
Church Introduces Controversial Bathroom Art

Orginally published on Friday, November 21, 2008 at 8:22 AM
by Todd Rhoades

A picture featured in the men's room at a Tempe, AZ church is causing a huge controversy. According to Pastor Tom Douglass (affectionately known to most of his congregation as 'Pastor T-Dog'), the pictures were meant as a light-hearted attempt to make their visitors welcome.

"Many men are really intimidated when they attend church for the first time", said T-Dog. "We try everything we can to make men feel at home and to ease their concerns about the church being judgmental and non-relevant. Believe it or not, we've had nothing but great comments from our men about the new bathroom art. In fact, men are starting to invite their friends to church just to see the bathroom!"

The new art is not quite so popular with women. Comments range from the light-hearted "I told my husband, 'it's no wonder they're laughing at you" to the more stern "the church is no place for potty humor".

61 year old Eunice Banfield said that while she hasn't seen the art, she's definitely heard about it. "I and the other members of our quilting circle demand that Reverend Douglass take down the naked pictures of women in our church men's room immediately." Her husband Orval Banfield, on the other hand, confesses that he has secretly skipped his Detrol pill on for the last three Sundays. "I have to go more now, but that's ok," he said.

Another local pastor, Steven Anderson, is against the pictures, but is at least thankful that the church is encouraging men to 'pee standing up'.

Newspaper ads for ChurchBathroom.com have generated 10,000 pageviews for the church, and attendance is up 20% since early October when the pictures were hung.

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