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Beware of the Purpose Driven Church

This is one of the more humorous things I've read in a while. But really, it's not all that funny. This is a REAL list of 'warnings' printed to help people know if their church is being taken over by scrupulous Purpose Driven leaders. It's not funny because people are buying this stuff. I read it and wonder how anyone can write this with a straight face... Regardless, you've been warned.

Here is some of the list.  I was going to comment on each one; but I think they speak for themselves. 

My personal favorite is #6:

“The pastor, or a new leader with a few assistants, usually four, takes charge of all church business.”

Huh?  They must know something the I didn’t know.  I thought it only took three leaders and assistants to subvert the pure doctrine of the church.  Now I know that it ‘usually’ takes four.

Interesting note:  This pamphlet also (if you read it) encourages gossip and subversion be telling people that they can regain their leadership of the church by getting 10-20 percent of the membership on their side.  They call this “activist intervention”.  What does the Bible call that kind of thing?

You can read the real pdf here (thanks to our friends at the VCY website)…

Here are some of the ways you can tell if your church is transitioning to Purpose Driven:

1.  Change in music to a contemporary rock style.

2.  Removal of hymn books; eliminating the choir.

3.  Replacement of organ and piano with heavy metal instruments.

4.  Repetitive singing of praise lyrics.

5.  Eliminating of business meetings, church committees, council of elders, board of deacons, etc.

6.  The pastor, or a new leader with a few assistants, usually four, takes charge of all church business.

7.  A repetitive 40–day Purpose Driven Church study program stressing psychological relationships with each other, the community, or the world, begins.

8.  Funded budgeted programs are abandoned, or ignored, with ambiguous financial reports made.

9.  Sunday morning, evening, and/or Wednesday prayer meetings are changed to other times; some may even be eliminated.

10.  Sunday School teachers are moved to different classes, or replaced by new teachers more sympathetic with the changes being implemented.

11.  The name “Sunday school” is dropped and classes are given new names.

12.  Crosses and other traditional Christian symbols may be moved from both the inside and outside of the church building. The pulpit may also be removed.

13.  In accordance with Dr. Warren’s instructions, new version Bibles are used; or only verses flashed on a screen are referenced during regular services.

14.  Purpose Driven Church films, purchased from Saddleback, precede or are used during regular services.

15.  The décor, including the carpets, may be changed to eliminate any resemblance to the former church.

16.  The word “church” is often taken from the name of the church, and the church may be called a “campus.” Denominational
names may also be removed.

17.  An emphasis on more fun and party sessions for the youth.

18 Elimination of altar calls or salvation invitations at the close of the services.

19.  The elimination of such words as “unsaved,” “lost,” “sin,” “Hell,” “Heaven,” and other gospel verities from the pastor’s

20.  The reclassification of the saved and lost to the “churched” and “unchurched.”

21.  The marginalizing, or ostracizing, of all who are not avid promoters of the new Purpose Driven program.

22.  Closed meetings between the pastor or chosen staff members without any reports made to the general membership.

23.  Open hostility to members who do not openly embrace the new program, or who may have left for another church.

FOR DISCUSSION: Any thoughts?

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This post has been viewed 2590 times and was added on June 07, 2007 by Todd Rhoades.
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  There are 30 Comments:
  • Posted by Leonard

    Don’t forget #24, Lives get changed and people start coming to Christ, growing to maturity in Christ and the church begins to give a crap about the lost verse how shiny we can make our halos.  Oh did my inside typing become outside typing?  Sorry

  • Posted by Derek

    In 2004 our church went the an identity crisis, resignation of the senior pastor, a less-than-entertaining church fight, and the departure of bunch of core families. This all happened weeks after our church did 40 Days of Purpose and those who left blamed it on who else.....but Rick Warren and the dangers of the purpose driven movement....real original right?!?

    Last summer one of our former member wrote a letter to the editor warning people of the dangers of the “seeker sensitive movement”—Warren, Hybels and the Message Bible all get thrown in there together. We are a non-denominational church and we have been enriched by the influence of Warren, Hybels and the Message Bible, but in the letter to the editor this former church member attack our church ( and me ) without naming us directly.

    The article listed 10 signs that your church is being destroyed by the seeker-sensitive TAKEOVER! It is similar to the list from the YCY.

    Here they are:

    1. The church leadership may point out that you need a new, larger more modern building at a new location. This may or may not be true, but it will certainly be impressive.

    2. They may point out that you need to update or create a new church logo. It will many times include a contemporary rendition of a cross that is a little sloppier in design than the traditional pictures of the cross that you are used to. The original cross was by no means attractive, but it was well built.

    3. They may point out that your church needs to target the younger people, young families, 20- to 40-year-olds. This point may be introduced through a church growth seminar with an outside moderator or church growth expert. Where does this leave our senior citizens?

    4. You may actually recognize, in some instances, an introduction of New Age practices. If you’re not familiar with such, you won ‘t recognize them. Many times they take on the shape of religious all-inclusiveness. An Internet search on the New Age Movement will again give you much information. The local library would be another source.

    5. You may notice other changes that are odd to you, but you can’t put your finger on what’s different or why they don’t feel right.

    6. Should you point these out to church leadership, you may be identified as a “resistor” and told, “If you don’t like what’s going on here, you can leave.” Loss of membership is to be expected in a church desiring growth.

    7. Unfortunately, the book “The Purpose Driven Life,” by Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in California, will sometimes usher in or be linked to the changes you see in your church. It reads well at first glance, but look again. Also, the Willow Creek Community Church in Illinois seems to be heavily involved.

    8. Your church may be engaging in “feel-good” activities to draw more people to church but then not giving them the meat of the Bible for fear of hurting their feelings. Go to the Bible and see what Jesus said to them ... it wasn’t always pretty, but it was always the truth and always for their good because He loved them enough to not leave them in the condition they were in.

    9. You may notice people in your church falling into the deception of these traits that you never would have dreamed would be involved, people you love, people with whom this may cause a break in relationship, people you thought would have been able to “see it coming” and helped the church avoid such destruction.

    10. A relatively new version of the Bible, called The Message, is used in a large number of seeker friendly churches. If you will compare your favorite version with many scriptures in The Message, you will find that much has been added to The Message, for example, I Corinthians 6:9, where, not only was an idea added, but the existing idea was muddied and made unclear. There are many others, but to save space I’ve only included this one. If you would like to compare scripture from almost any version of the Bible with The Message, http://www.biblegateway.com is an excellent resource. It includes The Message version.

  • Posted by

    Are you SURE it’s not Friday?

    Funny, we still do altar calls here every few weeks, in fact we’re doing one this weekend, right after we sing Amazing Grace (Chris Tomlin’s version).  Alas, no hymnals, and there will be heavy metal instruments (our grand piano is really heavy and has a lot of metal!).

    Oh, and we are one of the pillars of the Willow Creek Association, and will be spending next week at the Arts Conference.  I wonder what VCY has to say about that gathering of people?

    It has to be Friday.........

  • Posted by Paul J.

    What the???
    The sad thing IS that people take this seriously. Unbelievable.
    Hey Frank, see you at the Willow Arts Conference. I’ll be in the “Heavy Metal In Worship” seminar....

  • Posted by

    There is some truth to the concerns expressed by those who oppose the “Purpose Driven”, or “seeker friendly” approaches to worship.  However, the problem isn’t the approaches reprensented in these or other approaches, the problem is revealed when any church attempts to used a canned approach to solve their unique problems and situations.  The Saddleback appoach works for the Saddleback Church, but it will not work for every church, because few other churches will find themselves in the same cultural setting, or attempting to reach the same group of people.  When a church, or any ministry for that matter, attempts to use another’s apporach to ministry, it will most likely fail.  Why?  Because the approach that works for one church will not necessarily work for another.  One size will never fit all!  And that applies to ministries as well as clothing.  Therefore, the real problem isn’t the appraoch as much as it is often a reflection of a lack of spiritual discernment among the leadership.  When any leadership group looks for a canned apporach to ministry ,and people are leaving in droves, it often looks more like someone looking for numbers than a real ministry.  If leadership doesn’t seek God’s solution to reaching the lost and ministering to those within the congregation, and doesn’t use real discernment in ascertaining what is useful and what will not be useful within their congregations, then the real problem is a lack of spiritual maturity and discernment within the leadership.  There are few individuals within today’s Christian Church that hasn’t seen a power struggle within the leadership of a congregation that has not hurt or driven away many within the body of Christ, just because the leadership team was more interested in an approach than ministering to the body, as well.  We are of little good in taking a message of love and salvation to a lost world when we can’t get along with those already within the Church by maintaing the bond of peace.  Sometimes leadership needs to realize that another’s lack of excitement to a particular plan may not be a negative, but may be a necessary hesitation to slow down and keep praying for a united front.  We tend to forget that the Fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, gentleness, kindness, meekness, patience, long-suffering, and self-control.  I see few of these fruits encouraged, demonstrated, or sought after in today’s Church leadership seminars.  Have too often forget that God is more interested in our character development than He is in the size of the congregation. 

    The Founders of our Nation did just that-they refused to sign the Declaration of Independence from Great Britian until they were united in their cause.  Just having a majority vote wasn’t acceptable-they demanded unanimity before they separated from Britian.  Therefore, should the Church be less concerned about seeking a peaceful resolution to these questions?

  • Posted by

    Oh No!  I think I missed the takeover.  We’ve already done 1-4, 11, 12 and 16.

    Wait, actually our children’s programs were never call Sunday school, so drop 11.  We’ve never had a real pulpit, just a little table thing, so drop 12.  And the denomination name was never in the name of the church, although church is, so drop 16 too.

    And 1-4 weren’t really changes either, it’s just always been that way, and we do actually have a piano (but no organ).

    Whew! I guess maybe we’re ok, I was afraid for a second that we’d been assimilated.

  • Posted by

    Okay........ As with any thing involved in any type of “movement” - what some see as pros others will see as cons. The colors of our glasses is too often what gets most in trouble. When we put a person or a thing (such as the PDL book or PDC book) ahead of Christ and time in the Word - there is cause for concern.

    One of the other concerns stems from Warren using Eugene Peterson’s The Message in some of his “Bible” quotes. While I do not personally believe that it was Eugene’s attempt to create another translation - others take it as that and question Warren’s use of it as such.

    Comin’ at this from a different angle.

  • Posted by Derek

    Jim—I think you are right on. The problem is not with RW, BH or the Message Bible. The problem is how leaders in local churches process and impliment what they are learning from these guys. The problem is when church leaders try to produce a carbon copy of these other churches.

    I looked over the YCY list and I thought it is interesting that the majority of the warnings are not theological or biblical in nature—most are methodological.

    I especially like #7.  “A repetitive 40–day Purpose Driven Church study program stressing psychological relationships with each other, the community, or the world, begins.”

    Oh please, no psychological relationships!?!?! Are there relationships that are not psychological? Can you have a relationship with someone without connecting psychologically?


  • Posted by Leonard

    That said, the real issue is not purpose driven but leaders that lack wisdom.  Warren says all the time, one size does not fit all.  He says change anything you want on his stuff.  It is leaders looking to PD for a fix rather than God.  Truth be told much of warrens principles, when truly understood can be adapted almost anywhere. 

    The list above is not about PD but about 1956 and hoping it comes around again.  This is a brand of faith that believes anything that isn’t the flag waving, mom, apple pie of the bible (KJV) comes from the devil or Warren.  This is a brand of faith that says when you get saved you will look just like me or you wont be saved at all.  This is a brand of religion whose best days are behind it and the future looks bad and it is the devils fault, Rick and Bill’s fault, young peoples fault, those liberal Message reading pastors fault, anyone but them because they are the true sheep with the true way. 

    This is the brand of faith that is more upset that the neighbors dog dropped a #2 on the lawn than the fact the neighbor will spend all their days not knowing Jesus Loves them, spend all their days not knowing they can be forgiven, not knowing the God who made them and why and enter into eternity separated from God. 

    If you cannot tell, these people irritate me.  They are like a rash on the body of Christ that just wont go away.

  • Posted by

    It is so aggravating that I can’t figure out how Leonard really feels about this.  Oh well, maybe it’s just me.

    Is it that these people, and VCY, are aggravated that Warren quotes The Message, or that he quotes anything other than the KJV.

    And really, I don’t think The Message is an attempt at a new translation, but rather just a paraphrase meant to be an easy-to-read introduction to scripture for those who’ve never read the Bible before.  I would hope no one is using it as an authoritative literal translation.

  • Posted by Brad Raby

    This is the VERY brochure used in the blowup at FBC Daytona Beach when David Cox officially took over for Bobby Welch and then resigned just 6 months later.

  • Posted by Derek

    There are churches that have fought and contintue to fight fights over WHAT KIND of church they are going to be. If leaders want a PD or seeker sensitive or Message Bible-taught or rock n’ roll worship kind of church then maybe they should resign and plant a new church than to drag a 175 year old church through a PD renewal campaign.

    In the long run, isn’t it “easier” and less painful to plant a new church than to transition an old one? Don’t get me wrong, I know of churches that have done it. Ewin McManus’ Mosaic was once the Church on Brady, which was once The Second Baptist Church of Something-or-another. Certainly and example of a historical church that has sucessfully transitioned.

    If I was leading a traditional church and the people say, We don’t want a music stand for a pulpit, guitars in worship or the Message Bible,” then I would politely resign and plant a new church. That would prevent some of the blow ups and church fights.


  • Posted by

    I’m not a pastor, so I have zero experience, but I think that you are right when you say that if the choice is transition a church stuck in tradition, or plant a new one, that planting the new one might be easier.  But I really think that the question is not which is easier, but which am I called to?  The truth is that the churches who refuse to change are not just saying no to guitars and video clips; they are saying no to the lost and yes to themselves.  And so, there may be specific leaders called to help these churches see what is not biblical, what is not kingdom advancing about their attitude and lead them to the greener pastures of others-centered ministry.  A hard, messy calling, to be sure, but a calling nontheless.

    Just my thoughts.


  • Posted by Derek

    Nora - I agree. The most important issue is calling not personal comfort. I guess what I was saying is that if the pastor is called to transition the church and the church does not receive that calling the maybe the pastor should take it upon himself (or herself) to resign and plant a new church than to drag the church through a bloody war. It is a subjective call. The pastor would have to decide whether or not he or she was called to wage the war or not.

    I am not transitioning a traditional church or planting a new one, so I am standing on the onside looking in to churches being ripped apart in the process of change and I am think it may be easier and of greater kingdom value for the leader to step aside and plant a new church.


  • Posted by

    Leonard, I love you!

    This is exactly the kind of talk that I heard from Bill Easum 6 years ago, that brought me to my feet, got me out of the 1956 church, and into churches where saving people is more important than what we’re wearing, what the choir is wearing, or what the pastor’s wife is wearing!

    Preach it, brother!

  • Posted by

    Okay, you guys who are going to the Arts conference… let’s pick out a place to meet. I vote for after the end of the first day by the fountain outside the main worship space on the entry level. Shall we? I can’t wait to listen to all those emergents and emergent wannabes.

    I have another one…

    25. People who dont’ want to reach the lost leave and start attending the ingrown, in-focused, navel gazing _________(you fill in the blank) church down the street.

    My purpose is God’s Great News. Thanks Rick, thanks Bill, thanks _____(you fill in the blank) for awakening it in me!

    See y’all in Chicago on Wednesday!

  • Posted by

    #24 should be

    Pharisees in the church start rebeling against the church and making up list as to why others should resist change - under the guise of “spirituality”

  • Posted by myPond

    So this band of Unhappy Campers produces pamphlets and at many churches, blogs, full of inaccuracies to promote their personal measuring tools for spirituality. You could put them all together in a book entitied The Preference Driven Church: My Way or the Highway.

  • It is sad that people are so against Purpose Driven.  Those who oppose this seem cling to different practices and programs as though they are scripture themselves.  While I would not be one who would endorse everything Rick Warren does and teaches, I believe that he has advanced the Kingdom in a way that honors Christ by calling the Church back to what is foundational.

    Also, churches that copycat everything that Saddleback does is really misses the point.  It is the purposes that are foundational, not the programs.  Just because it works in Southern California doesn’t mean it will work in Des Moines, IA, etc.

  • Posted by

    My prayer is that we never become so “driven” that we forget our “purpose.”

    Sadly my observation is that’s what seems to happen at some “purpose-driven” churches where, as noted here, the leaders decide to move the congreation in a “new” direction using “new” methods. Do they think they are smarter than God? That preaching the Gospel doesn’t “work”?.

    Then they have the arrogance to say to those who have labored to build the kingdom in a city—“Thanks for the foundation, we’re smarter than you so leave if you don’t like it?”

    What’s up with that?

    Are they building up? Tearing down? Or just a bunch of adolescences rebelling against the parents?

  • Posted by


    [My prayer is that we never become so “driven” that we forget our “purpose.”] I heartily agree with that sentiment

    But your post displays what I find to be the big misconception of “purpose-driven”. There IS NO Purpose-Driven method! Read that again. Purpose-Driven is all about relating everything we do to the Great Commission and Great Commandment. That’s it. It’s not a method.

    [Do they think they are smarter than God? That preaching the Gospel doesn’t “work”?.] No, not at all, they are just obeying the imperative to bring out things from the storehouse “new and old” and to create “new wineskins”. Sounds like you might have had a bad experience with a church. I’m sorry about that.

  • Posted by

    I am neither going to praise or slam the “purpose driven” program itself, as I can not speak for God in His view of this idea, or the seeker-sensitive model.  I can definitely understand the challenge in reaching out to our modern and post-modern culture. However, what I will do it outline my own experiences.

    I have been part of a church that went purpose driven. I had recently returned to seminary, as my first pastorate fell apart and it was impossible to find another pastorate at the time (being young, single, and lacking the necessary 10 years experience or sufficient contacts to get another ministry placement), and the church that I was involved with decided to go PD. (I have a friend whose church went through the program earlier, and he was one of the ones who fought it all the way through, because of various issues with it. I didn’t listen to him much because it never came to my attention until later, when my church began implementing the program.

    It started with announcements, which I thought may be alright.  But then the pressure started. The insistence was placed onto the PD agenda, where everything in the church during the 40 Days of Purpose would be canceled, except for those that are specifically geared toward said program. Also, because there were 50 members of the church (including children), there will be 50 groups, where each member is expected to form a group, host them in their home, show the videos, etc. If the person will not make a group, they have no place in the church. My primary gifts and ministries have never included hospitality, as I have never been in a situation where I could be a host. Also, such strong-arm intimidation has never been my favorite form of convincing people to get involved, nor does guilt-tripping or lumping everyone into one specific ministry group, without any thought as to where they could best serve.  I brought these concerns to the pastor, and I was told to find another venue, where I could host a group, and also that it is not too difficult to do this. (in other words, my concerns were ignored).

    I was only able to sit in the first session of the campaign. The pastor used canned sermons, straight from Warren’s notes (apparently, he was told by Warren’s staff that this will make it more effective)… and it was an exegetical nightmare, just as my other friend (mentioned earlier) had told me. It was more like eisogesis, taking half-verses out of context (from the Message and a few other paraphrases) to say what they do not in their original context, adding verses that do not exist in other versions (not just KJV.  I also referred to ESV, CEV, NIV, NRSV, NASB, and NLT - not in any of them), and not doing the topics discussed any justice. Again, I approached the pastor with my concerns regarding context and faithfulness to the Biblical text.  And again, my concerns were dismissed. I mentioned the responsibility of the pastor to safeguard the flock and raise them up in the Truth, and I was told to be careful in how I use the word “truth”, and that I should “grow beyond this”. Suffice it to say, I left that church.

    The principles that Warren is trying to convey aren’t bad in and of themselves. They are very important for our faith, so long as they are properly understood, and also so long as they are properly explained and outlined.  Actually, they are at the elementary, “milk” stage of our faith. It doesn’t really matter about what songs or instruments are used in worship, so long as God’s people worship. Same thing with the chair/pew debate, or what color the carpet should be, or what the church should be named. These are not the fundamental issues. I think it was already mentioned above - every church context will be different. I, myself, am not a “seeker-sensitive”, “purpose-driven” guy, nor am I “staunch Pharisee”. All I am is a man who wants to be faithful to the LORD and what HE stands for.

  • Posted by

    I have been through PDL… I have been in a church plant… I have been in a church that is trying to transition from traditional to contemporary.

    I loathe the idea that being modern is always seeker sensitive.  Jesus Himself used pictures and and object lessons to teach.  He used CURRENT issues, He told stories that his audience was familiar with and could relate to.  Its weird… because for so many people now, that is a sin!  We are just insulting everything that the church has ever stood for.  Well, maybe “the church” but that doesnt mean that we insult what God wants.  He wants to see people come to know Him. 

    But what often happens is that WE, His people get in the way of that.  Yes Jesus spoke the truth and it was not always easy to take, but at the same time the people he was most harsh with were the “saved” people.  He showed grace and mercy to people all of teh time, but it was the religious people that felt insulted the most.

    I am not about inner church wars, it disgusts me.  But it is NOT wrong for a pastor to require something of his people.  It is his (or her) job to train people.  When in a sport your coach requires a lot of you… usually something that isn’t comfortable, something that is difficult.  Why?  Because in the end you will be better for it. 

    Now those in opposition of the PDL and WCA and all of that will say the sam ething, but they will say it is for those outside of the church.  And they are the trainers.

    But when the pastor is trying to train them and help them become better they just leave!  (I am not saying all pastors handle the issues right)

    The pharisees looked right, “acted right” but had it all wrong.  Jesus went out to reach the “lost,” and in a community of shepards “lost Sheep” makes sense… It is a diffierrent culture, people dont understand what churches are saying… Call it what you want, but these people are dying and going to Hell and people who are more concerned about how they look rather than the condition of their neighbors soul with have to answer for it!

    I guess at the end of the day, if you as a pastor or a leader can say that you did everything in your power to reach the people who need to hear the truth of who God is; and that you lead/taught/trained your people to do the same, if they taught the Word of God and peoples lives are transformed… Does it matter where the ideas came from, so long as God designed it?

  • Posted by Derek


    I am sorry that you went through a bad experience. I think some of the earlier posts hit on the idea that the problem you are talking about is poor leadership in the local church. So you are right not to slam PD for the problems in that church.

    We did 40 DOP and it was good for our church. It helped shape our identity but did not necessarily change our identity. Our pastor and I (I was the associate pastor at the time.) didn’t preach Warren’s message. I could see how doing that would be messy and unauthentic.
    We certainly need strong exegesis in our preaching. The problem with preaching other people’s sermons is that you do not do all of the exegetical work and study that goes into preparing the sermon. Maybe RW does all this work before writing his sermons with 18 different Bible translations. I don’t know...but that is why I wouldn’t preach his sermons.

    I also agree that we need to be authentic expressions of Jesus whever we are. It is ok to be influenced by various streams in the Church, just don’t try to be like them. Allow the Spirit to make you to be like Jesus. That is enough for me.


  • Posted by

    WOW!  I had better watch out or else I am going to be part of the “Taken-Over” group, huh?  What a joke!  I can personally testify to the fact and truth that being a Purpose Driven Church is a GREAT thing and not a BAD thing.  Trust me on that.  To say otherwide is to admit jealousy, ignorance, stupidity , or a combo of all three(?) You pick it!

    I was pastoring at a “First (name omitted) kind of church” in a city near Houston up until last year.  For 5 years I ahd struggled to make necessary changes, do new stuff and try new things to reach people and grow the current pembers, but even though they often acted like and/or sometimes said they wanted to change and try somethying new to STOP the bleeding and hemoragging of membership, attendnace, money, etc., when it came right down to it… they really did not want to do what it took to truly grow a church.

    So, After 5 years of “beating my ahead against the proverbial wall” of stubborn church members and staff, God called me to a different church.  It just happens to be in the SAME TOWN (I know that is odd) and it is a Purpose Driven church all the way! 

    My new church is only 5 years old, and we had 1,525 in three services this week!  PTL!  My former church will be blessed to have 275 total… and gradually shrinks smaller.  The avg. of the PDC is about 30 while the First church is about 60.

    So, you decide what you want to do: 1) do you want to keep doing what you have always done and in turn keep getting what you always got ... OR do you want to try something new and different and effective (what the PDC movement basically is!!) and see new and exciting results for Jesus week after week!?

    As for me, I will stay with my new PDC and keep seeing great things happen as people are saved, the unchurched are churched, and much more. 
    I could go on all day about how great and effective the PDC movement is… it is GGGRRREEEAATTT!

    NO folks, the PDC movement is not a Satatanical thing.. it is a GODLY thing and it is so exciting and good!  It is merely the satanical like believers who listen to Satan and mock and make fun of something GOd is doing and blessing in a mighty way. 

    Like they say:  Try it… You will like it.

    Dr. Roberts

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