Orginally published on Wednesday, November 17, 2004 at 9:03 AM
by Todd Rhoades
This is from an article written by Mike Bishop over at It’s another one of those ‘thought-provoking’ articles that I like so much. See what you think… Mike writes: This quote [from Reggie McNeal’s book "The Present Future" made me stop dead in my tracks: "The point is, all the effort to fix the church misses the point. You can build the perfect church - and they (people in the world) still won’t come. People are not looking for a great church. They do not wake up every day wondering what church they can make successful."
I wish I could scream that from the rooftops - People in the 21st century, average Jane and Joe American, don't give a rip about making the church down the street a success. If they are even interested in church at all (which according to McNeal the numbers are staggeringly low the younger you go), their relationship to the church will primarily be about what benefit can be received rather than offering their service or resources. The 80-20 rule of participation, for most established churches at the present time, would be generous.
My question is, should we who are attempting to redefine church, Christian praxis, and mission in light of postmodernity think we should expect anything more? Seriously, what makes you think just because your church is not authoritative or hierarchical people are going to jump right in and begin taking their rightful places as priests and missionaries and begin acting as if they are the church? Do you really think Christians who have escaped borderline (and in some cases not-so-borderline) spiritually abusive situations are just going to turn right around give themselves over to your cause to build the next great house church movement to reach postmoderns?
If so, you're kidding yourself. We live in an age of chronic institutional apathy. People will betray you and your organization for something new and brighter down the street as fast as you can say (name your favorite sports star who jumped ship for more money to an arch-rival team).
Does this sound depressing? Well, of course it is. Church leaders are some of the most depressed people alive largely because they wake up everyday fighting to keep their organization afloat amongst the vast sea of consumer choices available to their congregations. It is literally sucking the life out of countless pastors, youth group leaders, children workers, church secretaries, elder boards, and on down the line. The ones who can hire the best and brightest staff to convince the best and brightest people to show up on Sunday and pay their dues are the ones that survive.
Please, can we stop the madness? Are we just supposed to keep feeding the beast because that's the only show in town?
If you are reading this and have some vested interest in a community of faith - whatever your flavor, old-school or new-school, emerging or submerging - do yourself a favor and stop caring about the following things:
1. The number of people in your church. Really, it doesn't matter.
2. The "relevancy" of your common worship.
3. How often or if ever a new person shows up at one of your common worship times.
4. The size of your church budget, building, or paid staff.
5. What any other church in the world is doing - good or bad or otherwise.
And please start caring about the following things:
1. Actively looking for the evidence of God's kingdom - where what he wants done is done - at work, at home, at Starbucks (heaven forbid), at the beach, and anywhere else you might find yourself in the course of living your normal life.
2. Simple, honest worship.
3. Having friends that don't give a rip about your church. Maybe you might just rub off on them.
4. Giving away money to people who need it; using existing, familiar (and free) spaces for common worship such as homes, restaurants, parks, or community centers; flattening the organization's need for paid leadership and support roles.
5. Go on a unique, unreproducible journey with a group of people and rejoice with other groups of people who do the same.
I'm not making any promises here. If you do these things it won't make the perfect church, but you most likely won't be mired in burnout or depression either. Maybe the best I can offer is my own personal experience. Three years after I [mostly] stopped caring about those five things and started caring about those other five...well...I still suck as a Christian, but I don't suck as bad! Hurrah!
I really, really, really, really, really, really love being a part of the Church Jesus is building.
Any thoughts?
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There are 9 Comments:
Wow. I get what he is saying, although I think he is saying it from a pastor’s perspective, and not the world’s.
I would love for church to be “simple.” But the fact is, nothing in life is simple, and simple churches don’t attract the unchurched. Even churches attracting the emergent generation are ever-changing organisms that are hard to define, and anything but simplistic.
Most churches need buildings, and many church folks don’t want to meet in homes. House churches are characteristically unevangelistic. They are mostly “holy huddles” that are closed to the lost.
We need all kinds of churches, and to put a negative connotation on complex churches is not altogether good.
I hear and understand what you are saying. I have been in ministry(staff) for over 19 years at 3 different church organizations. I left my last position in June and have no intention of looking for another staff position. These last five months have been an incredible time for me to rethink the Church and I have. I have come to most of the same conclusions that you have and the following is how I have chosen to now live:
1. Reconize that as a believer, I am a minister.
2. Reconize that all believers are called to be ministers and do the work of ministry. Eph. 4:11-13
3. Reconize that my family is my ministry (my wife, children, extended family, friends).
4. Reconize that my neighbors are my ministry (those in my neighborhood, who I work near, those whose lives God allows my life to cross paths with everyday.)
5. Recopnize that I must look for opportunities to ministry.(They are everywhere and I will miss them if I am not looking for them)
6. Reconized that ministry looks many different ways. Ex: I moved into my appartment complex one month ago. To date I have meet and intetionally engaged in converstaions with three of the maintance men. I know many things about their lives and have now developed a friendship with each of these men. I am praying for them and am always looking for new ways to show them God’s love through caring for them. My goal, when the timing is right,is to share Christ with each of these men.
7. Reconize that Church structure, as we know it today, basically promotes an inward ministry focus. (In other words, ministry happens, but mostly within the structure of the church’s buildings or programs. Most of the time the things we do (which do have value) become so consuming that very little time and energy is left for family, friends, those we work others words, I have been unintentionally trained to think that ministry happens best within the structure and programs of the church (building), leaving little time or energy for ministry within the world I am planted(again, my family, friends, neighbors, work enviroment, and my daily experiences).
8. Reconize that Jesus ministry wasn’t limited to the synagoge and niether should mine. The first time Jesus taught in the synagoge, he read from Is: 61. He then left the building and went out to the people and begin to live out what he taught. If you read Is: 61, then you will understand Jesus’ministry(mission) and is also our own minstry. Jesus went out into the world to set people free, to heal the broken hearted. His mission was an individual mission and it took place mostly outside the walls of the synagoge. I have an individual mission/ministry also and it includes all the above. The church’s role should be more about empowering me to go live it out instead of confining me to the programs that the church has become.
In closing I feel like I am more of a minister today than I ever was when I was a part of the paid staff. My views have radically changed and so has my life. I am experiencing what John Eldredge wrote about in “Wild at Heart” “Epic” and “Waking the Dead”. I am experiencing the Christian life as it was intended, full of adventure and living in the greater story. I am so thankful that I didn’t allow church structure to cripple me, but that I have allowed my call as a believer to empover me to live a life of setting captives free, and healling the broken hearted.
Some of you will understand what I am saying, but many of you will not understand because what I said challenges the effectiveness and the purpose of church organization as it exsits today.
I still believe in the church and but I no longer believe in what it has become. It’s time to rethink the church and go back to what it was intended to be from the beginning.
Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts,
I’m sorry someone or something in the church has hurt you. It is ironic that the organism that can encourage lasting healing and peace is the one that often causes pain. We must take great care not to throw out the good with the bad. I hope we take the time to refine our ideas and make a difference in a church so that someone else doesn’t experience the same pain.
I have been in sick churches and in healthy churches…and those that are thriving know who they are (DNA)…what they do…and why they do it…and every time they have a success…they celebrate it…
I am afraid we have too many wounded solders on the front lines that have been overrun…
And the article is right…people are not interested in the church being successful but God to be glorified…and they do see their church as the way to glorify God…and if you are not in that type of environment then run for the hills and fight the fights that are important and not the ones that sap and destroy your dreams
What great thoughts from the author and those who have posted. I am with you! I determined a long time ago I would not settle for second best.
I could not disagree more. Having planted a Purpose Driven Church in a small town, with a staff not made up of super stars but ordinary people in the congregation and seeing that church grow to 1800 in average attendance in a town of 7000. It’s true you have to start with their needs just like Jesus often did, people are not coming to help you fulfill your dream. But they will come when you design a service that is understandable to them and helps them live life as you apply the scritpure to their lives in a practical way. I just read the E-Myth Revisited. It’s worth reading as you think about not the barriers but the possibilities in reaching people.
I hope you won’t take this the wrong way, but I think it’s an important point to make.
average Jane and Joe American, don’t give a rip about making the church down the street a success.
End Quote
This may seem trivial to you, but I feel that using the statement “don’t give a rip” is something that we should avoid. Replacing a swear with another word is just putting a bandaid on a situation. It would better to use a phrase like “average Joe and Jane don’t really care about .....”
It is crucial to keep our thoughts and minds clear from phrases that remind some of us of the old sinful lives we lived before coming to Christ.
Our world today already has become way to tolerant of things like this. My teenage daughter even told me of the word ‘sucks’ being used at a Youth Group by a Youth Pastor. If we are going to set an example in purity, we must tame the tongue.
Pastor Nick
Thanks, all, for your thoughtful comments! Whether or not we all agree, I think the discussion has been beneficial to us all, as we have had to reflect upon our own personal experiences and perspectives towards the Church.
Would everyone agree, though, that these issues depend on the particular church involved? The further I go in ministry, the more I realize that each church has a different atmosphere, that some of the same problems are inherent to our humanity, and that some blessings transcend no matter where we might be.
This would make all the comments thus far applicable in some cases and not others. It all depends on where we find ourselves.
May God have mercy on His Church.
-joel jupp ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^
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