
What did you EXPECT?

Orginally published on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 7:30 AM
by Leonard Lee

What did you EXPECT? Over the years I have developed certain expectations. I expect my service at a restaurant to be excellent. I expect my car to start when I get into it each morning. I expect my kid’s to get along most of the time. I expect my dog to come when I call her. Nothing spectacular, nothing life changing, just some expectations I have embraced over the years. I am sure I have many, many more but these are just a few. Last Sunday two teen girls came to our church for the first time. Neither of these girls walked into our church in possessions of a life changing friendship with Christ and neither expected to leave with one. But as we worshiped, as we loved them and each other, as the word of God was opened, God did something in these girls’ lives that caused them to surrender their lives to Christ. The friend who brought them said, I am so surprised, I just didn’t expect it...

In my heart I thought, “why not?” Why didn’t you expect the love of God to break through?  Why didn’t you expect the power of the Gospel to penetrate the unsuspecting soul?  Why didn’t you expect the Jesus we love and serve to become their friend?  Why didn’t you expect the Holy Spirit to draw these two high School students to the Savior?  Why didn’t you expect that Christians worshipping God and loving each other was a compelling enough invitation to know Jesus Christ?

Most of the Christians I know who share Christ do not expect a life to change, but they are mildly optimistic.  We too often cringingly share Christ, sheepishly invite people to church and hem and haw at opportunities when we should be saying, “I know SOMEONE who can help.” In other words we know what God can do, were just not sure He will.  We know what God wants to do, we just not sure He is going to. 

Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.” These are words that drip with expectation.  He is saying, when someone plants and someone waters… GOD DOES SOMETHING.  All farmers have this expectation.  They get the sequence.  Plant, Water, Grow.  They know they plant and water and then wait with EXPECTATION.  Jesus told us the same thing when he said, the fields are white and ready… Go harvest.  Expect a harvest. 

What would happen if everyone who knows Jesus suddenly thought; Wow, I have the gospel and it is the power of for salvation.  I EXPECT when I share it something in the realm of the eternals is happening and God is bringing His power to bear upon the hearts of people trapped in darkness, I EXPECT Him to win.  Would having this expectation alter how often we share Christ with others?  Would having this expectation alter how we bring people to church?  Would having this expectation help define and clarify our role in the process? 

For myself, when I EXPECT God to do something in someone’s life I see opportunities for God to show up as opposed to people who would never believe.  When I EXPECT God to do something in someone’s life, my prayer life is more focused on God and His will being done here on earth than my needs being met.  When I EXPECT God to do something in someone’s life I see my role as to either plant or water and then to trust fully God will cause growth.  When I EXPECT God to do something in someone’s life I forget what I might have to lose in sharing Christ and develop a passion for what others might have to gain.  When I EXPECT God to do something in someone’s life my I am less surprised by what God does and grow continually more and more amazed by who He is. 

For discussion:  What do you expect to happen when you share Christ?  Do you ever find yourself optimistic instead of hopeful?  What do you do to lead others to develop a real expectation that God will indeed show up in someone’s life?

About the author:  Leonard Lee a regular commenter here at MMI.  He is also a church planter and a veteran of over 25 years of ministry.  He is married to his best friend and they have two awesome kids.  He currently pastors Bayside of Central Roseville and loves to hunt, fish and play.

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