Orginally published on Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at 12:52 PM
by Todd Rhoades
Here's a resource contributed to MMI by church planter Luke Camera. Luke writes... "As a church planter I have found that the information that I need to know is much different then the information a pastor of an established church must know. This idea extends to books as well. So I have come up with the Top Ten Books a Church Planter must read before anything is started...
These books do not focus on “how” to “do” church, but rather on who you are and discovering and exploiting your strengths. As well as preparing you to handle the attacks of Satan and those around you. Here are my Top 10 Books for Church Planters (Before they Plant) List...
10. Celebration of Discipline By Richard Foster -The best spiritual formation book out there, period.
9. A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards -You better understand the idea of servant leadership.
8. The Pursuit of God by A. W Tozer -Reads like a devotional Kicks like the Holy Spirit.
7. Now, Discover Your Strengths by Marcus Buckingham and Donald Clifton-Written for business people, loved my pastors.
6. Buzz Marketing by Mark Hughes -Especially pay attention to the idea of stories being a medium of change and communication.
5. Wild at Heart by John Eldredge -For the Ladies Do You Think I am Beautiful by Angela Thomas or Captivating by Stasi and John Eldredge.
4. The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren -Only read up to chapter 5, You can read the rest later. Remember you are only learning about yourself, not how to plant a church.
3. Imagine Meeting Him by Robert Rasmussen -A Wonderful Devotion, it is out of print but you can still find used copies out there.
2. Steps to Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey. -You must have a stable financial plan for your household. I promise you Satan loves to attack you through money
1. The Present Future by Reggie McNeal -This one will change the way you think about Church, forever.
Any you would add to the list
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There are 17 Comments:
the best book I have read in relation to church ministry or church planting is the 7 practices of effective ministry. it’s been the most practical book I’ve read on church work in years. i would highly recommend it.
also check out why men hate going to church. these are not on church planting, but are very, very good.
Here are a few additions:
Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard
Conspiracy of Kindness by Steve Sjogren
5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
4 Obsessions of a CEO by Patrick Lencioni
Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren
The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton (not necessarily for Church Planting in particular, but definitely inspiring.)
The Godbearing Life
A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Servants by Shawchuck and Job (a phenomenal devotional guide)
Courageous Leadership by Bill Hybels
I haven’t read, but have heard good things about The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki
I forgot
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
All good choices so far!
An Hour on Sunday by Nancy Beach(for programming)
Everything that Dallas Willard has ever written (for discipleship)
Good to Great by Jim Collins
5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell or Blue Like Jazz or anything else written by Donald Miller for a fresh perspective on God’s work in the world.
Winning With People by John Maxwell to remind you how to get along with people!
something i totally appreciate about your list is that you didn’t focus on books on how to do church, but rather on books that will make people better - better people with healthier connection to the Holy Spirit are going to plant healthier churches. the other books are valuable, certainly. but start with these 10. nice list.
Dan, when I wrote this list I was thinking about the hearts of church planters and pastors. Thanks for “getting” it. I think we start focusing on the church to much instead of ourselves. If the pastor is not taken care of what is he offering the church other then another messed up guy trying to keep his head above the water.
Don’t forget the Bible.
Any and all of Frank Viola’s books.
Organic Church by Neil Cole
Church Without Walls by Jim Petersen
The Market Driven Church by Udo W. Middlemann
Messy Spirituality by Mike Yaconelli
Revolution by George Barna
Books to avoid:
Anything from John Maxwell, Rick Warren and any hyper-leadership related books. They’ll mess your mind up.
I would advoid the Organic Church for now. That book is telling you “how” to “do” church. Not how to BE a church planter. There is a huge difference.
Luke said:
“I would advoid the Organic Church for now. That book is telling you ‘how’ to ‘do’ church. Not how to BE a church planter. There is a huge difference. “
If by “being a church planter” you mean how to start an organization through structures of control and market that organization through mailings, ads, etc., and to have an extravagant multi-media system to “draw them in,” then you’re right, Organic Church is NOT the book for you.
If, however, you’re interested in learning what it means to BE the Church and what it really means to make disciples of Christ (not of the organization) through the simplicity of real relationships, not focusing on sheer numbers of passive butts filling the pews, and you wish to emulate what the Early Church did and how they encouraged each other in this new way of life called “The Way,” then Organic Church is exactly the right book for you.
It is so out of the mainstream of what we have been told is “church planting,” which is actually nothing more thean the same religious pablum that we’ve been fed for generations, and it is so refreshing that it disturbs those still in the “system.”
Buy the book. It’s worth every cent.
Ricky, What I meant was that church planters, or any pastors, need to know who they are first. Then they can start to find books that help them to build up the ministry that the Lord has called them to. My point is that once you know who you are then by all means read books that tell you how to plant a church that fits your personally and your vision.
Now, the Organic Church is a book I have tried to read. Honestly, I did not find anything new in it. So I did not finish it, maybe I put it down to soon.
Thanks for the comments. I do appreciate them.
I’m surprised that I agree on many of your top ten list (6 of 10)!
I would add:
Patrick Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team (essential insight into addressing common issues of working with people)
Andy Stanley’s the 7Practices for Effective Ministry (a MUST FOR EVERYONE GOING INTO MINISTRY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
John Maxwell’s Failing Forward (whether you like Maxwell or not, this is a good read)
John Kotter’s Leading Change (goes right along with GOOD TO GREAT by Jim Collins)
Erwin McManus’ An Unstoppable Force (a MUST READ for stirring your passion and vision for the church)
The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell
Changing Church by Peter Wagner
1. Your Bible--As said above, this should be obvious...but recent stats have shown that most pastors rarely read their Bible outside of sermon prep.
2. Spiritual Leadership by Blackaby--this is THE leadership book most guys should be reading...but it’s not sexy.
3. Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem--this might seem surprising, but most church planters either have poor theology or don’t know theology. If you don’t like Grudem’s reformed bent, read another author...but figure out your theology...otherwise your ecclesiology is going to be tossed by the waves of the sea.
4. Why Men Hate Going to Church by Murrow--someone else mentioned this, but it’s vital if you want to reach the key spiritual influencers in a family (and truthfully, every church planter needs to learn about his own manhood so that he can lead other men).
5. The Revolutionary Communicator by Lokesmoe and Medefind--If you every want to be an authentic preacher and not be the guy who always downloads other guys’ this book.
6. Point Man by Fararr--As mentioned above, a church planter needs to lead the church at home before he can lead the Church in his neigborhood.
7. The Externally focused Church by Rusaw and Swanson--Before you start a church, your heart needs to be BIG for your city.
8. Transformation by Bob Roberts--Before you start a church, your heart needs to be BIG for the entire world.
9. The Journey Towards Relevance--Deals with the Great Commandment/s and does it in practical ways. You have to be a great commandment person to lead a great commandment church.
10. Undaunted Courage by Ambrose--While this is an historical biography of Meriwether Lewis and his venture into the west, his story has many parallels to the life and story of a church planter. Reading something that doesn’t have Zondervan, Navpress, Broadman, etc every once and a while is a good thing.
I love the idea of reading “Undaunted Courage”. I think I even have that laying around the house. I will have to give that a try.
And thanks Jim W. for the 6 out of 10...Now if I could only get my wife to give me those marks.
Ok someone needs to mention “secular” books, The Art of the Start - Guy Kawaski and Good To Great
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