
And I Wanted to Be There:  “Ingrid, Rick… RIck, Ingrid”.  Ain’t Happenin’ This Side of Heaven

Orginally published on Monday, May 12, 2008 at 8:02 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Looks like there will be no talking between Ingrid and Rick Warren, at least this side of heaven. Many of you know that we've followed the follies over at SliceofLaodicea.com over the years; the start-ups, the shut-downs; the put-downs and the put-upons. Well, it seems that in an effort for peace and reconciliation (or at the very least to open up lines of communication), Rick Warren has extended his hand to Ingrid and a place on his stage at Saddleback. Ingrid responded over the weekend with an open letter over at Slice. If you haven't already done so, please watch the video I posted today with Tim Keller talking about how religion can easily turn into oppression. I'm wondering... is this a little of what has happened with Ingrid and Rick? here's the letter...

Here’s a link to the original post at Slice.  The invitation letter, and Ingrid’s response.  Be sure to go back and watch the Tim Keller piece as well.  I’d love to hear your comments on this.

Hi Ingrid,

On behalf of Pastor Rick Warren, I would like to personally invite you to attend this years Purpose Driven Church Gathering (May 20-22) at our wonderful campus in Lake Forest, California. Pastor Rick would not only like to invite you, but pay for you to come out and spend three days with this group of national and global leaders. We are anticipating close to 2,000 leaders will gather to learn from our guest speakers. The only request we have is that you please wait to share your thoughts until the conference has completed. This will give you the best chance to listen and learn before responding. Lastly, I would like to include you in an open discussion time with Pastor Rick and a few other leaders on Thursday, May 22nd.

I truly hope you will accept this wonderful offer to come and learn. Please let me know by Monday, May 12th if we can count on you joining us. If you can, I will have our travel agent connect with you to take care of your travel needs. To learn more about this great gathering please click here PDC Gathering.


Erik Rees
Saddleback Church
1 Saddleback Parkway
Lake Forest, CA 92630

Dear Erik,

I am in receipt of your invitation offering an all-expenses paid trip to Saddleback’s worship conference. I cannot accept your invitation. In the world of live church webcasts, book publishers, websites and so on, it is no longer necessary to travel to see a church to understand what it is all about. Your pastor’s copious writings, speeches and sermons are online and available for everyone to see and analyze in the light of God’s Word.

No amount of time spent with Rick Warren or the worship conference leaders at Saddleback can change basic facts. One of your speakers, Pastor Mark Batterson, recently referred readers on his website to the writings of New Age teacher, Eckhart Tolle, featured by Oprah Winfrey. He said that Tolle’s book, Practicing the Power of Now, was instrumental in the way he thought about life. I could not sit and listen to someone with that lack of discernment. Also featured at your worship conference is Pastor Jentezen Franklin, of the Free Chapel in Gainesville, Georgia. This is the pastor who featured a Michael Jackson Thriller dance on his church platform at a Halloween-themed service, complete with a haunted house set-up on stage. Again, how could I sit under that kind of pastor to learn about worship of the Most High God? Additionally, you have Pastor Mark Driscoll as a speaker. Mark’s filthy language and vulgarity is not fit for any woman’s ears, and I’m not about to subject myself to his disobedient use of coarse jesting in the name of ministry. It does not comport with the Scripture’s requirements for conduct in the office of the ministry. Pastor Mark Beeson of Granger Community Church will also be there to speak on the subject of worship. I cannot listen to a “pastor” who claims personal responsibility for the sex-sermon-campaigns by churches across the nation. These campaigns have brought complaints even from the unregenerate who are sick of their children getting hit with lewd materials in public places. Any pastor who is responsible for this kind of filth has nothing to share on the subject of worshiping our holy God.

Pastor Rick Warren has had vast financial resources to share with the world his solution to mankind’s problems. He, unfortunately, has chosen to introduce an entirely new generation to a social gospel, rather than the exclusive message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is telling that none of the E’s in his P.E.A.C.E. plan stand for “evangelism”. This is wrong.

I cannot agree to Rick Warren’s invitation. He has been biblically confronted repeatedly by those far more able than I regarding his numerous unbiblical teachings and the damage they have done to churches nationwide. We are to worship the Lord both in spirit and in truth. The mixture of truth and error is a dangerous combination spiritually, and that is why I will not be coming to Saddleback.


Ingrid Schlueter
VCY America Radio Network

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  There are 101 Comments:

  • Posted by

    The context of my word were in that she was invited by RW to go.  she cited that she could not sit under Driscoll.  she has been presented with an opportunity to go and speak with her brother.  She said no. 

    You are trying to make a point that really isn’t a point.  You are calling Peter and myself out for not contacting Ingrid when we both tell you we tried.  Not just once but half a dozen times for me.  I wrote her asking for dialog.  I wrote her asking for her opinion?  I wrote her asking for clarity on her thoughts but NEVER did she respond.  I did it privately.  I did it off line so there could be conversation.  She declined that offer too.  Could be a pattern there.  declining offers for dialog. 

    I am done splitting hairs with you since you only seem to want to split hairs for fault finding.  Have a great life.

  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    I think I’m also done arguing about this, as we are straining gnats here, and you all know what happens next…

    And in my case, it wasn’t a one-sided email conversation. Ingrid emailed me back several times even.

  • Posted by


    Nowhere in the invitation does it state the purpose of the visit is to give her an opportunity to confront personally (there’s that word again) those she has publicly critized.  In fact the invitation is conditional, no comments please. 

    and then you quote Ingrid and comment. 

    looks like a “watch-doggie” to me.

  • Posted by Bo Lane

    It’s interesting that we get to see an “inside glimspe” at the ongoing “conversation” (as the emergents would say) between Pastor Warren and Ingrid. And though the “name dropping” on her part would normally bother me (as it does when people like Mark Driscoll do the same thing - yet I happen to appreciate his ministry and approach greatly), it doesn’t offend me because of the context and who the letter was intended for.

    On one hand, to a small extent, I can agree with the “idea” of what she is saying. We should be careful who’s authority and leadership we find ourselves under.

    On the other hand, it is our responsibility to “study to show ourselves approved unto God, workmen that needs not to be ashamed ... rightly dividing the word of truth.” That’s the key. It’s our responsibility to examine the scriptures for ourselves and never take anyone at their “word” when it comes to the Word - especially when it comes to flags in our spirit towards context or doctrine.

    Unfortunately, she has fallen under the wings of legalism and needs to re-examine her heart and motives and realize that we’re all just men and women consistantly “falling short of the glory of God.”

    She should’ve taken the invitation for two reason:

    1) Whether she wants to admit it or not, she is a part of the same body of believers as Pastor Warren, Pastor Driscoll and others and she could’ve benefited greatly from being in the presence of people who are passionate about change and seeing the body of Christ grow and mature.

    2) It is her responsibility as a believer in Jesus to work towards reconciliation in all things and at all times whenever possible.

  • Posted by

    ingrid couldn’t sit under Mark D.? Does anyone actually sit under (pay attention to) ingrid?

  • Posted by Peter Hamm


    [ In fact the invitation is conditional, no comments please.]

    Uh, read again above… [Lastly, I would like to include you in an open discussion time with Pastor Rick and a few other leaders on Thursday, May 22nd.] Sounds like she’ll be able to say whatever she wants.

    Also… [and then you quote Ingrid and comment.] I am quoting Ingrid in a public forum where anyone may comment or refute my statements that went along with it. Ingrid has chosen to air her comments in a forum in which no one is welcome to offer their perspective at all. Do you not see the difference.

    I am not a watch-doggie, in fact. I don’t make it my job to root out heresy. I, instead, am in the business of the Gospel, as a pastor in a local church which sees people changed from unrepentant sinners into Christ-followers all the time. I’d DEFINITELY rather be doing that than be a watchdog, which is why I am.

    I am eager, however, to expend SOME of my energy to support and defend the Gospel being preached in as effective a manner as someone like Rick Warren has done.

    There, I think I just DID swallow a camel.

  • Posted by

    Peter the problem with swallowing the camel is that if it doesn’t get you going down, it will coming out.  I am so tired of the nit picking going on from a few people here at mmi.  You didn’t say the gospel exactly like I want you to so you must not believe in Jesus and the trinity and hell and the bible and uuuuggghhh.  CS, Eric, JOB et al.  You guys wear me out with your constant twisting of words and criticisms.  I am so glad none of you go to my church, I couldn’t stand the negativity.  If you are ever in Roseville CA.  don’t visit my church please.

  • Posted by Peter Hamm


    I think you guys have a standing invitation to visit the church down the street from me if you ever come to Du Bois, too…

    Thanks Leonard, I LOVE your perspective you offer here.

  • Posted by

    Leonard said:

    “It is found in the Great Commission in the Make disciples and teach them all I commanded.”

    So, assuming, as you have done in propping up a straw man, that Jesus taught His disciples how to bake the greatest batch of heavenly chocolate chip cookies ever, why don’t we see such in our podiums today?

    To imply that Jesus gave a marriage class for His disciples is ludicrous and exemplifies a problem that plagues the Western Church: reading into Scripture in order to justify unbiblical practices, such as having “churches” conduct conference after conference on issues that are not within the New Testament auspices of The Church.

    The only reason “churches” conduct such conferences, using cutesy PR jargon in the process, is only to fill the pews.  When a “church” has to succumb to using such worldly methods to get a crowd, that should be telling enough of how marginalized the Western Church has become.

  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    I could see a batch of chocolate chip cookies fulfilling the great commission… no, seriously… I could! Why not? Imagine this. Set an oven on stage, and during the sermon, the preacher makes a huge batch of cookies, and then gives them all out to his congregation at the end of the service. Thanks, Ricky… good idea!

    That wasn’t a straw man, Ricky, by any definition. Paul gives instructions for married couples, the OT does, Jesus teaches us how to love like he does… I honestly think you’re the one who’s “inferring” when you seem to imply that Jesus never addresses nor wants us to address practical mundane real-life things like marriage, family, and making cookies for friends and family.

    But as I recall, you’re one who doesn’t really recognize the authority and position of the local church leaders anyway. (So it mystifies me why you post or even read here, but whatever...)

  • Posted by

    I totally agree with Leonard and Peter. You guys are ever in my area, I’ll find you a church. You guys have not made one good point and really should be listening instead of talking. Hope you had fun.

  • Posted by

    Your mistaken.  Jesus taught on morality.  He spoke on sexual purity.  He spoke on the sanctity of marriage.  He spoke about lust.  I guess this might fall in the Make disciples and then TEACH THEM ALL I HAVE COMMANDED. 

    why don’t you stop trying to pick fights?

  • Posted by

    Peter and Leonard,

    I thought you were done?


    Because I have been accused of splitting hairs, taking things out of context, and fault finding I went back and reread the comments.

    Lori said,

    “Probably not.  But is it easier to “agree to disagree” when we are face to face?  Yes. I also think it is easier to pray for and forgive one another when we interact face to face”

    Mike S said,

    “While my immediate response is “if you’re not willing to meet face-to-face then you have no room to criticize,”

    Peter said,

    “Depends on your definition of “going before Warren and refuting him”, doesn’t it. If you don’t count people who set up web sites with the express purpose of critiquing and picking apart public figures’ theologies, then maybe the number is not so great”

    CS said,

    “And yet, from what I understand, many of those people, over the years, tried communicating directly with him, face-to-face,”

    Leonard said,

    “So go speak to him.”

    I said,

    Perhaps it would be only fair for those who critize Ingrid for being so public in her comments without a personal meeting to practice what they preach.  Please contact Ingrid with your complaints before you comment in any public forum.  I’m sure God doesn’t only read the posts in a blog but the comments also.

    Then the MMI tag team champions Peter and Leonard entered the ring and raised their hands like anxious 2nd graders with a correct answer that they have tried to have a “personal” meeting with her.

    Peter said, “ too have contacted Ingrid personally and even carried on a bit of a conversation with her. She made it very clear in no uncertain terms in her notes....

    Later we find the extent of these “personal” attempts was either a blog comment or an email.  I think that is what Peter meant by “in her notes”. Peter and Ingrid have never met personally and an email from Peter to Ingrid is just as personal as free vacation offer sitting in my mail box. 

    Some questions have gone unanswered in all this, perhaps because the correct answers may spoil the Ingrid bashing that some here enjoy. 

    It seemed to me the comments were suggesting that Ingrid is out of line speaking against public figures because she had never met with them personally. I then asked, even if you have made an attempt (however lame it really was) to contact Ingrid and she refuses does that give you permission to publicly speak about her in a forum like this.  Of course the answer is no.

    I’m done, Peter and Leonard don’t worry I won’t be visiting your churches.  I’m part of a wonderful church that is faithful to the Gospel, reaches the lost and even thinks it’s important to root out heresy.

  • Posted by Peter Hamm


    I’ll bite… one more time…

    You lump a bunch of unconnected comments from people together into one. Do you see the flaw in that?

    THANK you for lumping me into the same “team” as Leonard. I’m honored.

    I myself don’t think I ever indicated that I thought that you had to meet someone face-to-face to make personal contact. I consider the email back-and-forth where both parties respond to one another to be just fine (just like the letters in the new testament that were mentioned earlier… an example you seem to have ignored). So you say [Please contact Ingrid with your complaints before you comment in any public forum.] I did that.

    Ingrid is happy to criticize people publicly, including quotes out of context and strong sarcastic rhetoric, without allowing any dialogue or retort on her slice website. She has indicated that by not allowing comments. She has no interest in creating dialogue at all. She has indicated this personally to me by email. I find fault with that, and I let her know that. You, however, have been willing to engage in dialogue. I thank you for that.


    You seem to indicate that you think that it is necessary to have face-to-face contact with someone to critique them. And yet you are willing to critique me (and others) on this public forum without meeting face-to-face.

    You can’t have it both ways, my friend.

  • Posted by

    Job, I think your characterization of Peter and Leonard as being like “anxious 2nd graders,” was unfair, unnecessary, and mean spirited.  And since you said it in a public forum, I have no problems with confronting you publicly, either.

  • Posted by

    JOB, perhaps you could facilitate communication with Ingrid.  Several times I have tried to communicate with her and have never gotten a response.  Her website does not allow comments on what she posts.  She does not respond to e-mails.  And now she won’t agree to meet in person with the people she takes issue with.  How would you suggest a person contact her?

    Leonard, Peter, et al. please stop.  You’re wasting valuable time arguing with fools.  You have important Kingdom work to do, whereas the idiots have appointed themselves Guardians of the True faith and Defenders against heresy.  Here’s a quote for you, “Never argue with an idiot.  They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.”

    I pray that people who happen upon these comments and these absurd arguments realize that this is not representative of the better side of Christianity. 

    JOB (yeah, that’s your real name), Eric, Ricky, et al. what these discussions really need is something only you can provide: your absence.

  • Posted by

    Nora, Daniel (especialy Daniel), Peter, Leonard

    Drop me an email and I will give you my cell phone we can talk “personally”.  Just click on my name.

    Just keeping it real,


  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    Nope, don’t have time. I barely have time for these exchanges. But thanks for the invite.

    But this was fun!

  • Posted by

    This is all so unseemly {if that’s the right word}; in other words, these kinds of discussions seem so worthless.  Oops...I just joined in.  Anywho, there are leaders in some pretty big churches who aren’t in the limelight; they don’t want to be known beyond the area in which they do the Lord’s work.  What’s with this cult of personality we’ve got going on here?

  • Posted by

    Please allow me to apologize; re-reading my comments from yesterday they were rude.

    I still think many of the arguments presented are absurd and pointless, and I don’t see any point in discussing anything with someone who thinks they are the only one who knows the truth and that everyone else is leading people into heresy.  But calling anyone an idiot or a fool is uncalled for and I apologize. 

    I do like the quote about arguing with idiots, though.

  • Posted by

    Wow!  Is this blog indicative of how how Christians really treat each other?  No thanks!

  • Posted by Peter Hamm


    I think you’re getting the wrong idea. Those of us who post here are very passionate about the Gospel, but I’ll bet if you found us all together in one room we’d get along just great, even those of us who disagree strongly on many things.

  • Posted by

    Rick Warren is a blatant Scripture distorter, I wouldn’t go to Saddleback even if they offered me a million $’s. Rick Warren needs to repent and renounce his whole Purpose Driven Program. His Purpose Driven Life book is riddled with Scripture twisting, it is nearly impossible to keep a track of it.

    Ingrid is using godly wisdom in not going. The whole Purpose Driven Movement is an illusion, a very deceptive one at that. Most professing Christians cannot see this fact, they are spiritually blind. Most people attending that conference will be deceived by the razzle dazzle of it all. They will get caught up in all the subjective emotional hype and their objective discernment will fly out the window

    Here is an excellent expose of the Gospel according to Rick Warren, one of many, which is no gospel at all:


  • Posted by

    Spiritual Terrorism

    Jude 3-13, 17-23

    “Everywhere in the world, biblical truth is under attack. What may surprise you is that the most devastating assault isn’t coming from outside the church—it’s coming from spiritual terrorists within the church.

    On the surface these terrorists look, act, and sound like everyone else. In their comfortable concealment they raise doubts about God’s Word, undermine its authority, and create chaos that, left unchecked, destroys churches.

    Who are the spiritual terrorists? How do you identify them—what are the telltale signs? And how can you defend yourself against them?

    In twenty-five powerful verses, Jude provides the counterintelligence to foil Spiritual Terrorism. Let John MacArthur show you how to spot enemies in the church, overcome their lies, and stay vigilant in the battle for truth.”


    “You know, as I was thinking about this, this week, it concerns me that we’d do anything to sort of contribute to this defection.  And one of the things that I believe contributes to people defecting from the gospel is an utterly inadequate presentation of the gospel.  I think it’s part of the ignorance factor where the seed sort of bounces off of hard ground because nothing has ever been told to somebody to prepare the soil.  Weak, self-centered, trivial, superficial, shallow gospel presentations do not bring people to a true knowledge of the gospel, do not bring them to true salvation, but they make some kind of response to that superficiality and when there is no real transformation in their lives, they depart thinking that they’re inadequate understanding was an adequate understanding and the gospel proved to be impotent.

    In the most popular Christian book, The Purpose Driven Life, you will look long and hard in this book on the purpose driven life to find the gospel.  Now I don’t know how you could ever live a purpose driven life if you didn’t know how to get into the Kingdom of God, or how to be saved.  And as I went through the book, this is the gospel presentation, the only one that I found.  “First believe, believe God loves you and made you for His purposes.  Believe God has chosen you to have a relationship with Jesus who died on the cross for you.  Believe that no matter what you’ve done, God wants to forgive you.  Second, receive Jesus into your life as your Lord and Savior.  Receive His forgiveness for your sins.” Is there anything missing there?  What might be missing there?  Repentance.  “So I invite you to bow your head and quietly whisper the prayer that will change your eternity.  Jesus, I believe in You and I receive You.” What Jesus?  Who did what?  Where’s the resurrection?  It goes on.  “If you sincerely meant that prayer, congratulations, welcome to the family of God.” How does he know who’s in the family of God?  No repentance, no judgment, no hell, no heaven, no self-denial, no discussion of sin, no laying down of the Law of God against which the sinner is broken, no sense of guilt, no sense of condemnation, no fear of eternal torment.  That is an inadequate gospel.  That is a gospel that I will tell you will contribute to apostasy.  It will contribute to defection because people are going to come to that which they think is the saving message and when it doesn’t do anything, they’re gone.  A shallow gospel presentation that doesn’t present the reality of eternal judgment, the reality of the Law of God, the reality of condemnation, eternal hell, does not warn of God’s wrath, that does not crush the sinner under the weight of his violation of the Law of God, that does not make him stand before God guilty. 

    The gospel presentation that doesn’t do that isn’t a faithful gospel presentation.  And then to tell somebody, “Welcome to the family,” as if you knew.  This is fantasy.  The stronger the gospel message, listen, the harder the gospel message, the more demanding...the more law is incorporated into it, the more guilt is produced by it.  The more the sinner trembles, the more conviction, the more fear, the greater the understanding of hell and judgment, the less likely it is to generate a false response.  The Jews knew enough about God and they walked away.  We want to make sure that when people, if they will walk away, they’re walking away from the knowledge of the truth, not some superficial non-saving message that doesn’t even mention the resurrection without which you couldn’t be saved, because you can’t be saved if you don’t confess Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God...what?...raised Him from the dead.”

    Apostates, Be Warned, Pt. 2 by John MacArthur

    Is that frightening or not? Is that cause for real concern or not? Is John MacArthur lying? Is John MacArthur twisting the truth? Is pastor John MacArthur to be trusted or not?

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    Douglas, many of us have been down this road many times and most of us will not go down it with you.  I would suggest if you really are interested in engaging here, try to be less inflammatory in your writing.  Most people here will engage in a civil discussion and even disagree as long as it is respectful.  Thanks, Leonard

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