
Top 20 Influential Pastors… from a different perspective

Orginally published on Thursday, January 15, 2009 at 6:23 AM
by Todd Rhoades

You would you label as the most influential pastors in America? Pastor Shirley Caesar? Bishop Noel Jones? Apostle Fred Price? Probably not... at least for me... those people just aren't in my circle of influence... yet they influence thousands, even millions of this countries' African American population. Last week's edition of Gospel Today. The article begins: "Before there can be a revolution, someone has to influence or change the status quo. Such persons often fly under the radar but suddenly appear from behind the shadows of obscurity; they become celebrated for what others were criticized for..." Here are some more of their 20 top influential pastors:

Pastor Shirley Caesar
Bishop Noel Jones
Kirk Franklin
Bishop Walter Thomas
Apostle Fred Price
Dr. Myles Monroe
Pastor Crefalo Dollar
Paul and Jan Crouch
Dr. Bobby Jones
Kenneth Copeland
Dr. A. R. Bernard
Tony Evans
Pastor Rick Warren
Bishop Charles Blake
Pastor Floyd Flake
Bishop Vashti McKenzie

Here’s a link to Gospel Today...

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  There are 16 Comments:

  • Posted by Ben Komanapalli

    I was a little surprised at the list too when i saw it in the magazine but I guess the people listed might not be in the circle of influence for many but on the other side they are in the circle for many too.

    The same goes with people like Bill Hybles, Andy Stanley, Craig Grochelle etc.... There are many people who don’t even know who these people are.

    So it is just different group of people that you are dealing with. It would be interesting to have a list with both groups combined if possible.

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    A couple years ago a survey was done and it found that the name Rick Warren was obscure to most outside of American Evangelicalism. I think the same is true of this list. I only recognize 6 of these names and couldn’t tell you much about the ministries of any of these. This caused me to do a “gut check” on my actual influence. Am I a little fish in a big pond or a big fish in a little pond? Am I content with the influence God has allowed me to have?

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    As an African-American woman in a white church who was raised in a black church, I am familiar with all the names on this list and some of the ones that the other commentors listed.  From my perspective, I guess you could say I’m versed in both “worlds”.

  • Posted by Pauline

    I know of the names Bill Hybles, Andy Stanley, Craig Grochelle and yes even Todd Rhoades because I’ve been intrigued by their kingdom strategies and their success and I have searched them out.

    I know of the other names because they represent the culture that most influences me, I am a part of, I am African American.

    As I look forward to yet another Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration, I contemplate many things. I wonder when we, as a country can turn around what Dr. King once said “"Eleven o’clock Sunday morning is the most segregated hour in America,”

    I wonder too, why so many African Americans willingly attend churches led by a Caucasian Pastor, however very few Caucasians will attend a church pastored by an African American Pastor.

    I think the worlds need to unite rather than collide, I have seen how powerful both worlds are at reaching the lost for Christ. We would leave Satan all but totally impaled if we would but unify.

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    It’s sad that at least a quarter of the people on the list are either heretics or bad teachers.  Then again, “influence,” can be either good or bad.


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    I would say that as far as I’m concerned only two have influenced me personally, Tony Evans and Rick Warren.

    Unless you count negative influence!  And then I would say Paul and Jan Crouch and Kenneth Copeland.

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    Pauline, I often wrestle with the whole “segregated hour” issue in the Church.  Part of me feels as though we won’t ever get rid of that simply because our humanity gets in the way.  People generally have strong preferences around worship styles, music, programming, etc. many of which are culturally based and they are unwilling to sacrifice those things.  That is not necessarily a bad thing, just reality.

  • Posted by Peter Hamm


    I was thinking something similar, although our list and percentage might be different. Also, I’m familiar with about half the list.

    btw, is Kirk Franklin a pastor? I didn’t know that. I know he’s an amazing (and one of my favorites) musician.

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    The sin of segregation will end when we make it end.

    This is already happening in many churches throughout the country. But yes, the (sinful) human tendency to stick with a comfortable crowd makes integrating congregations difficult.

    But with God, all things are possible.

    A first step would be for European-American congregations to read up on the Civil Rights movement, on the history of the oppression of African-Americans in this country, and to do something educational for parishioners on MLK Jr. Day. I can’t believe I had to wait ‘til I went to college to learn the little of the history I know…


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    Apostle ?!! Fred Price?????
    I can’t see it.

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    I have heard of these 11:

    Bishop Noel Jones
    Kirk Franklin
    Apostle Fred Price
    Dr. Myles Monroe
    Pastor Crefalo Dollar
    Paul and Jan Crouch
    Dr. Bobby Jones
    Kenneth Copeland
    Tony Evans
    Pastor Rick Warren
    Bishop Vashti McKenzie

    The level of undiscernment by those who came up with this list is evident by their choices. I saw a video presentation concerning false teachers and 6 on this list were featured on the DVD.  The person who made the DVD is named Justin Peters and he allowed recorded messages of these individuals to speak for themselves. It is frightening what they teach and even more frightening that they would be on a list of “Most Influential.” Ahh, the state of Christianity in America. What a shame!

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    As a pastor whose an American of African Descent I know all the people on that list but I also know many Americans of European Descent such as Bill Hybels, Andy Stanley, Ed Young, David Jeremiah, Chuck Swindoll, and so many more. It’s all about broadening your horizons to hear the gospel from men and women of various “streams” of Christian thought.

    To often though many whites don’t have a clue who among blacks are very well known on the Christian scene, and I believe that, that lack of knowledge keeps us from coming together & and building relationship with each other.

  • Posted by James Owolabi

    As a young african american Pastor in a predominately white congregation in a predominant white domination, I am amazed by how many white conservative evangelical leaders and white theological students of biblical theology are ignorant of the diversity of Leaders and mission movements that God is using across their cities of the world to call the elect to Himself. Thanks Todd, for bringing this list to the attention of our mainly white middle class audience. God bless you.

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    I’m sorry but the color of the individual means nothing to me as much as fidelity to Scripture. Anyone who preaches the Word of God in context and is faithful to rightly divide Scripture will get my undivided attention and support.  The fact that a majority of those listed are African-American means nothing because I can give you twice as many white false teachers and prophets. The fact of the matter is their habit of preaching unbiblical doctrine or as Scripture puts it “...doctrines of devils.”

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    I’ve never let a blog comment post before, but was intriqued by this posting.

    I’m an African American that is well-versed in multiple cultures, etc.

    I am a bit surprised by the comments that some of these teachers are false teachers.

    Many of these individuals are SOLID teachers that transmit their message in a different style than many.  That style is what gets attacked and then mentioned that they are false teachers. 

    By the definition of scripture, a false teacher is one who doesn’t teach the truth.  Whether you are running, dancing, sweating, and singing or simply making a powerpoint presentation - the truth is the truth.  I’d be very careful as a person of influence before I label someone a false teacher.  My words have power!

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    The “style” in which you deliver the message has nothing to do with being a false teacher.  When someone says on Benny Hinn’s “This is Your Day” (that is your first clue) that your prayers are what enable God to act because without them, God can do nothing(Myles Munroe), that makes him a false teacher.

    Creflo Dollar teaches that true believers, if they have faith they’ll never get sick. Interestingly enough, he does this while wearing eye glasses. Also, since God created all things and had them produce after their own kind...therefore dogs make dogs; cows make cows; horses make horses;… and you and I were created by God in His image (after His own kind) that now makes us little gods! Care to defend that teaching?

    Paul and Jan Crouch...I don’t the time to enumerate all their heretical teachings.

    Kenneth Copeland and his wife Gloria have taught that you have the power to rebuke and eliminate bad weather by telling it to go away. (where in Scripture is that taught?) Kenneth said that when you sin and take it to Jesus, He will keep it from the Father so that it will only be between you and Him. In other words, Jesus keeps secrets from God the Father.  He also prophesied in Dallas TX in 1987 that Jesus spoke this through him:  “Don’t be disturbed when people accuse you of thinking you’re God. Don’t be disturbed when people accuse you of a fanatical way of life. Don’t be disturbed when people put you down and speak harshly and roughly of you. They spoke that way of me, should they not speak that way of you?” “The more you get to be like me, the more they’re going to think that way of you. They crucified me for claiming I was God. But I didn’t claim I was God; I just claimed I walked with him and he was in me."Hallelujah. that’s what your doing. (printed in Voice of Victory vol.15.no.2 1987) Need I say more?

    “God can’t do anything in this earth realm except what we, the body of Christ, allow Him to do. Now that statement is so–that’s so–that’s so foreign and so contrary to tradition that, like I said, if they could get their hands on me right now most evangelicals would burn me at the stake and dismember me and feed me to the crocodiles, because they’ll consider that statement to be just heresy.” This quote is from “Apostle” Fred Price (I use the term apostle loosely).  In other words, we are sovereign and God is not.  Is there a Scripture verse that backs up this teaching?  Not to mention that he tells us that Kenneth Hagin is his mentor. Yeah!! This guy is soundly Scriptural!

    Rick Warren’s loose use of Scripture and how he uses it completely out of context to make his points are clearly documented in his best-selling Purpose Driven Life.

    So you are right...by definition these people are not teaching the truth therefore they are false teachers. PERIOD!

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