Orginally published on Friday, December 02, 2005 at 8:38 AM
by Todd Rhoades
It’s Friday… time to lighten up a little (although I’m sure some amongst us probably won’t!). This comes from the Nashville Cohort… the top ten signs you might be ‘emergent’…
Michael Wittmer (author of Heaven Is a Place on Earth) gives the following 10 signs you might be Emergent.
10. If you have never read Left Behind, never said The Prayer of Jabez, and never led the 40 Days of Purpose
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There are 43 Comments:
Sounds way to new age for me…
If you admire and revere the writings and teachings of Rob Bell or Brian McLaren - you might be Emergent.
If you think you need to score points before being able to speak out against homosexuality - you might be Emergent.
If you look not to the word of God for your answers and worldview but rely mostly on how something makes you and others feel, you might be Emergent.
In Christ,
“It’s Friday… time to lighten up a little (although I’m sure some amongst us probably won’t!).”
Good morning Bill.
If the criteria for a small group location is having a Starbucks within 3 blocks.
I think the kind of God who created a giraffe and a duckbill platypus would get a snicker out of this.
If your idea of a relaxing day off is arguing with someone you’ve never met before on a blog…
then you might be emergent
aw, shucks man. Come on Bill, today is Friday dawg, take off your Saducee mask, and your Pharisee robe, go to the crib, kick off your shoes, kick back with some nice cold egg nog and reeeeeeeelax G.
If you believe flower arranging is a spiritual gift
If the invitation song ar the end of service is “The Living Years” by Mike and the Mechanics.
You might be visiting an emergent church if you bring your Bible to service and you are immediately greeted with “you must be visiting, I see you brought your Bible”.
Or....if a member does bring a Bible to church, they bring 15 different versions to be able to follow along with the sermon.
On number 1: Johnny Carson’s before many folks’ time. It ought to be Carson Daly.
11. People go to your church and automatically notice two things: candles and goatees.
If you use your “Free Vial of Miracle Spring Water” to clean your iPod video screen.
You cancel your church picnic because the big name professional football player that was supposed to be there can’t make it to give motivational speech.
You make all your members sign a “covenent” of do’s and dont’s. Now there’s a great combination (Emergent and Legalistic)
Your building budget starts out at 3 million, then goes to six million, but your told the bigger size is “having more faith”
You replace Sunday School with home groups.
You replace Sundat School with “book studies”
Wow, definitly think the emergent church thing is bad now. Cussing, drinking, smoking, weird hair. Is this the Highschool emergent church? Gee, now people can just go to the church instead of a bar, because sounds the same emergent style.
You might be emergent if on the Sunday before Easter when the congregation is asked to wave their palms high, you pull a PDA from your pocket and wave it . . .
then you use the same device to look up the scripture passages in the sermon, take sermon notes and then e-mail them to your brother in Sacramento - all without leaving the sanctuary.
If you believe flower arranging is a spiritual gift
If the invitation song ar the end of service is “The Living Years” by Mike and the Mechanics.
You might be visiting an emergent church if you bring your Bible to service and you are immediately greeted with “you must be visiting, I see you brought your Bible”.
Or....if a member does bring a Bible to church, they bring 15 different versions to be able to follow along with the sermon.
BTW… remember, there’s always a little bit of truth in comedy… hmmmm.
That would funny hmmm not funny hmmmm… lol
If you use your “Free Vial of Miracle Spring Water” to clean your iPod video screen.
You cancel your church picnic because the big name professional football player that was supposed to be there can’t make it to give motivational speech.
You make all your members sign a “covenent” of do’s and dont’s. Now there’s a great combination (Emergent and Legalistic)
Your building budget starts out at 3 million, then goes to six million, but your told the bigger size is “having more faith”
You replace Sunday School with home groups.
You replace Sundat School with “book studies”
Wow, definitly think the emergent church thing is bad now. Cussing, drinking, smoking, weird hair. Is this the Highschool emergent church? Gee, now people can just go to the church instead of a bar, because sounds the same emergent style.
How true it is jade… and that’s just “Might BE” imagine the REAL emergent church… hmmm.
funny hmmm not funny haha....
You might be emergent if on the Sunday before Easter when the congregation is asked to wave their palms high, you pull a PDA from your pocket and wave it . . .
Funny stuff wendi! lol
Might be emergent if you think Deuteronomy is actually a math class for christians to know what Numbers is....
The original post was funny, but some the comments were just plain spiteful and almost hateful. It’s one thing to laugh and make fun of yourself, it’s totally different to rip on a group of people that you don’t understand...or perhaps feel threatened by because they don’t buy into what you believe is the “right way” to do church.
I’m looking forward to next week’s post of “Top Ten Signs You Might Be A Fundamentalist.”
P.S. I do agree that Johnny Carson should be replaced with Carson Daly. Johnny who?
Tim said:
“If you use your “Free Vial of Miracle Spring Water” to clean your iPod video screen.”
Peter Popoff has miracle water for people who want it. Go here:
It’s beyond belief how a guy like this can be allowed on Christian TV!
No joke, he also has a show on “comedy central” also (see his TV listings link).
You might be emergent if:
you place style over substance
you place substance over theology
As a youth pastor,we’ve been blessed by the influence of the Reformers and Puritans. For shizzle.
You might be fundamental if you place theology over an actual relationship with God.
wow, some of those are really ouch.
you might be emergent if:
you really have no idea what “emergent” means but you know you want to communicate truth in some “new” but “old” ways.
you think U2, coldplay and others seem more “Christian” that whatever is playing on the local Christian radio station.
you think theology is cool and believe that Greek, Hebrew and hermeneutics go well with beer, wine and cigars.
you don’t use the word “contemporary” in reference to worship.
you think of old as new.
the coolest piece of clothing you have is an old t-shirt from your dad’s high school.
No, the Carson would definately be Johnny--let’s not confuse “Emergent” with “trendy.” I just got the joke, though---it’s like John Letterman’s Top Ten Lists.... take it from there! However, the Ryan Seacrest hair comment definitely lets me know the author is from mid-America, in this case Nashville. ha ha As a person from Los Angeles, please don’t take your fashion cues from mainstream male talk show hosts. They don’t represent people who are actually from places like Los Angeles and New York (and no, nobody in Orange County calls their homeplace the “OC") and think for yourself when you want to dress yourself. Emergent is about being who God made you, not like some trendy tool on tv.
Anyway, I’m getting too serious…
I do think the Buddhist bookstore joke is a bit out there, though. Let’s not confuse “open-minded” with Universalism. As far as people’s comments go, I think the Starbuck’s one was off because a lot of “Emergent” types would be anti-corporate, and would prefer to meet in a Mom-and-Pop coffee joint, I will take “wierd hair” as a compliment, and no, you would know RIGHT AWAY that a church ISN’T Emergent if they invite a big-name football player to speak at the church picnic. That would be called a Campus Crusade function; totally different philosophy!How about
You Might Be Emergent If:
People ask you if a “Christ-follower” is the same as a Christian, and if a “community of Christ-followers” is the same as a “church”
You forgot to check the film’s rating on the video clip you were going to use as a sermon illustration
You didn’t notice the girl next to you kneeling during worship, ‘cause you had your hands up
You can quote Chrysostom, Wesley, Calvin, Barth, and Bono
You know the difference between chablis and chardonnay
You have a tattoo you don’t regret
Hmmm...I’m not quite sure what “Emergent” means, but it seems bad from what everybody’s knocking...I just wonder what the early church who met in homes would think of the person who thought home groups rather than Sunday School was a bad idea?
Rob said; I just wonder what the early church who met in homes would think of the person who thought home groups rather than Sunday School was a bad idea?
I’m quite sure those early home groups who studied the “Bible” in their homes would be discusted at seeing the replacement of the Bible being taught, to a “book discussion”.
if you think saddleback is something a horse gets after 15 years of being ridden by a cowboy.
It’s a sad state of affairs when we can’t laugh at ourselves - whether we’re emergent, traditional, contemporary, liturgical, charismatic, fundamental, Democrat, Republican, Green, blue, yellow, white, brown, black, rainbow, fuschia (sp?)....
I attended Youth Specialities’ Emergent Church convention in February and made an interesting discovery: “emergent” is pretty much beyond definition. I’ve seen churches defined as emergent that do nothing more than target 20-somethings, have a “house band,” and turn the lights down; and I know other churches defined as emergent that don’t meet on Sunday mornings, think of 20-something as attendance not age, and don’t have music at all.
I learned this one over the weekend from my family members who stayed at our old church that had an emergent hijacking and now act much more like the world.
You might be emergent if, you now think cussing is ok because you are able to “relate” to the world better.
You mightbe emergent if, you now drink because you are able to “relate” to the world better, and that is more important now than not being a stumbling block for a brother, or being a good witness.
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