Orginally published on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at 6:34 AM
by Todd Rhoades
THE SHOW from Leadership Network for June 16, 2009.
TOPIC: Finding Your "SWAG" in Ministry
SPECIAL GUEST: Dr. Stacy Spencer
You can watch a brand new edition of THE SHOW every Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. EDT at
Live call in segment... Dr. Stacy Spencer takes your questions!
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Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
Too much Biblical discernment Todd?
This man is a false teacher. An apostate that falls into the definition found in Jude and in 2 Peter. Where is your discernment Todd? When will you as a professing Christian help put a stop to this foolishness in the pulpits of so-called Christian churches?
Mark Driscoll teaching that oral sex is Biblical????? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You support this man and what he teaches if you will not call him out on his error. Shame on you Todd.
I know you’ll attempt to silence this post by deleting it or trying to block me again but you should repent. You will have to answer to God for not defending His truth against apostates like these two.
Be confident’ and always remember’’ if you try and feel confident. you can never really mess up you can only find ways to get better.
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Be ‘confident’ and always “remember’’ if you try and feel confident. you can never really mess up you can only find ways to get better. thanks.
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