
Tony’s Top Ten Leadership Mistakes

Orginally published on Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 8:41 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Leave it to Tim Steven's to point out Tony Morgan's top ten leadership mistakes. Well, actually, these ten mistakes were actually admitted by Tony and shared at a recent conference. Tim did us all a favor by passing these mistakes along over at his blog, LeadingSmart.com. Take a look at Tony's top ten mistakes. How many have you also been guilty of? And what can you learn from Tony's mistakes?

1.  Hiring Too Fast. Firing Too Slow. Every minute I delay in firing, I take away opportunity for God to work in that person’s life.

2.  Putting Projects before the People. Embrace the tension and find the balance between leadership and shepherding.

3.  Trying to Fix the Problem Rather than the Process. Ninety percent of the time it isn’t a people-problem. It is a process-problem.

4.  Delegating Tasks Instead of Responsibility. It is hard to delegate, because many times I (wrongly) think I’m the only one who can do it right.

5.  Assuming it is Always Black and White. Following rules is a lot easier than trying to deal with relationships.

6.  Not Following my Gut. When we stop listening to God, he stops talking to us (consider the 13-year gap when God stopped talking to Abraham).

Of course, this IS a top ten list… so you can read the others here:  Tim’s LeadingSmart.com.  And, you can get daily wisdom from Tony each and every day at TonyMorganLIVE.com!

So… How many of Tony’s mistakes have you also been guilty of?  And what can you learn from Tony’s mistakes?

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  There are 3 Comments:

  • Posted by Leonard

    Good stuff here, thank for this.

  • Posted by Wayne Cook

    Enjoyed this article...good stuff

  • Posted by Kerry Collins

    Great and good material. MMI really gives me great insights and info. Thanks, keep sending it out.

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