Orginally published on Monday, October 03, 2005 at 8:25 AM
by Todd Rhoades
I just returned from the Innovative Church Conference last Thursday and Friday at Granger Community Church. What a great conference! I wanted to share some comments from Pastor Mark Beeson from the first session. Mark’s topic was "What Do You Believe About Your Ministry?" It was a great talk. Mark told us that as church leaders, we must ask ourselves three questions. Our answers to those three questions will determine largely the extent of the results of our ministry…
OK... here's the first question:
1. Do You Really Believe That People Need the Church?
What is the purpose of the church? How do you view the church? If the church is not something worthwhile that God pours his blessing into, and works through, then why even be a part of it? In order to be successful in church ministry, you must have a high view of the church.
2. Do You Really Believe That Your Days Are Numbered?
If you think you have all the time in the world to reach your community, then there is no urgency. God only gives us so many days and years to accomplish his purpose for us. That makes each day and each minute important. Here's what Mark had to say about urgency:
"I don?t have time to play church. My days are numbered. Life is brief. Then I tell people, ?Your life is precious. You don?t have time to play church. You need to make your life count.?
For some reason, this point really hit home for me. Somehow, I think many church leaders and churches have lost our sense of urgency.
I remember an informal Sunday School poll at one of the churches I've served at over the years. The question was... "How long do you think it will be before Christ returns?" 90% of everyone in the classroom felt that Christ's return would be at least 50 years away. (And a good share of them lived like it). There was no sense of urgency.
The truth is... we don't have all the time in the world. Even if Christ doesn't return for another 50 years, we may not make it that long. As a matter of fact, none of us know how long we have to serve Jesus. We'd better make it count. Just over the weekend, I found out that a precious 3 year old girl in my family was diagnosed with Leukemia. Her future is uncertain today. But so is ours. And we need to make every moment count.
3. Do You Really Believe that God is Working and That You are Doing God's Work?
Do you have a real sense that God is working through you? If so, you are doing God's work. What greater calling can there be than that?
Do you need to re-think your thinking this morning about your ministry? Is the church important? Are your days numbered? Is God working through you? Are you doing God's work? Then, let's get to it! Today is important. So is the next hour; and the next 15 minutes. Let's make them count!
(Tony Morgan has blogged his notes from this years Innovative Church Conference. They are well worth the read. You can catch them all here!)
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There are 23 Comments:
I know my days are numbered. Having served in the U.S. Army for 20 years, I had the mentality that I was raising up my replacements. I knew I would leave the military with a certificate one day (discharge or death) - life is like that. One day I will leave. I don’t know when I will leave or when Christ will return.
The challenge is not for me to act this way. The challenge I find is getting the congregation to believe and act on that belief. Until a church can grasp that issue, then there will be a great surprise in Heaven when the Lord calls it to account.
In many churches I suspect faithful pastors are working their hearts and souls out to exhaustion as they strive to communicate in both word and deed that Christ could come any moment. Some churches get it and some don’t.
Just my thoughts.
Dan Moore
Right now my ministry is stagnant, because I’m not sure what to be when I grow up.
I do love the ministry. I love the contact with the people. It’s important for me to know that I am there when they need me.
My husband is also ordained clergy. We are not currently serving a church, but over the last two days, we have taken stock of what is going on in our lives and we feel God’s movement. And, you know when God starts moving you need to be prepared to start running. That is the feeling I love.
Working with the Lord is the most important thing I have done in my life. Knowing and believing that he called me, Joyce, to share with him in his work, is humbling. I do find it hard some time to understand what it is that God “saw” in me that made him believe in me. I’m glad he did.
My ministry is to do the Lord’s work, however he may guide me. He will make the choices for me and he will prepare me to fulfill the job. God is awesome.
I’d like to present the other side of limited time. I think that sometimes leaders (especially the under 35 crowd), act with such a sense of urgency that they treat the people in their church like expendable commodities instead of people to be lead. We are leaders, which means that it is out job to bring people along with us. If we don’t bring people along, that’s our problem, not theirs. Especially in settings where we are transitioning/leading established churches. urgency is powerful. But let us not be so urgent that we are also arrogant.
This is where the other points come in...if God is leading through us, then we can rest in His leadership of us and His church. Things may not happen as quickly as I would like, but he’s still working.
Through my bible study and prayer it has been coming to me more and more that we do need to redeem the time, for our time is limited. We need to act in our lives what we proclaim that we beleive in our hearts.
Further it has been coming to me that it is far too easy to be false prophets, proclaiming “Peace, peace” when there is no peace.
God calls us to be holy as He is holy. We claim that we want to live with God and be like Him, but without changing our daily lives. This cannot be. We must live just what we believe.
The article ("What Do You Believe About Your Ministry") —Good, thought-provoking, challenging stuff. I’m going to share it with my staff tomorrow. Thank you! Pastor Duane Seitz
I’m just wondering if “urgency” and “hurry” are the same thing? Is God in a hurry? If He is, why doesn’t it seem like it? If things are “urgent” then God better get with it.
I’ve been in ministry for 25+ years and have always been in a hurry because I thought I didn’t have much time. I’ve stayed stressed out and impatient because of the “urgency.” Most of the time it seems to me that I’m the only one in a hurry! My family, my health, and probably my sanity have all suffered because of urgency.
Careful about this urgency may put you in an early grave and/or alienate the ones you love. Life and ministry is not going to happen at the pace you want it to.
I am not lazy, nor negligent; I have goals and purpose, I’m accomplishing things and headed somewhere and leading the way. But urgency? I don’t know. I think the better word might be “fervency,” or “passionate,” or “focused...”
Faithfulness, balance, confidence in God...Believe this: God can do more in one day than you can in a lifetime of urgency!
“Is God in a hurry?”
Absolutely not!
To say otherwise is to say that God doesn’t know when “it” is all going to end. He’s not some coach on the sidelines looking at the game clock and biting His nails wondering if He’ll get the ball again.
He owns the ball (i.e., earth)!
I find that when people say that urgency is needed in ministry, it is just a ploy to ramrod THEIR goals down the throats of people who may just want to enjoy building relationships, which takes a lifetime.
Sorry, but to say that God operates on the same plane as we do and is confined by time constraints, as we are, is to misrepresent His character and purpose for His creation.
By the way, Chuck, excellent post.
I believe God speaks to me through many sources, and one of which is circumstances in my life. When I don’t seem to be where God wants me, he teaches me.
2 years ago I was not following God’s plan. I was reading my Bible daily, I was attending church weekly, and I thought I was giving my all to God. I didn’t realize this until I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and God taught me my life must not just be a picture of Christianity, I must feel God with me and allow others to see God through me.
Church is so important to celebrate God with others on a weekly basis. To gather with your Christ family. And yes there is urgency in ministry. We don’t live forever, and we don’t know when God will call us home. I want to bring as many people as I can to know Christ, not by force, but by living a life that exemplifies God’s greatness!
Ricky said,
“I find that when people say that urgency is needed in ministry, it is just a ploy to ramrod THEIR goals down the throats of people who may just want to enjoy building relationships, which takes a lifetime.”
What a cynical view, Ricky. But I’m not suprised. You’ve obviously been hurt in the past. It shows.
It doesn’t change the premise though: Time is short. Doesn’t mean anyone ramrods anything or anyone. But we do have to use our time wisely.
Ricky said,
“I find that when people say that urgency is needed in ministry, it is just a ploy to ramrod THEIR goals down the throats of people who may just want to enjoy building relationships, which takes a lifetime.”
I’ve heard my pastor say, “I don’t want to spend my time arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.” How can we be content to *just enjoy building relationships* while people all around us are dying without Christ? If we don’t have a sense of urgency about that, then we’ve lost our focus. That’s not to say we don’t build relationships, but if that’s ALL we are doing then we’re arranging deck chairs, oblivious to the screams of those dying around us.
Having been in ministry for 20 plus years and having done this from many different flavors and styles, everything comes back to some very simple principles that are really brought home in the original post.
When we value what God values and love what God loves, we really experience Great things in the Kingdom. I have found that when I was doing all that I did (with urgency, focus, passion, etc) from the standpoint of trying to “please” God. I became stressed out, burned out and worn out. (I’m not suggesting this is any other posters position, I’m simply sharing my journey.)
But when the reality that Jesus had brought peace between me and God, He loves me totally, and that my serving Him was out of expressing that Great Love. Then I began to realize that it was not my responsibility to “fix” everybody. (my congregation, etc). But if I was consumed with Loving what God loves…then I could accept people where they were and lead them into the arms of a God that knew exactly how to handle their issues. I understood that I could not do for people what only God can do.
From there I could focus on equipping people to fulfill what they were created to do. We could focus on building leaders that would equip others. And from there we could really begin to impact our community for God.
First: God Loves His Son. Everything we do should express that Love for Jesus that is in our hearts.
Second: God Loves His Church. He made the way for us to become His people and brought us together as what He calls “the church”. We are in Love with the House of God. We’re family, we can work through anything.
Third: God Loves the Lost. John 3:16 says it all.
This has been such revelation in my life…stuff I always knew, but it had not become rooted in my heart.
Ministry has changed drastically from there for me. We just baptized over 200 people two weeks ago. And that has been the case every quarter this year. We have more people connected in a group than ever in our churches short 7 year history. More people are serving God in various ways than we have ever seen. And I am convinced it’s simply because God has worked on our hearts and we have fallen in Love with what I listed above. We measure everything by these three things; is what we are doing expressing what we say we believe. If not, we stop doing things that way.
There is definitely and urgency. People are dying everyday without Christ. In a Hurry? Absolutely. People are dying everyday without Christ! My brothers and sisters in Christ, Yes, it is an urgent matter, and Yes, we better HURRY up and find out what our focus is, and with fervency and dedication reach the lost at all costs. Whatever the term we use, we need to be about our Father’s business. We need to Love Everyone, Preach the Gospel and Make Disciples. It may be stressful, it’s definitely challenging, but remember that HE is our Peace, and HE gives us Strength. I am confident of this very thing that HE who has done begun this work will be faithful to complete it. R U A Part?
Strategy and urgency go together in this discussion. I know many church planters and pastors and most of them seem to be “heart attacks waiting to happen.” My pastor just had one as a matter of fact. His wife just died too. If I asked him if urgency should have taken the place of his wife in the days before cancer, I imagine that he would say, “Absolutely not.” Why? Because I saw more people at his wife’s funeral than I have ever seen in his church. The whole community was changed because of the passionate love that he shared with his wife. His lifestyle, marraige, and example were greater instruments than all of the hours of ministry that he urgently did.
Hidden Agendas
Ministry is filled with Hidden Agendas. Massively filled with them when it comes to younger, transitional leaders. They amass churches that are really cool- but filled with people who usually aren’t getting the point. These ministers urgently build kingdoms that aren’t built on the real principles of life that are eternal and will be there from day to day, even in eternity. Thats why a sense of strategy is so vitally important. We must ask our selves, “As ministers are we rushing towards a heart attack to build something that has nothing to do with our original intents, or are we strategically using our time wisely to leave an indelible legacy?”
I think this is exactly what the article was about.
Preston, good post, and that’s what I was trying to point at. Our urgency adds nothing to God.
Ricky, maybe you have been hurt by somebody else trying to make their priorities your priorities, or something, I don’t know. But I do notice that you strike a very sensitive nerve when you challenge anybody’s sense of urgency. It’s perhaps somewhat akin to challenging someone’s sincerity…
Peter, I appreciate your zeal, man, but if you really are practicing what you’re saying, what in the world are you doing wasting time typing posts on this blog? Hmmm…
Please understand that I don’t believe in WASTING time, unless I am doing it on purpose
but if you follow thru with your supposed response to “people are dying everyday without Christ” (Peter said it twice!) please let me know how that plays out where that ends for you.
Just how urgent is it? I mean, are you going without sleep, without mealtime, etc. How much superfluous stuff is in your life (golf, hobbies, tv, blogs, etc.). Do you ONLY do that which is urgent--if not, shame on you!
I mean, come on, if we have to hurry up and it’s so urgent, then log off and get out there and git after it!
Well, gotta go now, there’s an urgent need to go pastor this church!
I agree with Ricky in that God does know whats going on with His creation, but we mush have an urgency about proclaiming Christ to a lost world filled with people who don’t know how much time they may have to nake that decision
When it comes to urgency, I often feel that we get our time frame mixed with God’s. God tells us He will bless the children of a righteous man who obeys Him for a thousand generations. When was the last time you considered that your actions will have an effect on the next 20,000 years and within 30-40 generations will cover the earth. I believe that with the desire to grasp urgency we can miss God’s heart altogether. I have been considering the effect of a well executed, reproducing cell group ministry - and the effect is amazing in the long run. Most simply don’t have the patience in America to wait for it to reach the maturity of thousands and millions. Urgency is good, as long as it is always balanced with quality, exellence, and God’s perspective.
I enjoyed all three of the questions. It is of the utmost importance that we as believers live every day as if Christ is coming right now. We don’t have time to continue to play the religous games. The word of God is very specific, about his return, and that he’s coming back for a church without a spot or wrinkle or any such blemish. We are cleaned through the word. We need to give Hollywood back it’s antics and take the church to Hollywood, and the streets.
It’s time to get down to serious business. Prayer and fellowship with God and each other is the beginning. We need to stop be self rigtheous and be self reliant on Jesus Christ.
There is such much I could say regarding this matter, but I want. We recently had a prayer vigil. Only five people came. That is sad. lChronicles 7:14 lets us know how important prayer is for this world. I was very sorrowful to see the carelssness of the people. Some of us talk a ggod game, but don’t follow through witht the serve.
His Servant,
Evangelist Elaine Capers
I know that I am coming to this discussion late, but I was busy yesterday spending most of my time in the hospital with a hurting church member. Consider one thing: According to Genesis, God made the stars, moon, etc. for MAN to know the times and the seasons. He told Moses that He was the “timeless,” God of the ever-presnet. God knows nothing of time nor its restraints - He has no calendar and no watch. Heaven is not run on a TIME schedule. Consider removing the element of time from OUR considerations (theology, ministry, etc.) and see if doing so does not revolutionize our viewpoints and perhaps make them just a bit more like God’s manner of thinking.
I know that I am coming to this discussion late, but I was busy yesterday spending most of my time in the hospital with a hurting church member. Consider one thing: According to Genesis, God made the stars, moon, etc. for MAN to know the times and the seasons. He told Moses that He was the “timeless,” God of the ever-presnet. God knows nothing of time nor its restraints - He has no calendar and no watch. Heaven is not run on a TIME schedule. Consider removing the element of time from OUR considerations (theology, ministry, etc.) and see if doing so does not revolutionize our viewpoints and perhaps make them just a bit more like God’s manner of thinking.
I know that I am coming to this discussion late, but I was busy yesterday spending most of my time in the hospital with a hurting church member. Consider one thing: According to Genesis, God made the stars, moon, etc. for MAN to know the times and the seasons. He told Moses that He was the “timeless,” God of the ever-presnet. God knows nothing of time nor its restraints - He has no calendar and no watch. Heaven is not run on a TIME schedule. Consider removing the element of time from OUR considerations (theology, ministry, etc.) and see if doing so does not revolutionize our viewpoints and perhaps make them just a bit more like God’s manner of thinking.
How do you get them to shut off their T.V.’s and get at the task at hand? Isn’t that the Pastors responsibility? You have to build credibility and trust into your ministry and that isn’t something you do overnight! It works the same for those who are out there evangelizing (those whom you have been successful at equipping). It takes time to build credibility and trust to those they are leading to the Lord. Jesus didn’t surround himself with a 100 disciples but rather 12. He equipped them to carry the gospel to others. If we are faithful to do all God calls us to then His will is going to be accomplished. With or without that sense of urgency. I would rather take my time and trust God to take care of that aspect of reality or life or eternity whatever you want to call it. God is in control and all who will be saved will be saved according to His will. I just want to make sure I am being obedient and doing all he asks me to. I think the first thing He is telling me to do is shut off the T.V. and get out there and be His hand extended and to teach others to do the same. Urgency? Maybe. But I would rather be moved because my heart is breaking at the thought of people slipping into hell rather then an emotion driving me to fulfill some legalistic standard. ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^
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