Am I the Biggest Sucker in the World?

Orginally published on Thursday, June 01, 2006 at 9:50 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Tootsiepop I get many emails each week from people with questions about church staff and personnel issues.  Here is one that has to do with pay... an believe it or not, it is not an uncommon scenario.  Read this short note, and take a few minutes to give your feedback below:

Dear Todd,

I am at a church that we love. I am non-paid staff. We have been here for 5 yrs, with the elusive promise of pay. I am ready to graduate in 6 mths with a concentration in my ministry. I have worked for free, and accumulated $$$ in tuition debt. The church has not paid for any of my schooling. I have been receiving offers, but my church has asked me not to take them, that the time will come when they will "fairly" compensate me.

Am I the sucker of all time??? Am I being taken advantage of?

Well... what do you think?  I told this person that I'd post his/her email on the blog and see what kind of comments we get.  What do you think... are they a sucker or should they stick in there and see what happens?  Has a similar situation ever happened to you?  How did you handle it?  Take a few moments and add to the response!

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  • The Bible is clear when it states that a worker is worth his wages. If they haven’t compensated you yet it is unlikely they will. It sounds to me from personal experience is that you have a senior pastor who is either cheap or manipulative.

  • Posted by Jeff Dowdle

    Sucker! and being abused.  It is very unfair for them to ask you not to consider other offers just on a promise.  Tell them to put their money where their mouth is.

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    It is sad that many churches do not understand their responsibility to care for their pastors and staff. If the church has not paid any kind of compensation over the past several years - not even in terms of tuition - then they are not likely to begin just because you graduate.

    Of course, we may not know all the facts. Is it the ‘church’ that has been leading you on, or an individual? How large is the congregation? Can they afford to pay anyone? Do they have a written policy that states they cannot pay someone who is still in school?

    In the end, one must determine where the Lord wants us to serve. If we focus on His kingdom, He will meet our needs. However, I do not believe the Lord intends for us to be a ‘sucker’. He actually commands the church to meet the financial needs of the pastor. A church unwilling to care for their pastor is disobedient to God - and that means the problem is deeper than the pay factor.

    I would look at the offers, because they may in fact be of the Lord.

  • Posted by Tally

    Sucker?  No. 

    Jesus told a story of people who agreed to work for a certain wage and then complained later.  Don’t get mad at me yet. 

    I would say you’re not a sucker.  I would say like others though that it’s time to cut ties.  A ‘sucker’ to me is someone who gets ripped off.  I can’t say that you’ve been ripped off.  1.  You’ve agreed to work somewhere for free.  2.  You’re not finished your degree (not that it matters to me but maybe to them and yourself) and 3. You have gotten 5 years of experience and probably good recommendations.  This WILL carry over with you. 

    Now, let me say this.  I also believe everyone must be up front.  We don’t like it but I believe the church should be honest about what the position pays and you should be honest about what you can accept. 

    So to me, you’re not a sucker.  But you’re also not a victim.  Simply decide if you wish to leave and then go.  Apparently there are other things keeping you at this place b/c it’s obviously not an easy decision for you.  Factor it all up and make your move.  There should be no hard feelings on either side.  If you want to leave, leave.  If you want to stay, stay.

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    Make sure that you get a person whom you really, really trust to agree to serve as a reference for you. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the pastor, but one of the church leaders would obviously be good.

    The Lord has determined that those who preach the Gospel should earn their living from the Gospel. I wish you Godspeed in your search and ministry.

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    Unfortunately, I believe the “sucker” applies to this situation.  I have learned the hard way in this same scenario.  I served a church for 16 years!, that I loved.  I grew up there, met my husband there, & started to raise my children at this church.  I truly loved the people & served with every effort & bit of time I had.  At one point my husband was brought on as part-time staff, however the job was a full-over-time position.  We were promised more pay as soon as the church could “afford” it.  I worked personally a 40+ hour week without any pay whatsoever, in addition to my husbands 20+ hours a week which he was paid a small amount for.  I thought we were fully supported by the church until one day.  Someone got very angry with me and made false accusations about my husband and myself.  We were never supported by the church at all. I now know looking back, we never truly had the love & support after all.  I hope you will see the truth, the honest truth before it is revealed to you in an unfortunate circumstance. The word says “a man is worthy of his wages”!  You have to live in this world which requires the use of income, if you have a family you are required to take care of them, as well as pay the debtors you owe.  God sees your heart & wants to honor you.  Seek him first, he will lead you to the place in which he has already prepared for you, which includes compensation for furthering His kingdom.

    P.S.We are now working 3 jobs to pay off the debt accrued during our years of working in that ministry at that church.  One of those jobs, I am proud to say, is actually paying me very fairly for furthering God’s kingdom!  He did it for me, I know he will do it for you.
    Be blessed, & seek Him!

  • Posted by

    “Messiah-complexes” are self-destructive in a capitalistic society. If you were ministering under persecution in the Sudan then perhaps your situation would be acceptable...But guess what man, you’re in America where bills exist and schools are not free! I was once a sucker like you and ended up kicked out when the church could finally “afford” me and ended up working in a factory. Dude, you’re too trusting and giving to the wrong people. You’re a sucker!

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    Todd, First, dont look at yourself as a “sucker” but at the experience and lives that you have changed and influence for the cause of Christ. Secondly, do look at other opportunities for ministry.  Since you have had negative thoughts as an unpaid staff; they may transfer over when you are on paid staff; thus a new and fresh start for both parties would be best.

  • Posted by Paul Newell

    Been there, done that! For nine years. The only difference was that we were given “half” salary (not really half of what it would take to live) for most of nine years. Over and over the pastor would dangle the carrot of “full-time” in front of me - several times hiring other staff (with less responsibility, etc.) instead of fulfilling his responsibility to his already exisiting staff.

    The bottom line is this: if the church wants you and can’t pay for you - you have to decide if it’s God’s desire that you stay or not. If God wants you there He will take care of your needs. On the other hand He may be using the lack of salary to push you out of a comfortable nest.

    Churches should not “expect” staff level experience and involvement from volunteers which is what you are if you are not paid.

    It’s your decision, but either way you are not a “sucker” you are simply trying to fulfill God’s call on your life.

  • Posted by Mark

    I’ve been in that situation. I worked for my current church for “Free” for almost two years. But let’s define “Free” in a healthy church setting.

    1) God had blessed me with support from people who did not attend the church paying for 1/3 of what a normal “Salary” would have been. That was a process God led me to work with friends who agreed with my calling.

    2) The church paid me a “stipend” but without staff benefits, etc. About $200 a month. With a two year commitment to hire me or do away with the position. Over time God blessed that relationship and along the way the financial commitment increased gradually to the point that the church replaced all of my “raised” support.

    3) They encouraged me to follow God’s leading at all times and not to feel oblicated to them. It is after all the Kingdom we want to see advacne not just a particular congregation.

    4) I was led by God to be at this church; and did struggle financially, to make ends meet until hired full-time with benefits.

    Personally I would question any “leading” from God that would have you go into debt without a clear and committed plan for how you were going to get out of debt fast!

    But, this is just one man’s experience and one man’s opinion. Seek God and trust Him to guide you. He will provide.

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    13 years ago I was in your situation… I was going financially bankrupt waiting for the promised “raise, insurance coverage and...” The church didn’t have a lack of ability to pay, but they did have a problem with the value they placed on staff and the ministry to their community.  I moved on and have been blessed to minister in places that have a higher value for their promises.

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    I don’t think you can determine if you are a sucker by what you are getting compensated.  If God has led you to that ministry in a supportive role then compensation (or a promise of) shouldn’t be the reason for staying or leaving.  If compensation is the only thing being considered then you’re simply a hireling. On the other hand if God has led you to that ministry for support, then that should be the only litmus test for staying or leaving. 

    You’re never a sucker if you are obeying the leading of God’s spirit. If God’s spirit is leading you to look elsewhere then do so but don’t hang the whole question of staying or leaving on whether or not you get paid or someone’s unfulfilled promises. That is really irrelevant. God will be faithful to tell you when it is time to leave.

    In my experience, I served for close to 10 years in a church without much pay but I did it because I knew God wanted me there. Surely there were times when I felt I should have been better compensated but that was not my motive for being there. I just wanted to be obedient. During that time I learned some valuable lessons about making God my source instead of an individual or a particular ministry.

    What is God leading you to do in your heart when all the resentment for unfulfilled promises is taken away? It very well could be that God is leading you to leave but don’t let it be for the wrong reasons.

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    I think it is shame that the church seems to de-value your ministry and your educational sacrifice. The church in some cases in our modern society appear to be two faced; they want ministers who have a qualified educational background which in many cases cost a lot to get and on the other hand they do not want to pay you. The sad thing about this case is that when you fall into financial hardship because of the inability to pay back your loans, the chuch will want to hold this against you, and even get rid of you for a more financially sound pastor. Let’s hope he did not make the same mistake of getting an education to prepare for the ministry in which the church says you need to be qualified for.

  • Posted by Jared

    If you are married, GET OUT of that situation for your spouses’ sake!!  If not, then it is your own personal choice to allow yourself to continually be run over and you are harming no one but yourself.  However, I have found that the church will talk about you without respect behind closed doors, saying “why pay him/her if they are already doing it for free?” Then they will sing your praises to keep you doing it. 

    Think about it.  If there promises were sincere they could have compensated you with something small to begin with as a show of good faith of what was to come.  It could have been something as small as paying for a college book, a few dollars that could cover gas, or a freewill offering from the congregation, but you already knew that.  So, here is what you and I have learned the hard way...never enter a ministry position without a written job offer agreement again, because without one too many churches at some point will abuse their staff. 

    I know that you are not in ministry to make money and I can say the following with confidence.  I believe you have NO HOPE to change the present situation, but if you accept the offers from other churches exactly FOUR GLORIOUS BLESSINGS will come of it…

    1. A huge burden will be lifted from
    your family!

    2. The joy of ministry will be

    3. The new church will respect you more and you will have a monetary $$ value to them!

    4. Your present church will most likely pay the person who replaces you more than what they were promising you.  Hey, at least the new person will get something.

    GET OUT! Get out now!  If you have a family, get out yesterday! Don’t look back!  None of these blessings come until you have moved on!!

  • Posted by

    DUDE!! I have only one thing to say about this. It sounds like the church has been giving this pastor a basket of empty promises!! I have been in similar situations in student ministry and have come to find out that they never intend to compensate. An ending quote, “Let God keep him humble and we will keep him hungry.”

  • Posted by

    While I am being paid and the church is so good to me, I understand your frustration.  But I have come to realize that money can’t be your only and final consideration.  While it seems unfair and even unbiblical (1 Cor. 9), what is the Spirit of God telling you?  Is He convincing you to stick to it because it is His Will you do?  Because if you leave or stay and God has better plans for you, you’ll miss what God is doing.  So be in prayer.  Be in the Spirit.  Be in the Word.  The question is not are they wrong and you right.  The question is, what does God want for me.  Then the decision is no longer up to you and if it comes down to a confrontation with them, you can say, the Lord is leading me elsewhere.  Now this is something that I am going through and I believe most “ministry professionals” can feel with you about.

    God give you wisdom.

  • Posted by

    I would not say that you are a sucker, but your gentleness is being taken advantage of. If they have not paid you in five years, then they are not likely to do so now.

    My suggestion is to prayerfully consider the offers that you have, and if you feel God’s leading on one, take it. I would also, and this is important for the spiritual health of your current church, be very honest with anyone that asks why you are leaving, including any promises that have been made in the past. The members need to know the whole story, otherwise this will happen again to someone else.

  • Posted by

    No you are not a sucker...you obviously love the minister to continue your ministry (for free) while going to school on your own expense.  The question you have to ask yourself...is it God’s will for me to move on in my ministry.  I feel that is what you are asking yourself now.  Only you can answer that question, no one else can. It will take alot of prayer and reflection on what His will is for you.
    If this is where you are supposed to be then God will supply your needs.
    If it is not then he will provide you a place of ministry.

    The only other advice I can give you comes from Jesus Christ…
    “Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. Be as wary as snakes and harmless as doves.” Matt 10:16

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    Your loyalty for this ministry is to be commended; however, it seems as though the loyalty in this situation is clearly a one-way street.  This church has no right to not ask you to entertain other offers for compensation.  I pray blessings upon you as you seek to honor God with your life.

  • Posted by

    I am sharing as a sister in the body of Christ and as one who has been in the church and parachurch organizations for 30+ years.

    An agreement to fulfill a role within a church is like any other employment negotiation.  However, as Christians, we weigh our pros and cons against what we believe God is speaking to us.  Hence, the when pros and God’s word for us may be different, we act on God’s word instead of the pros.  What is God saying to you?

    We are advised in Proverbs to work with our hands in order to make a living so that our lifestyle testimony is fitting of that of a Christian.  Therefore, I would say that if your living expenses/savings are not being met or fully met, it is advisable to move on from a church that cannot pay you for your ongoing services.  However, if your living needs are met, then it is a matter between you and Lord to decide if you want to/should continue to give this extent of your time to this church.

    Utlimately, a church who has made a promise to you (esp. over 5 yrs.) but who can provide no indication of when they can fulfill their promise may express their desire to keep you, but little more than that.

    My own discernment says that its time to move on, but I what matters is taking this issue to the Lord in prayer (Proverbs 3:5-6) and gaining a peace about your decision for yourself.

    I trust that these thoughts are helpful to you.

  • Posted by

    Greg Schmid’s response sums it up very well. I would only add that in the future you should get your “compensation” on paper; sometimes people can’t remember what they said.

  • Posted by Jared

    If you are married, GET OUT of that situation for your spouses’ sake!!  If not, then it is your own personal choice to allow yourself to continually be run over and you are harming no one but yourself.  However, I have found that the church will talk about you without respect behind closed doors, saying “why pay him/her if they are already doing it for free?” Then they will sing your praises to keep you doing it. 

    Think about it.  Do they care about your intrests?  If there promises were sincere they could have easily compensated you with something small to begin with as a show of good faith of what was to come.  It could have been something as small as paying for a college book, a few dollars that could cover gas, or a freewill offering from the congregation, but you already knew that.  So, here is what you and I have learned the hard way...never enter a ministry position without a written job offer agreement again, because without one too many churches at some point will abuse their staff. 

    I know that you are not in ministry to make money and I can say the following with confidence.  I believe you have NO HOPE to change the present situation, but if you accept the offers from other churches exactly FOUR GLORIOUS BLESSINGS will come of it…

    1. A huge burden will be lifted from
    your family

    2. The joy of ministry will be

    3. The next ministry experience can
    only get better from!

    4. The new church will respect you
    more and you will have a monetary
    $$ value to them!

    5. Your present church will most
    likely pay the person who replaces
    you more than what they were
    promising you.  Hey, at least the
    new person will get something.

    GET OUT! Get out now!  If you have a family, get out yesterday! Don’t ever look back!  DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT ACCEPTING ANY OFFER THE PRESENT MAY MAKE AT THE LAST MINUTE!! 

    I want God to bless you like he has blessed my wife and I.  None of these blessings come until you have moved on!!

  • Posted by

    I’m sure you feel like a sucker and at times you think it to.  Yet, here a few thoughts that help you find your way through this.
    What has been your experience in your prayer life as you bring this before the Lord? Have you found the joy of serving the Lord at the present church without feeling like you are being taking advantage of? From your blog I sense you joy is distracted.

    The church is not obligated to pay when their situation is such that they can’t afford to hire more staff. Good stewardship principles come into play here.  If they can’t justify their budget to pay you for service rendered, they then should bless you for your commitment and service to them and release you to pursue other opportunities.  That is also a mature stewardship move on their part. You should feel free to move on. They should not hold you back to meet personal financial obligations that are pressing.
    You have to come to terms with the inevitalbe if this church is not prepared or able to hire you.

  • Posted by

    I believe you are being taking for granted. Not so much a “sucker” because God is ultimately blessing you for your work. But it is time to move on to something else and someone who “hire” you for the job.

    I guess my main concern is for you not be bitter with the church about it. When you decide to leave make sure your end of the ministry is faultless. Then when you discuss your departure, just be open and sincere. People will talk regardless but it won’t last because if you done your best, they won’t have much to say. They may or may not found out how much of an impact your work was.

    It happened to me doing it “part-time”. I recall the new music minister (careered in the field) worked “full time” and does much less than what I did and still complains with what he’s doing.

    I found out now, when I visit the church the people have a whole different “respect” for me. But ultimately, God will reward you greatly.

    My last words.. You’ve now somewhat established yourself.. MOVE ON HIGHER.

    “God speed”

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    Well, you’re not the biggest sucker in the world.  You have a lot of company.

    I was in a church that was infamous for doing this.  It still is.  The two co-senior pastors have repeatedly flattered and manipulated literally dozens of people into working for free for years, and a few into working 50-70 hours a week for 5-10 thousand a year, talking some even into giving up very lucrative careers, all with the promise that they’d be made full-pay staff in the future.  In most cases, either the position remained volunteer or “part-time”, or, when they hired someone, it was someone else.  And while this practice began when the church was a fledgling church-plant, this practice grew and only got worse over the eight years I was there, in which the church grew into a borderline mega-church that could certainly have afforded to compensate these people. And it’s still going on today.

    Leave that church, shake the dust off your heals, and don’t look back.  But, before you do, get a written and signed review of your performance from the church’s leadership—because, if you don’t, when you leave they’ll justify not hiring you by decrying the quality of your work, or worse, by assassinating your character by innuendo—e.g., “There were just ‘certain things’ about him that were not likely to improve or go away, and these made him unhireable.” (Sadly, this is human nature - it was also evidently policy at the church I was speaking of.) You also need to send a loving but stern letter (with a copy of your last review) to the senior pastor & the elders and deacons, along with a copy to your school’s placement and internship/field-ed office.

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