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Hitting Rob Bell With His Own Bullhorn

Here's an interesting link. It seems "Way of the Master" ministries has some problems with Rob Bell. If you're familiar with Rob's Nooma videos, you'll probably have seen his "Bullhorn" one where he discusses the street preacher and how people just walk on past. Well, WOTM has done a spoof, of sorts, on the way that they feel people can and should use street evangelism. They call it "Christian Malpractice"...

What do you think?

1.  Is this a good approach to evangelism?

2.  Do they make their point to discredit Rob Bell?  Which approach do you like better?  Is one approach crazy or unbiblical as WOTM accuses?

3.  This was clearly as spoof of the Nooma video.  Is it good to use this type of approach to promote your views with other Christians?  Wouldn’t it be better to come up with your own creative approach rather than spoof other’s approach?

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This post has been viewed 1220 times and was added on November 06, 2006 by Todd Rhoades.
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  There are 20 Comments:
  • Posted by eric

    I’d like to get a second opinion, please.

    I think they have set up their appropriate straw man, and they have conveniently characterized themselves as the “good” doctor. Maybe Rob Bell has generalized about street evangelism in “Bullhorn,” BUT we have all seen the “bullhorn” guy in action. The guy in this video is NOT the bullhorn guy that Rob Bell is talking about.

    The guy at the end of the video sounds like the Warden in Cool Hand Luke, “What we have here...is failure to communicate...” How appropriate!

  • Posted by DanielD

    It’s funny now how many of these type videos are coming out now that Rob Bell has opened that door through his amazing creativity and ability to share such powerful messages in 10 minutes of film. Not sure I would justify this WOTM video as a spoof on a NOOMA but I certainly see the comparison.  wink

    I’m not convinced there is a right or wrong way to evangelize. I personally think each approach is relevant for certain people. Some people who are hurting from a bad church experience in their past (or other reason) need more of a “Dr. Love” approach while others may need a more direct and in-your-face “Dr. Reason” approach. I think sometimes too much debate happens in Christian circles about which WAY is better versus allowing God in to let Him be the guide. It certainly is a sensitive issue and we know that anyone can manipulate scripture to support whichever side they choose. I for one am not fond of the “Dr. Reason” approach but I do know several people who needed that direct conviction at some point to realize their relationship with God.

    I really didn’t see a direct stab at Rob Bell in this WOTM video but more so a stab at what they may classify as the “Emerging Church.” I’d honestly say their “Dr. Love” could also be a “Dr. Positive” and be a reference to Joel Osteen in the same regard. I just wish we could spent less inward focus worrying and arguing about which way is right, who is right, etc. etc… and spend more outward focused on working together to unify our differences and create better and more disciples for Christ. Constructive debate and challenging is always good but if we spend our ministry time more focused on lost souls than worrying about proving we’re right compared to another pastor or mission (who may be called by God in a totally different way than ourselves), then we all might get more done for God.

    If recent Ted Haggard evens have taught us anything… it might be of far less importance how we evangelize but rather much more important as to how we live our lives as a reflection of our faith.

  • Posted by Chris

    I actually like every one of Rob Bell’s Nooma videos except Bullhorn. I think I know what Bell was going after, but I think he missed it.

    Maybe he was going after the bullhorn guy who stands on the corner - but that’s a pretty small audience to be going after.

    The whole Bullhorn video comes across as a universalistic rant on Bell’s part that begs us to not to talk about sin or hell. I struggle with how I can understand a Savior if I don’t understand what He saves me from.

  • Posted by Tony Myles

    1.  Is this a good approach to evangelism?

    Is this evangelism or evangelism training?  What do you think?

    2.  Do they make their point to discredit Rob Bell?  Which approach do you like better?  Is one approach crazy or unbiblical as WOTM accuses?

    Way of the Master has used this on the street teaching style since it began.  What if it only looks like a slam because of the content?  What if we’re coming in with some Rob Bell defense filters already in us?

    3.  This was clearly as spoof of the Nooma video.  Is it good to use this type of approach to promote your views with other Christians?  Wouldn’t it be better to come up with your own creative approach rather than spoof other’s approach?

    Is it “clearly” a spoof?  Or is it “clearly” to those of us who like Rob Bell?  All things are creative just as there is nothing new under the sun.  If you want, you could critique Bell for “stealing” Jesus’ style of teaching in the world he ministered in, using natural props and such.

    But why?  What would be the point of critiquing another Christian’s attempt to share the Gospel?  I mean, if their heart was to proclaim Christ and they did their best to be biblical, wouldn’t criticizing them be… well… blasphemy?

  • If you want to know my thoughts, I recently wrote a review of WOTM here:



  • Posted by

    Overgeneralizing, over-assuming, and mis-understanding what Rob is sayiing… great place to start…

    tongue wink

  • Posted by David Buckham

    I agree that WOTM, if this is in fact a spoof, missed the point of Bell’s video.  The bullhorn video is about stereotyping and sharing your faith.  If I may make the same jump that I feel WOTM made.  It is obvious that the “evangelist” doesn’t love the men he speaks with.  We know it is obvious because there is no follow up phone call or attempt to connect the new converts with other Christians.  The “evangelist” has just left everything in the hands of the new converts.  I guess it is important to know that love has nothing to do with action.  We must simply say I love you and it must be pure emotion and feelings, no cups of cold water allowed.

    Again if this is a spoof, the final piece of sad news for this video is that it has the ability to be shown to the web connected world that Christians really don’t like each other, so what should we care about unbelievers.  It says hey, let us Christians show you what real love is as we love our neighbors as ourself, not to mention our unfathomable love for God. 

    I guess the only question I have is how were you saved?  Was it by a person on the street or a person you knew who took some time to talk with you about what was important to them? 

    all about Christ,

  • Posted by

    Shaking my head....why do we shoot ourselves in the foot time after time with such POOR examples of the message of Christ?

    Rob Bell got it so right, and these people got it so wrong.

  • Posted by Rich

    One term.  “lordship evangelism”

    This is the problem with the video:  besides all the lessons from Christ and Paul n the Bible about being “wise and serpants and gentle as doves” and calling us to “become all things to all men” we see how Hudson Taylor was senstitive to the Chinese and actually spoke their language.  Why is it that we would be so arrogant to not speak a language the listener we love would understand and show some receptivity to?

  • Posted by Rich

    oops, I meant “lordship salvation” at the head of my post

  • Posted by Gman

    Why is it an either or?

    I don’t know if this is one of that or one is right one is wrong. Though I noticed shouldn’t it be a combination of love and reason? Reason alone doesn’t give you Faith nor Love alone. I think we reduce salvation and the Gospel to formulas. Too many spoofs and infighting rather than building the Kingdom.

  • Posted by

    The whole thing is a mess!  To base theological positions on words pictures/metaphors and misquotes of complicated passages of scripture is simply juvenile.  One’s view of the “2nd Coming” deeply impacts this evangelization as well: if Jesus could very well show up any minute, there’s an intesnity (blind man and cliff) that those who see His return as distant to not share.  Likewise, people who hold to a more mysterious view of the afterlife - that is to say, even if someone has failed to say the sinners prayer, they MAY actually make it into heaven - are less intense in sharing their faith.

    As someone wisely pointed out, the whole Dr. Love/Positive role playing cannot possibly be authentically reproduced for a video because it (i.e. conversion via relationship) requires one thing a pre-tribulation/literalist doesn’t have: time!

  • I wanted to find out more about Rob Bell, but I’m not going to pay him to hear it.  His little video is a few second teaser to buy his DVD.

    From what little I saw, Rob would probably also put down the tactic of John the Baptist.

    I think there’s a place for both bull-horns and relationships.


  • Posted by bobby

    Just a thought...this actually omis the first part of the video that is a bit more overt in its attack on Christians who would be similar to Rob Bell.  Here’s the link:


  • Posted by Dennis Laing

    This guy has never actually listen to or met Rob Bell.  Jaming a camera in the face of some stranger who feeds you exactly the answers you are looking for is not evidence that God is happy with your method or practice (nor is it affective).  He sets up a strawman, knockes it down and then uses his own false test to put down a brother In Christ..  It’s cheap, unworthy of serious consideration and patently dishonest.


  • Posted by Tony Myles

    Right!  No one should bash other Christians trying to do ministry.

    He’s an idiot, isn’t he?

  • Posted by

    The quote was something like, Real love examines a person, discovers the disease, tells the patient and tells of the cure and because of how all the info is presented the patient desires the cure.

    Sounds good to me.

    Except that isn’t what Bullhorn man does.

    In other words, this *isn’t* a response to Bell’s video.  It can’t be.  Or if it is, they weren’t paying attention to the video.  Where does “Bullhorn guy” ever sit down and talk with an individual?  Where does BHG ask if he’s offending anyone?  Why doesn’t this guy use a bullhorn to “talk” to the people he stops?

    Straw man…

  • Posted by

    I guess here’s the deal.  Yeah, they may be great 10 minute flicks, but why charge $1/minute?

    I get this video and I would agree.  Sometimes we do too many ministry things because it feels good...Jesus (I think most will agree) didn’t always do things that felt good, but they had a great result.

    Would the “Bullhorn” guy have great results?  I don’t know...he might not see the results, but what if he actually got someone thinking and planted a seed.  So should we discredit his method and do this publicly?  I don’t think so. 

    One last question to ponder.  Are you doing enough to reach the lost?

    In Christ always,
    Mr. C. H. Pierre

  • Posted by Dennis

    WOTM--Weird Old-fashioned Twisted Mess?  Is that what the initials represent?  That’s what most of the comments seem to suggest.  Imagine using God’s holy law to help people understand the need for God’s grace--it almost sounds biblical, doesn’t it?  The audacity of someone to bring theology into these post-modern times--it’s not pragmatic!  I recall a comment made once to a critic of someone handing out Gospel tracts, “I like the way he’s doing it better than the way most of us are not doing it.” Just a thought.

  • Posted by

    Someone should contact John the Baptist, the Apolstle Paul and Stepen to let them know they didnt have to be killed for the faith.  If only they had studied under Rob Bell…

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