Orginally published on Thursday, November 06, 2008 at 9:21 AM
by Todd Rhoades
Variety is reporting that the daytime television debut of Bishop T.D. Jakes will take place in fall 2009 following a deal signed between Tribune Broadcasting and CBS Television Distribution. According to Variety Magazine, Tribune Broadcasting has cut a deal with CBS Television Distribution for a fall 2009 daytime talker to be hosted by Bishop T.D. Jakes.
The new show would be seen in all of Tribune's 19 markets, including the key markets of New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. CBS TV Distribution has yet formally to greenlight the show for next year, but the Tribune deal goes a long way toward pushing it to the finish line.
So… good move or bad move for the Bishop? Would you watch?
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There are 15 Comments:
Hmmmmmmm?? I guess only time will tell, curisoty will make me check it once or twice. It could be like NASCAR, watching for the why would I say something like that!
“So… good move or bad move for the Bishop? Would you watch?”
This is likely a good move for the, “bishop.” He would have a larger audience where he could deliver more messages, and promote his brand and name more publicly on secular airwaves. He already admitted on an ABC news program (like Nightline) that he loves advertising Jesus as a product, and this would facilitate those ambitions.
However, I put his title of, “bishop,” in quotes because he promotes the Sybellian / modalist heresy, where he denies an understanding of the Trinity. Due to his beliefs in this, much like with Phillips, Craig, & Dean, I cannot have fellowship with him or welcome him as a brother in Christ until he repents.
So, no, I would probably not be watching this. Especially if it’s being marketed as an Oprah-like show.
no, especially if something like 24 or Lost was on.
I’d be better off watching Girls Gone Wild
If he pushes the “Bishop, I’m here to preach & teach” thing, he’s gonna have problems with his Trinity stance. And it will become more and more of a public issue & stumbling block.
But if he does the typical Hollywood thing and try’s to be the next Dr. Phil/Oprah and not to make it ‘religious’, then he’ll probably promote his brand really well be successful at being an motivational speaker.
Bishop Jakes will touch many lives for the Lord if he does this. I never ceased to be amazed at the willingness of “holier-than-thou” Christians to refuse to accept someone who doesn’t do things like they do. If T.D. has a television program with donations, he is fleecing the flock. If he uses advertising he is being greedy. If he parted the sea he wouldn’t do it right.
I would rather watch the new Sarah Palin show.
And if we are lucky Tina Fey will spoof that too!
TDJ was on Dr. Phil a while back promoting new book by TDJ. This was done under the “suspicious umbrella” of counseling some guests on the show. I don’t think I remember TDJ mentioning anything about Jesus or God.
Does anyone think that CBS will let TDJ make this into a Christian tv show?
Friendship with the world is......
Sounds like the secular world got to him too. All TD cares about is $$$$$. No way that CBS will allow him to talk about Jesus due to the wide variety of viewers. How dare he call himself a Bishop or a preacher for that matter, if he is not going to preach the word of God, then he needs to step down & move to Hollywood. Can’t keep one foot in the world TD.
This will probably be good for T.D. Jakes. One of the things that he’s talked about recently, is being able to remake one’s self, which seems like what he is doing. He seems to be going more mainstream, which is fine, but don’t try to hold the mantle of bishop and motivational speaker. Choose one or the other. I’ve seen him a few times on Dr. Phil and he offers sound advice, but I don’t know, I’m just uncomfortable with his move. It almost seems like he’s trying to have it all. Why not just give up his church and be a full-time motivational speaker?
Good Move or Bad Move?
More like a Stupid Move.
Naah..He’s still miles away from being the real deal.
Good stuff..But he still needs to prove himself on a bigger stage.
Not yet. He still has some way to go.
What an amazing post! I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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