view I see the need for all. God sees the needs of every individual and just where he/she is in thier spiritual journey. As you have, without doubt, noticed,each size church has its “core” people who remain with thier local church regardless of its size or who the pastors are. The rest of the congregation is apt to move to another church for any number of reasons, which we all have experienced. Some people are created with the need of close community and a sense of family, which the small to medium church is usually equipped to provide. However, I must admit that many small congregations are small simply because of small-mindedness and spiritual deadness. And sad to say, we all have seen more lazy pastors than we wish to see in the past few years.
We are a “leavened” lot with more views and issues than is good for us. Some of our problems come from ideologies of some (not all) organizations and denominations we belong to, which do not promote church growth, and strange as it seems, even discourage it. Numbers indeed have thier place in the Lord’s plan whether small, medium or mega-sized, but this cannot be used as a measurement as to effectiveness. I have also served as an evangelist, traveling over this country and Canada, and I have seen an amazing thing under the sun: Small churches that are great and mega-churches that are not much more than nurseries. One of the hottest peppers in the world is little more than the size of a kernal of corn. It will burn a hole through your tongue! There is a vast difference between “bigness"and “greatness”.
This is not to put the large churches down, but to encourage those who might wonder why they can’t seem to “match up” to pastors of larger churches, which is a tragic illusion in the first place. Paul teaches us that to compare our ministry with another’s is not wise. To be quite candid, I think that’s the actual source of this issue. It doesn’t have so much to do with our “professional” opinions of the necessities or irrelevance of mega-churches and such as it does our own private sense of competiveness, which borders the sins of coveteousness, envy and ultimately, idolatry. We of the smaller churches need to focus hard on the pastures God has placed us and work them for all they’re worth. Regardless of how it looks, with all the hubba-hubba of the “church growth” gurus, the testimonies of “How I Done It And You’re a Wimp If You Don’t Do What I Did”, which amounts to little roosters always crowing long after the sun has come up… it “is GOD Who giveth the increase”. It was Christ Who said, “I...I will BUILD My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against” the church He builds. If He puts us in a large place and builds a large flock, let’s be thankful and guard against the self deception of pride and arrogance. If He has a small church which HE has built, be thankful and guard against envy, coveteousness and bitterness. Take your lemon and make sweet lemonade for your people. It’s better to be loved by a few who will follow your proven leadership for God’s glory than to be worshipped and adored by thousands who know you little more than what they see at a distance. So much for the sermon. Sorry.
Thank God for you guys. I’m proud to be numbered among you.
Budd Wicker
My husband and I have just become aware of this website - we are in the process looking for a new ministry opportunity after a five year journey of—well we will leave that alone.
I just want to thank you for the encouragement. I needed it. I’m sincerely glad you guys are out there working for the gospel.
Thank you for addressing thoughtful processes, authentic relationships, and deliberately aiming for a corporate encounter with the living Christ in your churches.
My husband and I often talk about what we call “The Waxed Fruit” syndrome in the church at large today. It sure looks pretty, but you can’t eat it. Often we are focusing solely on all the things we should be aiming through; the tools, or to extend the metaphor of edible food further, the pans we cook with. It can become a very strange version of idolatry and works. Jesus and a personal encounter with him should be our deepest goal. That can be a unique process for every church not matter what the size.
I watched a pastor leave the podium in a huff recently because his microphone was buzzing - right in the middle of the invitation he sat down. In the name of excellence her terrified his sound techs, and left the gospel message hanging with this parting sentence. “We’re done.” Although I understood the distraction of a malfunctioning tool, I wished he could have been scrappy enough to turn it off and continue without it.
To me this has everything to do with this discussion. Big or small; in riches or poverty, what are we aiming for? Jesus was available to people everywhere synagogues, hillsides, lakes, homes, streets, palaces. Scripture says sometimes he preached to 5,000 and sometimes went out of his way to speak to just one. I can imagine his disciples discussing the numbers. I can’t imagine Jesus giving it much attention. He was aiming to bring people out of darkness into light.
When a child is missing in the mountains, the community comes together. The rich guys bring their RVs. The poor guys bring their flashlights. Someone makes sandwiches. The people link arms and comb the terrain with every tool they have. My heart cry is to quit focusing on the tools as if they are all important, and get back to figuring out how to find the lost kids in our church’s back yards.
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