Orginally published on Sunday, July 27, 2008 at 9:49 PM
by Todd Rhoades
As many of you know, I've picked a few fights every now and then when I feel that some of the 'discerning ministry' have crossed the line. Well, it seems that two of my favorite watchdoggie websites are down, at least for now.
The first one is rather sad... and I would ask you to pray for Jim Bulbitz. Jim publishes, and is having some serious health issues. In fact, he needs to have a liver transplant. He shares the news at OldTruth. His health issues will cause him to stop new posts, at least for then next few months. You know, I have disagreed with many of the things (probably most) that Jim has written over the years; and we've gone head to head on more than one occasion. But I can always say this: Jim was always open to dialouge, and always has treated me as a brother rather than a heretic. I appreciate that; and pray for you, Jim, that God will heal you completely.
The second website to go down happened this weekend. This was Ken Silva's "Apprising Ministries" website. Ken, on the other hand, is one of the more hard-nosed, confrontive bloggers I've run across on the net. Here's the short version of this one: Ken wrote a scathing piece on author Richard Abane in 2005 that Abane thought was slanderous. So, Richard contacted Ken's ISP and asked them to remove it from their servers. Ken's ISP looked at the article, and told Ken he'd have to remove that one post, or else they would take his site down complete. Ken, ever the martyr, decided to leave it up; and thus, lost his whole site (although I'm sure they're working frantically to get it back up on another host)...
My read on this one?
Well… I think that Abanes should have probably tried to work with Ken to get the post taken down. I have no doubt that Ken would NOT have taken it down, but it would have been the right first step, rather than going directly to Ken’s web host. And once Ken got the notice from his web host, I think he should have tried to make the compromise happen.
But instead, it’s a big mess… one that’s causing more than a bit of insanity. Ken is crying ‘martyr’ and some of the watchdoggie sites are saying that this ‘first amendment issue’ will cause us all to eventually lose our right to criticize anyone online.
Bottom line: Ken’s article had been on his site since 2005. I really doubt that it was going to do Richard any harm. Plus, Ken’s readers aren’t going to buy Richard’s books, regardless (sorry, Richard!)
You can catch more on this at Richard Abane’s website; or an update over at Lighthouse Trails or Slice of Laodicea. I won’t link to them here, but you can find them easy enough if you’re that interested.
This SO MUCH takes away from everyone who is involved’s effectiveness. I hate that.
Your thoughts?
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There are 266 Comments:
You missed the point of my post Sunday, August 10, 2008 at 11:21 AM.
Let me try to state it using an abbreviated version, in case you failed to read the whole thing. I know sometimes in blogs, we can miss things:
“.... he loves to hunt/peck for just the right damning words out of the mouth of his target of choice, then bases just about EVERYTHING on that one isolated instance—rather than viewing those words against a backdrop of literally thousands of other statements/messages to the contrary. . . . It is highly significant that Rosebrough rarely talks about the myriad of other statements that Warren has made which show him to be WHOLLY orthodox in EVERY way. Relevant statements, messages, comments, and teachings that would reveal Warren’s complete paradigm on the various issues in question (in this case: salvation, sanctification, and eternal rewards, etc.) are relegated to the IGNORE pile.”
This is not apologetics. It’s not discernment. It’s witch hunting. I could probably make 90% of the pastors/teachers in America out to be heretics based on various isolated words, phrases, comments, and poorly worded teachings they have made throughout the years.
One must never—EVER—condemn someone for something based on an isolated teaching, especially one that leaves room for all kinds of mental constructs that exist in the minds of majority of people listening to a particular teacher—in this case Warren.
Herein is where we see what is indeed one of Warren’s weaknesses—he is sometimes rather sloppy in his approach to issues, tends to speak in sound-bites, pushes to make things memorable (sometimes at the expense of accuracy), and usually doesn’t think ahead about how NON-members, who have NOT sat under his teachings might take certain things he says.
I can assure you, not a single member of Saddleback who is to the least degree familiar with Rick would take that teaching to mean what Rosebrough is alleging. Having said that, might someone somewhere might get the wrong idea? Sure. Of course.
But that result is demonstrating a different problem with that teaching (and Warren), rather than the problem being identified by Rosebrough (i.e., that Warren is adding conditions to salvation). Rosebrough, in other words, is misidentifying the problem. And that helps no one.
All of these issues contribute to the discussion of the message in question, and make it a FAR more complex issue than Rosebrough—throughout his giggle-filled radio program—makes it out to be.
R. Abanes
What Abanes is saying is that you can say something scriptural and true in one breath, and something unscriptural and false in the next.
James 3:
1 Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
Thus starts the famous passage on taming the tongue. It’s not just about saying “nice” things.
I must also say that I don’t consider Abanes to be any kind of apologist at all.
The only way he could say less is to keep talking/writing.
I agre with Jim G and am praying for our brother Jim B.
CHRIS P.: What Abanes is saying is that you can say something scriptural and true in one breath, and something unscriptural and false in the next.
RA: ROFL. That’s not what I’m saying.
But whatever.
CHRIS: I don’t consider Abanes to be any kind of apologist at all.
RA: Well, it appears, given my track record, and ongoing projects, that you are among a serious minority. But I do respect your opinion. Truly I do. And I wish you all the best with those authors you do consider to be apologists. There are certainly many good ones out there, and many of them, are indeed far better than me.
Can you please provide us with clear passages of scripture that say that my roles, responsibilities and rewards in heaven will be determined by how well I pass the test of managing my finances and managing my time?
Your pastor said these thing, so they must be true. Why don’t you give us the verses that support his assertions?
At this point, the truth is that you, sir, are simply not worth my time, nor energy.
Throughout my dealings with you publicly, and privately, you do not listen—nor do you even try to listen. You are out to win an argument, fight, and prove a pre-determined point in your head. You falsely (and sadly) think that this is apologetics. It is not.
I would add that you also seem to have, in my personal opinion, a rather large chip on your shoulder, which tends to cloud your reasoning and push you to say and do things that are unwise and inappropriate.
For example, you attempted to pass yourself off as a “professional” apologist at the Phoenix Preacher blog, and only when forced to provide evidence of that declaration regarding yourself, did you admit that you, indeed, are not in any way a professional apologist. So, I would say, stop trying to be one. That is something that you, most definitely, are not.
Proverbs 26:5: “Answer a fool according to his folly, or he will be wise in his own eyes.”
If you are interested, I suggest you look up the notes on this Proverb in the Commentary on the Old Testament by Keil & Delitzsch. It explains the sharpness of my answer. I mean no disrespect. (The Eerdman’s Bible Commentary—one volume—is also most enlightening).
R. Abanes
Richard Abanes,
That was an inappropriate and unChristian response to Chris Rosebrough’s very reasonable request.
Chris asked you for something very simple and very reasonable and you didn’t answer him. Instead, your response was very defensive and rude.
I for one would like to see you produce the verses that back up Warren’s claims that our heavenly rewards are going to be based upon how well we pass the tests of managing our money and time. you can’t deny that your pastor said those things so i think it is more than reasonable for you to give the biblical support for those statements.
Maybe the reason that you got defensive and attacked Chris is because you can’t produce the verses that support your pastors statements because they aren’t in the bible.
Friend, there is a history here—both public and private—between Chris and I that you are not aware of. That history, which you are not part of, made my comments appropriate.
I ask for your understanding since Chris and I have had interactions that you are not privy to. My responses, given that interaction, were neither defensive, nor rude—although I can see how you might think otherwise.
There is far more to my response than meets the eye.
thank you,
Richard Abanes,
You say that you are a professional but i don’t think your behavior is very professional. now you are trying to justify your bad behavior and you keep ignoring the more important issue which is providing the verses that back up your pastors claims that our heavenly rewards are going to be based upon passing a financial management test and a time management test. why do you keep avoiding that issue?
Chris Rosebrough is acting more like a professional than you are. your actions make me want to hear more of what he has to say.
I respect your opinion and wish you the best. I bear no hard feelings against Chris, and wish him the best as well.
peace in him,
Chiming in on this change in conversation…
“One must never—EVER—condemn someone for something based on an isolated teaching, especially one that leaves room for all kinds of mental constructs that exist in the minds of majority of people listening to a particular teacher—in this case Warren.”
You are absolutely right. We have all said erroneous stuff at one time or another, and if those few isolated instances were the basis for evaluation of our complete ministry, that would lead to some grossly incorrect interpretations. Just like if one sin shaped the definition of our lives.
Unfortunately, just about every time I have heard Warren speak, read one of his books, or gone through one of his PD programs, I have found a consistent quantity of erroneous teaching. I routinely hear Scripture taken out of context, an incorrect presentation of the Gospel, or just plain wrong teaching. I don’t see it as simple, “sloppiness,” or, “speaking in soundbites,” but some serious problems with his doctrine and theology.
Going back to an earlier post you said, I believe part of the reason Warren is so polarizing is because of the widespread use and effects of his programs. He has claimed proudly that, on average, 1 in 10 churches have used things from Saddleback in their teaching. With so profound an effect, if his teaching is wrong (as Chris, others, and I believe to be), this prolific utilization definitely brings a cause for concern.
CS: ..... but some serious problems with his doctrine and theology.
RA: CS, I greatly appreciate your comments. Warren’s “doctrine and theology” are sound. What leaves much to be desired, IMHO, involves:
- his politics (due to my personal views of politics as they relate to the Kingdom of God);
- broad generalizations about how Christianity can change a person’s life;
- a personal perspective of the Christian life that at times is very limited (i.e., his frame of reference is that of a person raised in white America in a Christian family);
- questionable interpretations of select passages of scripture;
- use of less than admirable Bible translations (personally, I loathe “The Message");
- use of sound-bites that over-simplify some complex issues/topics/points
- use of language that can, for those who are unfamiliar with his broader teachings, lead to a wrong impression of his stand on certain issues (a case in point being this money message in question);
- his distilling down of the complexities of a Christian’s life into easy, numbered steps that are supposed to work for everyone....
These and other issues would be legitimate criticisms. They are marks of a person who is human. They are not indicative of a person who can be labeled a heretic or false teacher. He is doctrinally and theologically sound. He is NOT perfect. And he would be the first to admit that.
R. Abanes
Thanks for your reply. It gave me a smile to see that you loathe The Message as well.
I see the same problems as you have listed above, plus a few more. Those items aren’t, “much to be desired,” in my mind, but underscore the doctrinal and theological problems present. Things like, “questionable interpretations of select passages of scripture,” and, “broad generalizations about how Christianity can change a person’s life,” aren’t minor issues.
We may have to agree to disagree here.
Hey Brian,
hey I have heard people use bulldog positively.
apparently you haven’t noticed the scriptural criticism that is everywhere on the web. Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh at all or does a little satire get your panties in a wad?
Sure would be nice if the men had more gumption and less tendency to whine and cry than the women around here.
btw I can think of plenty of very harsh Scripture used against hypocrites and false teachers. What’s your point? Do you have a problem with only noticing the Scriptures that support your point of view?
Mr Abanes, right back atcha.
CHRIS: I don’t consider Abanes to be any kind of apologist at all.
RA: Well, it appears, given my track record, and ongoing projects, that you are among a serious minority.
Read “The Fallacy Detective, chapter 3, subheading “Appeal to the People”
or just go here:
I also seem to remember quite a few Bible stories that have this minority vs majority theme. Hmm....
Nice work.
Abanes is a self promoter just like his uncle Rick..
BTW you brought up the “remnant thing” anjd according to the post-modern pundits, God doesn’t do that anymore.
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