Why Don’t People Sing During Worship

Orginally published on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 at 6:29 AM
by Todd Rhoades

SingTo all of you worship pastors out there, I feel for you.  How many Sundays have you gone home thinking that you were a failure because it just didn't seem like people were involved in worship (excited, singing, outwardly worshipping)?

Well, we all know that it's hard to discern whether someone is deep in worship from their outward appearance; and that we shouldn't use such a lame scale as our guage of effectiveness (yet we many times do).

David Delgado offers these top ten reasons why people don't sing.  Some have spiritual ramifications; but some don't.  I thought this was an interesting list to ponder:

10. You have played that song every week since 1999.
9. They don't know the song.
8. The Key of the song is too high or too low.
7. The music is too loud or too soft.
6. The worship leader is doing to many voice inflections and the melody can not be followed.
5. They have not been taught that it is ok.
4. They don't like thier voice/they don't like to.
3. They have not engaged thier hearts and minds and strength.
2. They just came for the donuts.
1. They are hurting and don't feel like it.

Any thoughts?


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  • Posted by

    WOW! What a GREAT list. I’d add

    11. The people up front are just standing there like statues singing with their eyes closed and no one in the congregation feels like they’re ALLOWED to sing. (Yeah, it’s a variation on number 5)

    I tell my worship teams that one of the key things they’re supposed to do in a service is give people PERMISSION to sing along, to worship freely.

    Number 8 is also HUGE. So many times the band plays the song in that key because it was on the CD and it’s the only key the guitarist (who can barely read a chord chart let alone transpose a song) can play. I’ll give a specific example. “Your Love is Deep” by Jami Smith. The key she sings it in is IMPOSSIBLE for a congregation to sing along with comfortably. Great song, and one of my worship leaders wonders why no one sings along. I changed the key… and BINGO!

  • Posted by Paul Davis

    Ive found:

    9. They don’t know the song.

    This should be expected on initial few months of the song (it should get better as time goes on).  I try on new songs, but I get the timing wrong, pausing or not pausing when I should, oh well, I learn quickly enough.

    8. The Key of the song is too high or too low.

    Ah, that doesn’t stop me, might bother the row of people infront of me…

    7. The music is too loud or too soft.

    Too loud is so true - I find it difficult to hear what I’m singing when the volume makes a KISS concert look tame.

    4. They don’t like thier voice/they don’t like to.

    This is also true, my voice is bad.  In elementary school in the choir, I was told not to sing because I messed it all up. (the entire class was the choir).  I may be tone deaf (if not then, after I found heavy metal and learned it only works at loud volumes, I’m certain I’ve damaged my hearing)

    3. They have not engaged thier hearts and minds and strength.

    Yeah, I can admit that I don’t sing if my heart isn’t into it.  This can happen for a variety of reasons, some of them have to do with ancient hymms - can’t stand them (in the sense of musically, I don’t really like opera, doesn’t mean the music is invalid or the talent or skill involved in making it isn’t good or the material being sung isn’t worthy, just that I’d rather listen to nothing then opera and old hymms)

    1. They are hurting and don’t feel like it.

    Another ‘how true’.

    Good list.

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    Peter is right (sometimes!) often it is about keys and ineffective leaders… unfortunately, I think the most pressing concern is often # 5.

    As a lead worshipper, I need to be both worshipping (privately as well as on Sunday) and communicating what worship is to the church.  How many of us have wished for a more vibrant and passionate Spirit of worship in the church, but never really done a series on what it means to worship?

    BTW - look in your NIV concordance for the 1st textual appearance of the word and you’ll soon learn it is more than MUSIC. 

    I am currently in discussion with our church and our worship teams about some of these very issues.... good thought starter Todd.

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    Twelve years ago, searching for a new church in a new city with my relatively new wife, I began to ask myself (and God) just what worship is.  As I looked through the scriptures, it seemed that very little worship had to do with singing...yet as I have sat in the pew/theater seat/plastic chair at various churches, it seems that we limit our practice of worship to singing and prayer.  Over a number of years, I came to define worship this way: 

    Worship is a response to an encounter with God.

    While that definition admittedly has its limits, I find that it is also quite broad in its application.  How does it apply specifically to singing?  How about this for a reason #11 in the above list:  singing isn’t my primary response mechanism.  I am most inclined to worship God in a position of humility, recognizing my own unworthiness.  Thus, while I may be drawn to worship by music, my response may be to bow my head in prayer, to kneel, or in some cases even to lay flat on the ground. 

    I’m still very much learning about how to translate my own response in the corporate setting of a church service.  But I think that for starters I would suggest three things:

    1 - the worship leader (& the whole worship team) must be worshipping in ways that the congregation can understand and relate to.  (In other words, as a congregant, I need to know that the worship leaders are worshipping, and be drawn into God’s presence by them.)
    2 - the setting should invite various individual responses to God.
    3 - the worship leader should be able to recognize different responses; i.e., read the body language of the congregation.  (Just because they’re not singing doesn’t mean they’re not worshipping.)

    Gary Thomas has written a good book called “Sacred Pathways,” about how we approach God.  I haven’t finished it yet, but I’m hoping he’ll touch on some of these personal vs. corporate worship questions.

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    This post - and our experience on Sunday - bring up another question: How do we “manage” people whose individual expressions of worship may be distracting or even detrimental to the corporate act of worship?

    Paul addressed this somewhat in his instructions in 1 Cor 14, though his comments were specifically targeting tongues and prophecy.  Our experience on Sunday was with an individual sitting behind us who was singing very loudly, and my wife and I had different reactions.

    Our church is contemporary and fairly free in physical expression of worship - lots of hand-raising.  Our worship pastor and his teams do a great job of leading us into the presence of God each week.  The congregation is predominantly white and from unchurched backgrounds.

    Behind us on Sunday sat a black man who, throughout the “worship” (i.e., singing) time, sang in very soulful harmony - and very loudly.  I loved what he was doing, though it was definitely too loud; I honestly could not hear the mic’d worship leader or most of the instruments most of the time.  Sometimes the man sang (a little more quietly) his own ad libs during Ron’s prayers.  I definitely sensed the man was worshipping and, because I couldn’t hear the worship team, I found myself sort of worshipping vicariously through the man behind me.

    When we got home, my wife expressed great frustration about the man.  For her, his ad libs and too-loud harmonies was a complete distraction that hindered her worship.  (A note:  My wife worships primarily through music; I don’t.)

    So, what to do with a situation like this?  Should one person’s individual expression of worship disrupt or distract the worship of others?  Or should it be “managed” (probably a euphemism for “controlled") in some way?  I tend to think that Paul might have addressed this type of extemporizing in his words on orderly worship, had it been a problem in his day.


  • The main reason people don’t sing in church:

    Because the CHEERLEADING up front (on the platform) is stifling any desire to sing.

    Let me explain--I’ve lead congregational singing many times over the years:

    1) Congregational singing is for the WHOLE church--not just the “latest” crowd that wants the “goosies” or “warm-fuzzies” with whatever happens to be in CCM’s Top 40 that week.

    When I’ve led congregational singing (I refuse to say I led “worship” because the “worshipping continues” after I’ve left the platform) I always announce the song clearly, and will begin singing it.  I then step back from the microphone or the pulpit, and hear the people sing.  That so blesses my heart, and I’m sure it blesses the congregation too.

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    I often wonder why a person can watch a group of men (myself include unfortunately) in church who stand stoic but when in the same group watch a football game and give hi fives, dance, congradulate, etc.

    I’m not talking about pure emotions but more about conern of what others are going to think.

    The psalms were deep, passionate hymns and poems from the heart that were wrought in passion and thought.

    I think we don’t let go because of pride in what others are going to think.

    How many remember the days of 911.  Utter defeat.  We’ve been rocked to the core - then when the firefighters raised that flag!  Our Banner!

    Jesus is our banner and music and song are our opportunity to raise something out of the ashes and dirt.  Our voices.

    Pastors should teach what worship in song and dance is.  In the old and new testament.  Victory.  This can be done fully through a teaching of His Charachter and Attributes in His Nature.

  • Posted by Jeff M. Miller

    As a worship leader, I find myself agreeing with many of the ideas listed. We are going through our own worship transition period at my own church, and I walk away each week with the same question.

    I tend to agree with others here that it is primarily #5 with shades of #9. With our own worship being “blended” I tend to see a certain groups singing along with some songs and not others (depending upon style, etc.).

    #3, however seems to be the over-arching reason. When I get complaints (not many, but I do get them) it is usually something related to “I don’t like that song/kind of song.” Sometimes (rarely) the comment is related to key or volume and I will strive to rectify that situation.

    Total engagement sees to be the largest hurdle to overcome. I’ve made this contention before on my own blog, and seen it in many other places.

    Dan Burrell has a (somewhat) related post on his own blog today. It’s a good read: http://www.danburrell.com/blog/2006/01/hard-hearts-in-church-pews.html

  • Posted by

    Good question Randy.  I don’t have an answer, but I do have a perspective on this.

    I have gained an appreciation over the years for the way others worship. When I was saved I plugged in to a Baptist church, went to college at a Pentecostal school and have ministered in the Nazarene church for 9 years. I am currently in the process of starting a non-denomonational church.

    When I lived in Oregon I would annually meet with a group of people from around the state for 3 days of prayer and worship; seeking God’s heart for various cities in Oregon.

    Tom White, who facilitated these meetings, said one time that, because of the various backgrounds represented, true love in worship is not asking our brother or sister to refrain from worshiping because it’s destracting, but true love would rather say, because I love you I want you to feel free to express yourself in worship in the way that you are accustom to.

    This helped me greatly to appreciate the beauty of worship. I suppose if someone was blatently out of order that would be different, but if it is that difficult for your wife I would suggest she politely move so as not to be distracted.

    Hope this is helpful.

  • Posted by

    Maybe we should come at this another way. I was always taught that you need to convey your message in a way that connects with your audience. Congregational participation really isn’t the bigger concern. I would have to say its how do they respond to what’s being sung. How we convey the music is just as important as what we sing. I believe that the list is probably pretty accurate. However, I believe mostly the issue is the lack of passionate as worship leaders. I know that it is hard to get up and try to move people who seem more like giant boulders but if we don’t take our worship serious then our congregation doesn’t either. Our music has to go beyond tickling the ears. The sign of great worship rises above appealing to a person’s musical taste. With that said, it is never easy to accomplish and even harder to maintain but that should be our goal. Obviously, the list mentioned is a factor, but people will adjust more easily if we are coming from something that even the least musical person can connect with. Singing isn’t the most important thing. True, it demonstrates that they might be interested in the song but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are connecting with the message. We have to get people connected to the message above everything else. I know some of my non musical friends really struggle with worship because they don’t feel they have anything to offer but the one counter action for that is to get people to connect with the words and to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit. What is our goal? If participation is the most important thing then by all means adjust the key, and change the music styles. If your goal is changing lives by getting people to connect with the message then ask yourself, “Am I doing all I can to accomplish that?” That could mean changing keys or adjusting the music style but it also may mean we’re not thinking beyond the music. Just a thought. God bless.

  • Posted by

    Overarching reason (and this subsumes several of those listed above):  The music isn’t designed for congregational singing.  This goes from all levels - from composition to sound systems to singers to lyric projection, etc.

    To speak a little more narrowly:
    11. The melody is only being sung by a woman.  This has nothing to do with appropriateness of a female leading singing but with practical matters of singing.  Men have a hard enough time singing when they’re following a man singing the melody - to pick out a melody that’s another octave away is next to impossible for the average dude in the seats who hasn’t grown up singing.  A greater percentage of ladies grow up singing and have less of an issue singing with a male leader than vice versa.

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    11.)I would be willing to say we are in a Baptist Church on the off week of not having a potluck dinner. They have no motivation to sing because there is no food afterwards.

    12.) Or we are in a baptist church were they just finished eating and they are to full to sing.

    13.)or we are in a baptist church were they are starting Praise and Worship and they don’t like it. (I say that because of this) One of the biggest churches in our town just split wide open because of this very thing. Then another one did the same thing just this week because of the music… Everyone wants to stick with the Hymnal’s and states that contemporary music is bad..

  • Posted by

    So, being (Baptist!)food or no food is not the issue.... it must be the coffee in their designer latte cups that restricts their vocal cords…

    I have waited for several years for all those who want “TRULY only SCRIPTURAL worship” at their church to dance around in their undergarments as David did…

  • Posted by

    Rusty said,

    “This has nothing to do with appropriateness of a female leading singing but with practical matters of singing. Men have a hard enough time singing when they’re following a man singing the melody - to pick out a melody that’s another octave away is next to impossible for the average dude in the seats who hasn’t grown up singing. A greater percentage of ladies grow up singing and have less of an issue singing with a male leader than vice versa.”

    From my experience, that is mostly true however, it has everything to do with what the church values. In other words, churches that consider music an important part of the service are going to naturally produce congregations with less challenges to singing along. They may not harmonize great but that can follow a melody. With that said, that is why our approach needs to reflect more of a message based instruction. Not every church is alike when it comes to music and the level of importance it has in its community. However, everyone can understand connecting to what we are singing about. By the way, I totally agree with Rusty on the issues with men and singing. I’ve been a part of both monoculture and multicultural congregations and nothing seems more true about men and their lack of apreciating singing. Mostly, I’ve noticed a problem in predominantly white churches. I don’t entirely know why that is other than the idea that singing isn’t perceived as manly or perhaps that wasn’t a direction that got a lot of emphasis within the church. I’m not saying that’s always the case, but more often than not I have seen that pattern.

  • Posted by

    “Worship is a response to an encounter with God.  While that definition admittedly has its limits, I find that it is also quite broad in its application. How does it apply specifically to singing? How about this for a reason #11 in the above list: singing isn’t my primary response mechanism. I am most inclined to worship God in a position of humility, recognizing my own unworthiness. Thus, while I may be drawn to worship by music, my response may be to bow my head in prayer, to kneel, or in some cases even to lay flat on the ground.”

    That is a good definition.  When we meet up with our Lord and Savior, worship is the only appropriate response.  And worship can and does take many forms.  However, in the congregational setting of most churches, there are space limitations which will not afford everyone the opportunity to prostrate themselves or, in some cases, even to kneel.  Though these postures are necessary for us in our private worship, standing and singing are more appropriate for extolling the virtues of our King publicly.  (BTW, the reason I want our congregation to stand is that one’s breathing is less restricted and one can sing louder and better.  Ask anybody trained in voice.)

    In our church, I see a connection here with the post about cheering at sporting events.  We seem willing and able to celebrate our teams and our games and our birthdays and our accomplishments but when it comes to our God, we act like we have to be silent and “reverent”.

    The scriptures are full of exhortations to praise God.  Many times they say with a loud voice or loud insturments.  Private worship is wonderful and necessary but so is congregational worship and when we are worshiping with a crowd, we should do so audibly if we are able.  Praying silently for the entire worship service may be good for you but it does little to contribute to the atmosphere of honoring our Savior by praising Him with a loud voice. 

    It’s true, that “just because they’re singing doesn’t mean they’re worshiping.” It is also true that just because they have their head bowed and eyes closed doesn’t mean they’re worshiping either.  They may just be taking a nap.

    So I would only change the above definition this way:
    Worship is a response to an encounter with God with all that I am.  I need to respond with everything I am in a manner that is appropriate for the setting.  Worship is not simply singing and being noisy.  But it is not just being quiet and reverant either.  We need to experience both private and public worship in the appropriate manner for each.

  • Posted by

    Good words, Dale.  As I said, I am still learning how to be an active worshipper in a corporate setting.  I don’t think, though, that by standing and voicing words that may not be the words of my heart, I am contributing to corporate worship.  I’ll concede that I am perhaps thinking a little too selfishly here, but I want my worship to be genuine.

    We can encounter God in various ways and, by my own definition, we will respond to him according to how we encounter him.  If I meet him as Almighty God, I am more apt to respond in humble reverence; as conquering king, I’ll respond in loud praise; as everlasting father, I may respond more in a love-themed manner.  The pastor of worship at our church does a pretty good job of helping us to encounter God in these different ways.

  • Posted by

    Most of those reasons are divorced from reality and are downright naive. The better question to ask is ‘Why DO people sing?’

    Go to a concert, and people sing along with the artist for two reasons.

    1. They know the songs

    2. They connect with the meaning of the song

    The songs are in ridiculously high keys...and the people still sing.

    Most of the people can’t sing worth anything...but the people still sing.

    There are lots of manly men...and they sing.

    If we have lousy assumptions about why people sing, is it any wonder that they don’t sing in our concert of praise?

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    Jesus said, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him MUST worship Him in Spirit and in truth.” We seem to understand what it means to worship Him in Spirit (led by His Spirit - even though most aren’t now). But to understand what He meant by “Worshipping Him in truth” needs to be understood.  If you do a little research, you’ll discover that the word truth applied here actually means “no longer according to types, shadows, and emblems”.  In other words “copies”.  Moses built the tabernacle according to a “copy” of the real one in heaven.  In many of our lives today as well as in many churches our worship has become a copy of what once was the real thing.  More emphasis now is placed on performance than seeking God for the anointing.  Don’t get me wrong, anyone serving God should also exude His excellence too.  So I’m not saying that we abandon excellence and quality for the anointing.  But the truth is, the anointing is missing.  (That should be #1!) If the worship team is not anointed, neither will the congregation be.  Why?  The worship team is doing the leading.  How many times have we been in a service when the worship leader would fare better as an Elvis impersonator?  Or everyone on the team had to defraud someone else just to get up there to be “in front of everyone”.  Better still, how many people on the worship team were up half the night before (doing whatever) instead of preparing themselves for the next day’s service.  We can be too loud, not loud enough, too high in key, too low in key, just not prepared, and many other things (all of which are very important).  But if there is no anointing, our worship has become just a copy of the real thing.  It looks like the real thing, but the life (anointing) is absent.  The Holy Spirit is not in the copy.  He is in the genuine! 

    We must understand that our connection with God is spiritual.  And to connect with Him, for Him to be involved, we must have His anointing.  We should be seeking Him for the anointing as well as preparing technically.  The anointing makes the difference!

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    “And to connect with Him, for Him to be involved, we must have His anointing.”

    Steve, where is the New Testament precedent for the “anointing” and the alleged fact that God doesn’t become involved in our lives unless we have “it?”

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    I agree with you. (No, that is NOT a misprint.) God becomes involved in our lives when we give our lives over to Him and He puts His Spirit in us, unmerited, undeserved. Everything we DO is worship at that point. (Romans 12)

    But Steve is right in a sense… We do need God’s anointing. Thank GOD we have that anointing through Christ and not through any good work on our point…

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    I won’t engage in deep discussions about what is and isn’t worship.  Just as my relationship with Christ is personal, so is my style of worship.  All worship is pleasing to God, right?  I don’t sing sometimes because the key is out of my range; even with my trained music background, it’s just physically uncormfortable.  I don’t raise my hands or tap dance in the pews either.  That’s just the “me” that God created.  I love to be around people that are gifted in a passionate style of worship.  It’s just important to remember that God wired us all differently and that includes everything down to our style of worship.  I’m careful to just not evalaute seemingly quiet folks as not being passionate.  My worship has been deeply intense and doesn’t necessarily manifest itself in a visible fashion during a corporate worship setting.  Where it does show is when I walk back out into the world and make choices and take actions based on a deep personal relationship with Christ.

  • Posted by

    As a worship leader, my ‘job’ is to facilitate an atmosphere that is revealed to me by the Holy Spirit. If I follow His lead, it is not up to me to ‘make them sing’ just as it is not the ‘job’ of the pastor to make them listen. Have I walked in their shoes? Do I know what struggle they are going through? Do I really know their heart? I think that I can only follow the Spirit as He leads and I do not want to usurp His role in inspiring the people. Otherwise, I have become the audience for their worship and not God.

    I struggled with this issue [people not singing] early on in the ministry until I read this: Some must meditate in order to celebrate while others must celebrate in order to meditate.

    If we allow God to work in us as worship leaders and allow our motives to be sincere and we seek to minister first, everything else will fall into place. May we seek to elevate Him above all else and may we desire to allow the Lord to work through all we do in order that His name is proclaimed among the nations and the Church will raise the banner that “Jesus Christ is Lord.”

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    The reason congregations can not sing:  That happens when you allow “Worship Leaders” instead of Music Directors.  A Worship Leader often times has another agenda in mind as opposed to your traditional music director.  A Music Director has perfect or relative pitch and hold to that standard and will not allow people to sing even if they can put on a show of trying to sing.  It is not healthy to hear persons sing who cannot sing on pitch.  These persons need to be told to stop and leave music to those God gave the gift to.  All kinds of charismatic singing to tears and talents to inspire verbally can not ever take the place of God’s true musicians.  God’s true musicians may appear to be very upset, argumentative, troublesome persons to you.  And they have every reason in this world to be that you to you.  Because you have disenfranchised them from being able to use the gift - GOD GAVE TO THEM AND NOT THE WORSHIP LEADERS.  I have met countless numbers of former church choir solo member who are not welcome in churches today because these Worship Leaders are so jeoleous of them and have made any efforts made by them look as though they are not correct in their attitudes, on and on with the psychobable nonsense the church has allowed to infiltrate the church and its pastoring.  GOD gave the talent to sing in perfect or relative pitch to only certain people and if the church rejects such people with lame jeolous inspired sabotaging techiques then music will die in your churches.  Your congregations will not be able to sing because you will allow the non-talented lead because they know the Worship Leader pshychobable words and they donate the money they got from their jobs which also are maintained by their unchristian controlling psychobable maneuvering set-up ways always to stop the truly talented ones.  Sure give gods singing angels on earth such a hardtime so that they look like they have an attitude.  AN Attitude - caused by persons coveting their gift from GOD - No one can take away the gift GOD gave you - but your jeolous peers can invent ways with psychology to strip you from ever being able to rightfully use it.  No wonder God’s real singers are rejected from the church that can not sing.  If they do show up and sing - every person around them in the congregation will tell them what a great voice they have you should be in the choir.  Then if they go in that direction, the jeolous Worship Leaders will treat them in unspeakable ways no one in that church would even believe.  They will not even talk with you because you sing better than they do and they will create situations to make you look aggravated that they aggreavated.  All because they want they glory of your true position and they can not always sing in tune.  Used to be NO ONE SANG A SOLO OR WAS IN THE CHOIR UNLESS THEY HAD PERFECT OR RELATIVE PITCH.  That standard has gone out the window today with WORSHIP LEADERS who substitute unchristianlike leadership for a voice not fit for the job.  They will defend this glory though by ruining the lives of those who God gave the gift to. So when is the church going to grow up?  I do not think it can - most mature Christians, meat not milk eating Christians - watch church on Sunday morning from TV by pastors that have churches so large this stuff does not happen.  Their are churches that have the seats in their church to grow and can not grow becuase they are a clique of people pretending to be Christians.  They are a clique that stands watch over their club that gets to spend the churches endowment funds so they can pretend to be singers etc. The last thing they want is for God’s chosen singers to show up.  They will fight them tooth and nail.  They do - and that is why you do not have congregations today that can sing.  The only way is by example through the use of God’s true singers.  If you continue to malign them for money donating jeolous “Worship Leaders.” then that is what you get - a church with dead music - at the level of pre-grade school - and out of tune.  A church with dead music is probably dead spiritually as well. Because no truly spiritual church would ever reject one of God’s singers, even if that person was not easy to get along with.  Not easy to get along with is your fault not theirs.  The reason they are not easy to get along with is you are disrespecting them and they are in shock.  They get new pastors or they run on interims.  The pastors are all schooled in psychobable and go along with condemning the disgruntled real singers.  Sorry to tell you the real truth.  When are the churches going to wake up and truly respect the true musicians?  Most of us are tired of it and have left.

  • Posted by Todd Rhoades


  • Posted by Bernie Dehler

    Todd said:
    “How many Sundays have you gone home thinking that you were a failure because it just didn’t seem like people were involved in worship (excited, singing, outwardly worshipping)?”

    I’m 43, and never in my life have I ever felt worship (singing) was weak at any church I’ve attended, and I’ve attended numerous.  I guess that’s because I focus on myself, not others.  The music leader who is distressed is probably focused on himself, and the people’s response, rather than on praising God.  Quit judging yourself and start worshipping God.  Invite the Holy Spirit to be there and move, rather than thinking it’s up to you to whip up some kind of fervor.


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