
Willow Creek Raises $2 Million to Fight Hunger

Orginally published on Monday, May 18, 2009 at 6:09 AM
by Todd Rhoades

According to the Daily Herald, an annual Willow Creek Community Church fundraising campaign benefiting starving African children managed to bring in $1.3 million more this year than in 2008. Willow officials say they raised $2 million for the Feed My Starving Children, a Minnesota-based charity which provides meals and sends them to countries including Sudan and Zimbabwe. Last year the same campaign raised around $700,000.

This is a good example (I'm hearing many) from churches that giving can actually be UP during a time of down economy...

Of course, there are parts of the country that are really (really) hurting… but many of the reports that I hear from churches that are being led with vision and clarity are that things are just fine financially… in fact, some are finding that people are digging deep and giving better during this current recession.

What’s your experience?  How is giving at your church?  Are you depressed during this recession, or do you look at the recession as a new opportunity to minister and to give?

I’d love to hear your stories!  Please share!

Read the whole Willow article here...


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  There are 4 Comments:

  • Posted by Jerry Miner

    We had the opportunity to be a part of Willow Creek’s Celebration of Hope. It was amazing! People have a real heart to give. I am sure the response surprised everyone but the LORD who had been preparing hearts.

    This year the funds did not just go to those hungry, but also to the thirsty. Several organizations such as ours, Water Missions International, are partnering with Willow Creek to bring safe water to thousands of people as a result of this ministry. Even as I write this, equipment is being packed to be sent to Zimbabwe to bring safe water to 8 communities as a result of the generosity of God’s people.

  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    In our area giving is keeping up, and we are continuing to try harder and harder to live incarnationally and “be the church” to our community.

    That said, there is a serious spiritual and emotional weight of uncertainty here, and benevolence requests are really up.

    We had a family have someone break in and destroy a lot of their personal possessions recently, and within a week or so, our church had given so much to help them out that we had to find some other place to give some of the stuff. We have a reputation for that kind of thing in the community… It brings people in the door who won’t step into a lot of other churches… and then God gets ahold of them… and watch out… (I love what I do… can you tell?)

    God is so cool, and he works through us… So cool!

  • Posted by Malcolm Keynes

    This is awesome news for the kingdom of God. This inspires me so much.I trust those who would usually rubbish what Willow does could see it in their hearts to say something positive.

  • Posted by

    Giving is down at our church, however when we recently had a collection for local benevolence, we raised close to $4000 in a church in which many people have experienced job loss.  Also, an evangelist came in for revival and once again, there was a decent offering.  I think these can be powerful times for people as they give sacrificially and see the blessings of God through provision of their needs.

    Personally, I’m not depressed about the recession even though job loss is a very real possibility for me.  I do believe that it’s an opportunity to minister and give.  We, the Church, are the people of hope.  Are we only going to exhibit that hope in times of plenty or will we do in times of want?  This is the time that the world needs to see what we stand for.  Will we shut our doors concerned only about our own needs, or will we reach out with the love of God?

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