What’s Up With Some Pastors and Church Signs?
Orginally published on Friday, September 09, 2005 at 2:36 PM
by Todd Rhoades
Another pastor/church causing controversy with a church sign: "New Orleans is the Modern Sodom & Gommora" I ask… why? It reminds me again of something Rick Warren said at the Leadership Summit a couple of weeks ago… something to the effect that the body of Christ many times has lost it’s arms and legs; and all that is left is a mouth that spews forth everything Christians are against…
Am I the only one who gets upset when someone does something like this that only serves to reinforce the stereotype that many in our world already have about Christianity? Argh.
Here's some additional information from DublD:
All over America, people are responding to aftermath of Katrina with compassion and fervor. In my home town, that same spirit of kindness and caring prevails. Yet, in our great nation there are definitely those who wish to use this catastrophe for political gain or a chance to pass judgement. And again, my hometown is no exception.
The pastor of Woodland Hills Baptist Church placed a message on their marquis, saying "New Orleans is the modern day Soddom & Gommora". Pastor Wiley Bennet has been confronted by some people in our town regarding the judgmental statement, and has refused to change the sign.
Honestly, if God had planned to destroy a city and its people, I seriously doubt He would allow most of the inhabitants to evacuate. If God were to pass down His righteous judgement on a particular city, I think it would be more like what happened at Sodom & Gomhorra; more sudden & decisive - complete vanquishment.
I believe that God is sovreign, so in fact He does have control over the earth, its waters and winds. The root of the disturbances that take place, indeed the root of all evil, is humanity's sin. Since the time of Adam, the world has been an imperfect place because of sin, and until the time of Jesus' return, it will be. I think God does allow catastrophe as a means to get the attention of His people. Just consider the statistics; church attendance increased dramatically after 9/11, and I would suspect that this happened (is happening) again after Katrina. It seems only "natural" for people to turn to God in times of crisis. However, I don't think God allows catastrophe as a cause for individuals to pass judgement, and certainly not as a cause for political propaganda, but as a cause for introspection, even repentance. The Bible says that there is none righteous, so how can any of us pass judgement on another without passing it on ourselves also? Yet we do find ourselves pointing fingers and looking for someone to blame.
Church member Randy Hays tried to minimize the damage of the words on the marquis by saying that pastor Bennett was (just) trying
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There are 30 Comments:
We are to have the mind of Christ. King Jesus spoke directly about current tragic events:
Luke 13
Repent or Perish
1Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. 2Jesus answered, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? 3I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. 4Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? 5I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”
6Then he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any. 7So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?’
8” ‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. 9If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’ “
*shaking my head in dismay*
It has been said that every village has its share of idiots… the “village idiots”, if you will.
The church has them too, and pastors and churches that put up signs like that let their true nature shine through. The problem for the rest of us is that the media more often than not shines the spotlight on the village idiots, rather than the ones who are actually reaching out with Christ’s compassion and accomplishing His mission.
We need to pray for pastors like that as much or more than the ones who have been hurt by the storm. We need to either pray that God changes their hearts or gets them out of the way for the rest of the church.
*still shaking my head in dismay*
Beneath His Mercy,
Somebody in that town needs to go show some righteousness and take the sign down… put a full page ad in the paper that says--
He does not speak for us the people of God, nor for God period. Don’t apologize for his screwy views, just make sure that people know that he is not the mouth piece of God.
Too bad for that town....
Very sad indeed!
Sometimes we need to “pray today and fight tonight” for the right things… Somebody in the name of Christ, take the sign down.
I drove by this church sign the other day:
“If you love Jesus Tithe! - anyone can honk.”
I still am smiling.
As with the other sign you referenced, our job isn’t to condemn but to “make disciples of all nations.” We often forget that “those disciples” are going to start out as good old fashioned sinners, just like we did! I am grateful that those around me when I was in sin, didn’t call me names but introduced me to the NAME of names!
Where does this guy get the authority to say such things? Did he get special revelation from God indicating that this was an act of judgment on New Orleans? If not, he should be stoned for making a false prophesy. Not really stoned, but speaking on behalf of God when God hasn’t spoken is dangerous territory, and a grievous sin.
What’s sadder to me is that the church today has allowed idiots like this pastor to be our spokespersons. We aren’t actively pursuing the community with an attempt to reclaim the reputation of Christ from these false representatives of what the cause of Christ stands for. Instead, we get lost in the holy huddle until a crisis situation comes, and then it’s too late for us to claim our reputation above these idiots who want to post polemic idiocy on their church signs for the world to read.
I can’t help but think if the church was more active and overt in its mission, when guys like this pastor do their thing, the world would realize that he isn’t a spokesperson for me or the rest of evangelical Christianity.
If nothing else, this just reinforces my hatred of church signs. Don’t ever put one up, because then you have to come up with creative things to say on them…
I just have to wonder what the purpose of the marquis is...do they hope to reach the lost with that sign? Or are they hanging out in their office laughing about how cute there little saying was. I actually saw a sign a while back that said, “If you think it’s hot out here, it is going to be much hotter in hell.”
Unfortunately every non believer that drives by these signs will have one more confirmation of their stereotype of Christians as “turn or burn”, Bible Beating clueless nutcases. Sometimes I can’t help but agree with them.
This website and this article was brought to my attention due to the fact that a person told me about this because I personally know Wiley Bennett. There is no finer man that loves God than Wiley does.
I agree that God is trying to get America’s attention. We have “prettied up” sin and everything goes as long as we love each other. True, after 911 America, as a nation, did increase in church attendance. It lasted awhile and again begin to dimish.
As far as calling Wiley a village idiot, that is a low blow. Wiley, had a successful career. During that time before his retirement, he prepared himself for the ministry by going to seminary. He took early retirement and came back to Tyler to begin as pastor of Woodland Hills. At the time my husband and I joined his church, there were more rabbits in the parking lot than people. There were 24 people there. In a short time, there was a full house. WHY? Because he had such a heart of compassion, that he reached out to the people. Check out the number of people that he has led to the Lord and baptized.
So before you completely trash this man, make an appointment and go by and visit with him. You WILL be blessed. And before you totally disregard church signs, remember there are tons of people that are inspired by them.
After the church sign was installed, many people would stop by and call telling Bro. Wiley just how touched they were by reading his signs.
Why the recent tragedy, I don’t know. I have given up trying to figure out God a long time ago. HIS WAYS are not my ways, nor HIS THOUGHTS my thoughts. My job is to TRUST.
Wiley made a statement. He is entitled to do that. He DID NOT say that was why God caused or allowed the hurricane. But even if he had, it does not take away from the fact that New Orleans is known for its sinful way of life.
There are very good people in New Orleans, people that love God. Yet, there are also people that openly shake their fist in the face of God by their lifestyle.
As far as the ministry of Woodland Hills church, they are very devoted to mission efforts.
All these comments remind me of the news media today. Everyone jumps on the bandwagon to “stone” them before all the truth is known.
In closing, let me say that whether Wiley used what you would term “politically correct” wording in the “religous world”, I do not know. BUT where would you be or where would I be had we not had John, the Baptist, crying in the wilderness, REPENT!!
John was not popular, but he preached the truth. Wiley preaches the truth. Yet he is a very humble man.
We no longer live in Tyler, we left there in 1982, but we keep up with the ministry of Woodland Hills Baptist Church. We have known Wiley Bennett since the 60s. We attended church with him and his wife when they became Christians. Then we became members of his small church when he came back to Tyler in the early 80s.
Again, until you KNOW this man, don’t condemn him. He is very true to the Word, to his congregation and to HIS LORD.
This website and this article was brought to my attention due to the fact that a person told me about this because I personally know Wiley Bennett. There is no finer man that loves God than Wiley does.
I agree that God is trying to get America’s attention. We have “prettied up” sin and everything goes as long as we love each other. True, after 911 America, as a nation, did increase in church attendance. It lasted awhile and again begin to dimish.
As far as calling Wiley a village idiot, that is a low blow. Wiley, had a successful career. During that time before his retirement, he prepared himself for the ministry by going to seminary. He took early retirement and came back to Tyler to begin as pastor of Woodland Hills. At the time my husband and I joined his church, there were more rabbits in the parking lot than people. There were 24 people there. In a short time, there was a full house. WHY? Because he had such a heart of compassion, that he reached out to the people. Check out the number of people that he has led to the Lord and baptized.
So before you completely trash this man, make an appointment and go by and visit with him. You WILL be blessed. And before you totally disregard church signs, remember there are tons of people that are inspired by them.
After the church sign was installed, many people would stop by and call telling Bro. Wiley just how touched they were by reading his signs.
Why the recent tragedy, I don’t know. I have given up trying to figure out God a long time ago. HIS WAYS are not my ways, nor HIS THOUGHTS my thoughts. My job is to TRUST.
Wiley made a statement. He is entitled to do that. He DID NOT say that was why God caused or allowed the hurricane. But even if he had, it does not take away from the fact that New Orleans is known for its sinful way of life.
There are very good people in New Orleans, people that love God. Yet, there are also people that openly shake their fist in the face of God by their lifestyle.
As far as the ministry of Woodland Hills church, they are very devoted to mission efforts.
All these comments remind me of the news media today. Everyone jumps on the bandwagon to “stone” them before all the truth is known.
In closing, let me say that whether Wiley used what you would term “politically correct” wording in the “religous world”, I do not know. BUT where would you be or where would I be had we not had John, the Baptist, crying in the wilderness, REPENT!!
John was not popular, but he preached the truth. Wiley preaches the truth. Yet he is a very humble man.
We no longer live in Tyler, we left there in 1982, but we keep up with the ministry of Woodland Hills Baptist Church. We have known Wiley Bennett since the 60s. We attended church with him and his wife when they became Christians. Then we became members of his small church when he came back to Tyler in the early 80s.
Again, until you KNOW this man, don’t condemn him. He is very true to the Word, to his congregation and to HIS LORD.
Lavelle comments that this Pastor was making a statement and he has that “right”...he needs a blog so he can make all the “statements” that he wants without dragging the church into into it.
Wiley - leave the church sign to worship times and your web address
and get a blog- I am sure Wileybennet.blogspot.com is available.
Another reason you should blog - you can say all the crazy stuff you want!
“Let any among us who didn’t ponder this ‘Sodom and Gommora’ reference somewhere in the back of ours brain for at least a split second in the past week cast the first stone.”
I’m going to “cast the first stone” because I did not even for a SPLIT SECOND ever conclude that this was a Sodom and Gommorah thing. Even though on several occasions I’ve been to New Orleans, where you can literally SMELL the evil and sin in the air, this was no S & G. I never thought that. Quite the opposite, in fact. Most of the people who were hardest hit by this were the very poor. God would NEVER single out the poor this way.
Lavelle, you say that “Wiley made a statement. He is entitled to do that. He DID NOT say that was why God caused or allowed the hurricane. But even if he had, it does not take away from the fact that New Orleans is known for its sinful way of life.”
Yes, as an American he’s entitled to make such a statement, based on the First Ammendment, but not by the Word he wasn’t. And in a VERY real sense he DID say that God allowed the hurricane, even that He caused it and it’s direction for the purpose of retribution. He implied it DIRECTLY by the timing of the sign. Why didn’t he make a statement about N.Orleans last year? Or in June? His timing speaks volumes about his motives and his intent.
The statement was wrong. It was, because of the public nature of it, dare I say sinful. It needs to be apologized for. For myself, if I attended that church, I MIGHT consider NOT leaving, ONLY if there was an apology. No apology, though… and I’m gone from that place.
In TOTAL agreement with Peter. This was no incidental comment. He all but stated, “God chose to flood New Orleans because of the sin taking place down there”. Well, what about San Francisco? What about Amsterdam? In fact, what about all the Bible Belt self loving, pride filled areas of America? There are certainly other sins that are disgusting to God than sexual immorality. Also, because attendance has grown in the past or because people come by to congradulate the pastor on his sign is not an indication that God has blessed his efforts. I’m from the South and, believe me, as a kid growing up in Mississippi, there are plenty of people who would gladly have come by and encouraged the local pastor for standing against “all the blacks and the trouble they’re starting”. Lavelle, ignorance is still ingorance. I don’t doubt that Pastor Bennett is a good man with a sincere heart, but all of his seminary knowledge and pastoring “success” (not sure what that means anyway) does not change the fact that he needs to apologize for his ignorace and arrogance in this matter. First of all, to his church for embarrassing them, secondly to the Lord for speaking on His behalf, and lastly to the Godly people in New Orleans and the poor and impoverished who did nothing but fail to get out before a storm hit. He needs to remember that it could have easily been a tornado in Tyler and who knows who might have gotten “spanked” for their sin. We ALL certainly deserve it! Thankfully God has chosen to give us ALL grace rather than punishment!
I, too, would happy to hurl a stone or two. I never once considered this was God’s judgement on a sinful people.
In fact, I have to ask Wiley - in the face of a NATURAL disaster - what are you doing as a Christian to bring aid and relief? Your self righteous, downright evil judgements makes me wonder why God spared you.
Tony said:
“Let any among us who didn’t ponder this ‘Sodom and Gommora’ reference somewhere in the back of ours brain for at least a split second in the past week cast the first stone.”
HUGE difference between having a thought (that you dismiss) and placing that thought on the church sign in a declaration of God’s judgement.
It’s is not people judging, it is God sending His judgement upon unrighteous people, worshipping other god’s and idles!
New Orleans is a major center for the practice and worship of VOODOO! Is that being judgemental??
Arms & Legs, hands & feet...where’d they go? The body of Christ is active and visible in the churches all over Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, and many other states; acting as Red Cross Shelters, serving meals to evacuees, going back into the damaged regions and providing manpower to do the work of cleanup & rebuilding. Yet our mouths do have a way of getting us into trouble, even as we try so hard to help those in need. I am reminded of the writings of James’ regarding the need to tame the tongue. I am also not going to sit back and allow the perverse views of the liberal media and politicians be the only voices resonating in our ears. So, I decided to blog. I also write frequent letters to my local newspaper editor, which even get published occasionally. I encourage all who visit and view this site to be salt & light wherever you can, and of course make sure you’re also available to be the muscle needed to do the work.
hehehe. i’ve been ranting about smarmy church signs on my blog for years.
Why attack? We all have our soapbox issues that we feel strongly about. Should we go out of our way to offend others? No, but we should not hide our true feelings. He could of used a different way of expressing his feelings, but why hurl insults and names in his face? Pray for the man and his church, and while you are at it, ask God to use this to teach us all something.
2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Well, we will certainly be able to win a bunch of people to Christ with loving them like this, won’t we?
Lost people are looking for people who will love them unconditionally, and not be some self-righteous people who look down their noses at them. I know this, because I actually spend a lot of my time WITH lost people that I meet through my sons’ baseball and basketball teams. Guess what? It works! They’re coming to church and finding Christ, not because I denegrated them, but because I LOVED THEM like Jesus (listen to the new song on the “Casting Crowns CD with that title).
I really do not care to hear from ONE pastor who doesn’t care enough to get out of his stinkin’ office and go to where the people that need him and the Lord really are. You will not find them by sitting behind your desk, that’s for sure. As well, you will not find them in your church if you put stupid signs up like the one talked about here. That is just plain ignorant, and if you care to hear my opinion, I think it’s also a little self-righteous.
“Love them like Jesus! Carry them to Him. his yoke is easy, His burden is light. You don’t need the answers to all of life’s questions, just show that you love them, and stay by their sides.” - “Casting Crowns”
nIKI writes “It’s is not people judging, it is God sending His judgement upon unrighteous people, worshipping other god’s and idles!
New Orleans is a major center for the practice and worship of VOODOO! Is that being judgemental??”
Well, why has God spared the major centers of Greed on this planet. Check out Paul’s letters. Greed seems to be, in his estimation, the worst form of idolatry, a sin that seems to almost be set apart, above and beyond other sins. So why have all the lawyers been spared? (apologies to my brothers and sisters who are attorneys) Why haven’t the RICH of this world been singled out by some sort of natural disaster or something. For that matter, why has God spared ME? I’m as bad a sinner as anyone!
So sorry, nIKI, but I think your point falls apart. I’m sure a good number of the “Voodoo” folks got out of town. I bet a lot of poor good Christian folk, who are the salt and light of New Orleans, are the people who got stuck there.
And, hey, let’s take the Sodom and Gommorrah analogy all the way to it’s logical conclusion. God was willing to spare the city if even a very small number of righteous people were still there, and then when he DID destroy it, he got those people out HIMSELF. THAT’s the kind of loving God that the Old Testament, yes even the OLD Testament, talks about.
Is this still a christian website? Or has this place, too, disassembled itself into disrepair?
It’s a website. Not sure if it’s a ‘christian’ website; anymore than ‘christian’ toast or my ‘christian’ van.
I guess I’m not sure what you’re driving at.
Church signs don’t save people, Jesus does. I am so tired of church’s using church signs as a way to condemn those caught in darkness. Donald Miller stated in the book, “Searching for God Knows what” That in a battle you shoot the enemy, not the captive (our battle is against rulers of the dark world, not sinners). Maybe church signs should announce when we are going to serve our communites and not when we expect lost people to come serve us.
Lastly, everyone open your eyes, New Orleans is not any different than any city or little tiny town, I’ve ever been in, it is a place where there is sin, because we are not living in heaven yet.
The Bible tells us that “God is patient and longsuffering, not willing that any should parish but all would come to repentace.”
If we believe that this was a S&G;episode, then it seems the belief is that God is reckless. The reality is that more than just “sinners died” Innocent babies, and genuine Christ followers died, too. Some people really believe in a reckless God.
And just for the record. If this is God, then ever city should look out, b/c I’ve yet to have found a Holy City in the world that I’ve traveled....But thankfully I have been found by a Holy God who loves all people and has commissioned the Church to show that Love.
“And, hey, let’s take the Sodom and Gommorrah analogy all the way to it’s logical conclusion. God was willing to spare the city if even a very small number of righteous people were still there, and then when he DID destroy it, he got those people out HIMSELF. THAT’s the kind of loving God that the Old Testament, yes even the OLD Testament, talks about.”
Thanks for this very reasonable response to this otherwise illogical view of God’s wrath and judgment. How dare anybody put words into God’s mouth that this was a direct form of judgment against either new orleans or the gambling boats of Mississippi.
Please remember that many more were affected the the “big sinners” (however you want to define that cause i fall into that catagory as well even being in the ministry) of new orleans.
I would like to take a second and remind everybody that there is a very fine seminary in New Orleans that exists in the worst hit place. I am talking about total devastation of this seminary due to the flood waters and you want to cast judgement on New Orleans?
Over 90% of the faculty live on campus in the back part of the campus, the place on campus that was hit the hardest cause it was lower then the rest of campus. Judgment???
I just graduated from there (Praise God), and know that there was a very large population of international students that live on campus that have absolutely no place to go because of this storm. These folks have had their family and church give up everything so they could afford a ticket here to get an education in order to go back home and spread the gospel with the finest seminary education you can afford. This hurricane has displaced all of them since their house too was destroyed (they lived on campus as well). This is affecting the church in their own country that paid to send them here.
Judgement?!? That is completely irrational. Dont you think that God would have been able to aim a little better if he wanted to bust up bourbon street? Do you think it would destroy one of the few lights that tries to shine bright in NO? Sure the seminary isnt perfect but at least many on campus have heart and calling from God to New Orleans...perhaps God forgot to tell them that he was gonna destroy the whole town out of judgment.
I guess blaming this on God’s judgment excuses you from responsibility of helping the victoms.
Currently living in the affected area and hearing this nonesense really burns me I hope that i have not offended anybody with my somewhat angry response. My only hope is that you not only think before you speak but that you actually hear from God before you claim to speak on His behalf.
I really do love you guys, all of you, but it really hurts.
Jesus had to rebuke his own Disciples for getting “swept up” in a Judgemental Spirit.
(Luke 9:51-16) The Samaritan village said “no” to giving Jesus shelter for the night as he traveled toward Jerusalem (on His way to the Cross). James and John were ready to “call fire down from heaven and consume them!” They were “of” the wrong “spirit”. We always must “watch and pray” when it comes to our spirit, that we are not swept away by the wrong spirit
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