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“I can’t continue to consider myself a Christian…”

Orginally published on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 8:36 AM
by Todd Rhoades

I received an email this week from my friend Geoff Surratt about a new series of posts he's writing over at his "Inner Revolution" blog. Geoff writes, "I recently received the following letter from a sincere member of our church. I think her questions are excellent and very thought provoking with deep implications." This girl asks some good questions. Read her letter and Geoff's response. What do you think? Here's the letter:

I am 18 an have been a member of Seacoast for about a year or so. I am looking for some answers to some big issues I am struggling with. My boyfriend and I are both Christians, but we are at a crossroads right now and though we believe in God, Jesus, and WANT to believe in Christianity, we are struggling.

First off, we started reading the old testament and a good bit doesn’t make sense. For example, in the story of Job, towards the end God starts to talk about a fire breathing dragon. Another example, I do not remember the specific book, but a woman looked back and was “turned to a pillar of salt.”

In addition, God does not seem like the same God in the old testament as he does in the new testament. But I don’t know how that is possible, if God is all knowing, then he would know what would work in managing his people and what wouldn’t work so I do not understand why or how he would have to change his ways.

My last problem is my biggest problem. I have a great friend who is Muslim. He is an incredible man, he is very faithful to his religion and the God he knows. I just can not believe that a just God would send him to hell for picking the wrong religion. That is not just to me. I am quite aware of people saying that everyone has a opportunity to be exposed to Christianity and therefore if they do not choose it, it is there fault for not going to heaven. But I can not believe in that and I know you can not just pick which parts of Christianity you want to believe so I do not know how to continue being a Christian. If I grew up in another country with a different religion and culture, I am sure I would grow to believe in that religion just as I have grown to believe in Christianity. And as a Christian if somebody was to tell me that being Muslim is correct I would disagree and not change my ways. So why should people who were raised differently and taught to believe in something different just instantly hear about Christianity and convert. I do not feel that is even slightly reasonable. They think that the God they worship is correct and they live by their standards and try to serve the best they can...clearly there is only one God, so will that God tell those people too bad, you should have listened to the Christians, now go spend eternity in hell. Because under NO condition is that just in my mind. I feel a just God would judge your heart and my friend, who does not think Christianity is right, would not have to spend eternity in hell because he practiced what his culture taught him, and did the best to serve God the way he knew and THOUGHT was right. His intention is to get the same place, he just thinks there is a different way to get there. Does he really deserve to suffer for eternity for that?

I know this is a lot. But me nor my boyfriend can not seem to find answers, especially regarding this last issue. So I don’t know what to do. I can’t continue to consider myself a Christian if I don’t believe in everything about it. I want to be a Christian and I am hoping I am ignorant and misinterpreting but if I am not misinterpreting, I do not think I can go on.

Now, click here for Geoff’s response, and leave him (or us) a comment.  How would you have responded to this young woman?

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  There are 49 Comments:

  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    Geoff gave her some excellent homework! Nicely done!

    Anyone who doesn’t at least wrestle with that last question might not have the love of God in their heart. It is a hard thing to believe that Jesus is the only way. It’s harder to believe than not to.

  • I thought the idea of giving homework was fantastic.

    I also think this letter serves as evidence for why a heaven and hell based Christianity is a horrible idea (beyond its being totally unfaithful to Scripture--see NT Wright’s “Surprised by Hope” for more on this).
    Let’s be clear: if God forever torments people who had absolutely no way to be different from what they are, then God is not just or loving. Getting the character of God straight on this issue is crucial.
    I hope this 18-year-old has some good conversations as a result of her questions.


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    It is good to see a pastor employ “homework” to someone to research their faith.  I have done this after many witnessing encounters.  However, the catch is that the person first needs to hear and understand the Gospel message.  Without hearing the preaching of the Word first, the homework can make things even more confusing and generate more uneasy questions.

    Daniel, I must say that I am concerned for you.  There is a Heaven.  There is a Hell.  God is both a God of love and a God of justice, and by sinning against Him, we deserve nothing less than Hell.  The Bible is quite clear on this.  If a “heaven and hell based Christianity is a horrible idea,” then you must therefore conclude that the Gospel message Jesus preached Himself is a horrible one, because he talked at length about Heaven and even more about Hell.


  • Posted by Peter Hamm


    This person has been in the church and presumably heard the Gospel message.

    I don’t think Daniel is saying that there is no heaven or hell. But the Gospel is not merely a “get out of hell free” card. It is a “the kingdom is here… now...” message. Too often the Gospel is presented ONLY as a heaven and hell message.

  • Posted by Abby

    Unfortunately with Millenials, this is becoming an all too common question that the church is not alwys active in answering. I am anxious to read Geoff’s complete response. And yes, I do think it is valid to do homework. Research is a vital and difficult avenue for the modern argument.. The failure to research is acutely felt in many arenas of the instant gratification culture that we have.  But, that speaks to an even deeper issue - how lazy are we about our faith? if someone doesn’t hand it to us, are we going to seek it on our own?
    On the other hand, some people within the church community are so knowledged that they are perceived as spiritually bloated. They are overly pious and out of touch with the realiites of the modern world. Personally, I struggle a lot with where the line between Pharisee and Follower should be drawn.

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    One would hope that being in church she would have heard the Gospel message, but the sad truth is that in modern churches, the Gospel is lacking.  We hear many self-help, feel-good messages, but they are completely devoid of the answers to the questions that people like her have had.  Bible studies and Sunday school are erased in favor of movie nights and social events.  Consequently, pews… I mean, stadium seating… is filled up with people who are devoid of faith and are not saved.

    Now, I am not saying that the pastor is not doing his job here.  Based on the limited information I have about this situation, I will say that he is doing a fine job of trying to help her, and I applaud him.  My commentary is more on the sad nature of our current churches.


  • Posted by Daniel

    CS, I appreciate your concern. ‘Heaven’ names God’s dimension. To many Christians, it also names their temporary post-mortem destination (until the final resurrection). All well and good.
    ‘Hell’ is a post-biblical construct which capitalizes on apparent similarities between fanciful depictions of the two realms in Hades (or Sheol), and apocalyptic descriptions of historical judgment via the metaphor of Gehenna. Jesus does adamantly NOT talk about ‘hell’. He talks a lot about Gehenna, and says one or two things about Hades, but neither support medieval or modernistic assumptions about a ‘place’ of eternal conscious torment.

    Why oh why, might you ask, do I ramble on and on about this? Well fundamentally because if Christianity is, when you get right down to it, about Jesus as the ‘only way to heaven’ (notice I didn’t say “only way”, but rather “only way to heaven"), then it’s hard to escape the conclusion that billions are damned to hell through no fault of their own. And you have to do some fancy philosophical footwork from that point to escape the conclusion that God is unjust.

    What solution do I propose? Well, the biblical solution, of course. Viewing Christian discipleship as individual and corporate imitation of Christ, our only Lord, Master, President and God, as a part of his earthly Body, for the sake of the manifestation of his beautiful loving Kingdom.
    We need to get the Kingdom right, and we need to get eschatology straight, otherwise the bottom line will always be hell, and that’s a very very bad (and unbiblical) bottom line. That’s what this 18-year-old is rightly offended by.


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    God does not damn people, “through no fault of their own.” God damns them because they have broken His holy Law.  The same Law that is written into our consciences.  The Book of Romans covers this in detail.

    As for Hell being a literal, physical place, how do you deal with scripture such as Revelation 21:8, which says, “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Or how about where Jesus refers to it as a place throughout the Gospels?  what exactly is Hell, then?


  • “God does not damn people, “through no fault of their own.” God damns them because they have broken His holy Law.”

    Why do they break his holy Law? Because they were born at a time and place where it would be inevitable. Therefore are they directly responsible for it? Did they choose where they were born? No. Therefore they are not ultimately responsible for what your god would hold them accountable to.
    You’ve misread Paul’s argument in Romans. I suggest you delve into some of NT Wright’s or RIchard Hays’ work on Paul’s theology.

    Appealing to Revelation, which is apocalyptic literature, is a bad move for establishing the physicalness of ‘hell’. And you lost me at “burneth with fire”. If you want to read Revelation literally, then meditate on the fact that death (as in “second death") does not mean unending conscious torment. It just means plain old death. Destruction. The end of existence.

    As for Jesus’ numerous references to Gehenna (the valley of Hinnom), this is just picturesque language from Jeremiah which points to the historical manifestation of “God’s wrath” on Israel for its unfaithfulness. Jesus’ foresight is more than vindicated by the Roman destruction and sacking of Jerusalem in 70AD.
    It is crucial Jesus be understood as a reform prophet in Israel, announcing the impending judgment (again, historically conceived) of YHWH on faithless Israel. Through his life death and resurrection, Jesus provides a ‘narrow way’ through which a remnant of Israel may be saved (remember his warnings in Mark 13 to run to the hills when Jerusalem is surrounded by armies!). But the very means by which Israel is saved (identification with Jesus the suffering servant) opens the door for Gentiles into the people of God (hence Paul’s whole bit about “to the Jew first and also to the Greek").
    Jesus’ “eschatological horizon”, that is, the ‘end’ which he has in sight, is the end of Israel as first-century Jews knew it. Only those ‘in Christ’ would survive as the people of God on the other side of that judgment. This is primarily what the imagery of Gehenna conveys in a first-century Jewish context.

    Again, I recommend you read just about anything about eschatology in recent scholarship (NT Wright, Andrew Perriman, etc.) to drive this point home.
    I also suggest you adopt a better thanslation that the King James version.


  • Posted by

    Peter Hamm wrote:
    >”...Too often the Gospel is presented ONLY
    > as a heaven and hell message...”

    Not only that but somehow Christians have perverted the gospel into thinking that its Christians who get to decide who goes to heaven and who gets to go to hell.  A Christian’s job is to witness, not to judge. Its going to be fun on that final day to watch all the arrogant Christians find out that they aren’t going to heaven after all because they ignored God’s words and decided to appoint themselves as judge and jury over others.

    Rob Bell said “All truth belongs to God. It doesn’t matter if a Muslim speaks that truth, or an atheist or a Christian.  If its true, it belongs to God.”

  • Posted by


    Just because she has been attending this church for a year does not mean she has heard the Gospel.  There are many churches that do not tell people the whole counsel of God and leave out the justice of God in favor of a “nicer” message so that no one is offended. 

    To point this girl to anyone other than God’s Word is typical of a “pastor” that is not practiced in apologetics.  God is the only source of truth and the answers to her questions are in Scripture...and not in the gospel of man.  Soooooo sad!

  • Posted by

    Here we go…


    In the simplest terms, please explain what happens to the souls of people when they die.  What happens to the souls of those who have repented and been saved?  What happens to those whose sins were not covered by rejecting the gift of atonement?  Is there a Heaven and a Hell?


    You are right; there are many Christians who judge unrighteously.  But it is not judging to tell people the Law and to ask them to consider what will happen to them if they die in their sins.


    Thank you for echoing the same point I made about churches being devoid of the Gospel.  I have been hearing many pastors avoid the words “sin,” “repentance,” and “judgment” at all costs here lately.  I pray for people who are locked into these churches.


  • CS,

    In the simplest terms please tell me: is it just to condemn to everlasting conscious torment my imaginary and virtuous friend Bob from Mongolia in the third century B.C. on the simple basis that he is not a Christian, something which there is no conceivable way he could have been?

    I read something somewhere about there being ‘no partiality’ in God. I submit that any understanding of the Gospel which makes it, essentially, an exercise in partiality, should be rejected as heretical.

    Our 18-year-old friend is wise to find evangelical formulations of divine partiality to be intensely problematic.


  • Posted by


    Fair enough.  I’ll answer your question with the expectation that you will answer mine.  In short, yes, it is perfectly just for God to condemn someone to Hell--not because the person is not a Christian, but because the person has willfully broken His Law.

    In Romans 9, God lays out that it is at His pleasure that we were created, that he will be compassionate to whom He wants, and that His grace is displayed by not destroying us as he should.  Romans 9:15 clearly says that God, “will have mercy on whom [God] will have mercy, and [God] will have compassion on whom [God] will have compassion.”

    In Romans 2, God says that, “For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law.” It also says that the Law of God is written into men’s hearts.

    1 Corinthians 6 lays out what happens to sinners.  “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

    The view that you have been using is man’s perspective, and not God’s perspective.  In man’s point of view, it seems unfair that God would condemn Imaginary Bob for not having a missionary preach the Gospel to him.  However, from God’s perspective, this is very just and fair.  Imaginary Bob, just like you and me, has chosen to sin.  We have chosen to reject God and violate His Commandments. 

    Therefore, we deserve nothing less than Hell.  But by the grace of Jesus Christ, through repentance and trusting in Him, we are forgiven of our sins.  Christ’s life is credited to us, and our fine was given to Him on the cross.

    If you believe I am in error, and can demonstrate in the Scriptures that no one is worthy of Hell just because they didn’t have a chance to hear the Gospel, please share it.


  • Posted by

    I don’t think I agree that we are all worthy of hell, which was created for the devil and his angels, but I do believe that we all fall short of the glory of God.  And I’m not going to take the time to try to explain that right now. 

    What I do want to say is that lately I have been aware of my own tendency to excuse behavior in people when I think the behavior was brought about by circumstances beyound their control.  I can see why a person who had been molested might develop an inappropriate sexuality.  I wonder if they had any real choice.  On that basis, I’d try to teach them about healthy sexuality, but because I understand the background, I’d be more merciful.  And that’s me, with my imperfect form of love and my incomplete understanding of the whole situation.  So I wonder how would perfect love and perfect knowledge deal with such a person?  Would God be less merciful and loving than me?

    Don’t forget Jesus’ words from the cross, asking God to forgive those who did not understand what they were doing.  Tell me - did God answer that prayer?  Were those, who apparently sought no forgiveness, forgiven at Jesus’ - God’s - own request?


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    Could not have said it better.  Most people mistakenly believe that we are basically good and DESERVE to go to heaven.  The Gospel tells us the exact opposite and provides the way of righteousness through faith in the finished work of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    Daniel D. Farmer writes [In the simplest terms please tell me: is it just to condemn to everlasting conscious torment my imaginary and virtuous friend Bob from Mongolia in the third century B.C. on the simple basis that he is not a Christian, something which there is no conceivable way he could have been?] In terms of God’s justice, absolutely. We don’t “get to heaven” based on God’s justice, we get there based on His mercy. Again, Daniel, if we do not NEED Christ’s sacrifice to gain eternal life, then God is worse than unjust for what He made Jesus go through. And I know God is just and merciful both!

    CS, the 1 Corinthians 6 passage is TOTALLY incomplete without the next verse… “And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. (I don’t use the KJV but quoted it for your benefit)” That is totally a passage about God’s mercy, not his judgement, and when we portray things like that in the fashion you did, you tell only half the story. That was MY point, and I think it is the issue that leads to young people having the questions this young person does.

    Katrina writes [There are many churches that do not tell people the whole counsel of God and leave out the justice of God in favor of a “nicer” message so that no one is offended.] I am familiar enough with the author to think that she has indeed heard the Gospel message, and will not assume she has not.

  • Posted by

    I have been following this here as well as the Inner Revolution blog and find it very interesting. 

    In response to this gal, I think the homework is a good idea but I might have copied an article to whet the appetite.  I do not know this girl and I also think the world of this pastor and his ministry so I would not disagree with his approach. 

    Another approach I have is to try and discern the question behind the question.  I find that often a question or series of questions like this are rarely rooted in theological uncertainty but rather personal uncertainty.  If the answers to these questions were given fully and even understood, I have doubts that the frustration would end there. 

    Most people asking questions rarely come to faith fully when the questions are answered.  This was true in Jesus day and it is true today.  Coming to Christ is much more personal than that.  I gave my heart to my wife long before I new all the answers about her (not that I know them now either) because her love captured me.  It was personal.  This is true of how I came to Christ as well and in fact it has been true of nearly if not all my meaningful relationships.  Once my heart was captured, some of my questions went away, some were answered and some just didn’t matter. 

    There are many factors that go into asking question about God that have very little to do with a hunger for doctrine or even truth for that matter.  This does not mean that doctrine and truth are unnecessary but it does mean that to simply answer questions with factoids about God is inadequate and probably not a great starting place.

    Finally I will often focus on what can be clearly known.  There are things about God that can bee clearly seen that shed light on our understanding of what might be more puzzling.  Too many people today have fallen in love with their questions.  Several Emerging Church Leaders lead with this style of ministry but in the end I am finding it leads simply to more questions rather than to a personal experience with Christ.

  • CS, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my comments. I think this is an absolutely critical issue. And clearly I’m not the only one.

    Paul’s argument in Romans has to do with the faithfulness of God to his covenant with Abraham in spite of Israel’s own faithlessness. It is not an abstract theological treatise on ‘how to get to heaven’. “Inheriting the Kingdom” is adamantly not the same thing as ‘going to heaven’, but is rather shorthand for surviving the transition of the ages (the age of Israel to the age of the New Israel) in which ‘people of God’ goes from applying to Israel to applying to all those who are ‘in Christ’ (because he was the one and only faithful Israelite). Again, I recommend you get a good commentary on Romans to study this further.

    You keep talking about ‘hell’. But ‘hell’ is a post-biblical construct. And so you conflate ‘Hades’ with John the Baptizer and Jesus’ references to ‘Gehenna’ with Paul’s exclusion from (New) Israel’s ‘inheritance of the Kingdom’, to John’s ‘second death’. But these are different images which signify drastically different things. This is why there is no demonstration from Scripture that “no one is worthy of Hell"--I should add that there is no Scriptural demonstration that “some are worthy of Hell” either. ‘Worthy of Hell’ is not a category the New Testament writers deal with.

    Peter, I want to fully affirm that no human being can ‘earn’ God’s favor. We are irreducibly broken, partially through our own fault, and only the Creator’s grace and project of New Creation can set things right. However, I don’t think that means God would be ‘just’ to damn to EVERLASTING conscious torment people who, through no fault of their own, are less than perfect. Talk about a violation of ‘an eye for an eye’. You sin for two days, you get tortured forever and ever. Man! What a just God! But no, Jesus, Paul, John, the entire Old Testament unanimously affirm God’s impartiality. This is why traditional understandings of ‘Hell’ undermine the goodness of God. And this is, at least in part, why our 18-year-old friend has the questions she has.

    Out of curiosity, has anybody read any NT Wright or Andrew Perriman recently? Am I the only one who is trying to incorporate a healthy understanding of apocalyptic literature into my theology?
    I really do believe this is a fundamental issue for Christianity, and I do pray we can be faithful to Scripture and to the goodness and fairness of God as we sort this out.


  • Posted by


    “I don’t think I agree that we are all worthy of hell.” This statement would therefore mean that some are worthy of Heaven.  And if there are some worthy of Heaven, then Jesus’ atoning death on the cross was unnecessary to wipe out sin.  Then, Christianity would make no sense at all, and God would be capricious and unjust.  Do you see the problem with this sort of statement?


    Thank you for backing me up where it comes to God’s justice and mercy.  I deliberately omitted the following verse from 1 Corinthians 6 to make a point.  Daniel denied the existence or truth of Hell.  I thought that it was needed to show how there is judgment and condemnation.  Mercy doesn’t make sense if there is no judgment, and since Daniel was denying one of the outcomes of the judgment (Hell), I wanted to show that the Bible shows clearly that sin has consequences.


    “Most people asking questions rarely come to faith fully when the questions are answered. “ So very true.  We can answer all sorts of questions from Creation to Koine Greek to the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and it won’t make anyone saved.  This is why it is so important that people have correct understanding of the Gospel. 


  • Posted by


    I’m sorry to hear that you deny a literal existence of a place of everlasting torment.  Calvin, Luther, Spurgeon, many more Biblical teachers, and Jesus Christ Himself affirmed that there is a place known as Hell.  Here are a few verses I can offer that shows a literal existence of Hell:

    Matthew 10:28.  “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

    Matthew 8:12.  “But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

    Luke 16:19-31 clearly shows the rich man in Hell.

    2 Peter 2:4.  “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast [them] down to hell, and delivered [them] into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;”

    Jude 1:6-7.  “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.  Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”


  • Posted by

    Daniel, while I respect the work you have done in understanding your position, I would hardly equate a different position as unhealthy.  While I have read NT I cannot always say I agree.  I don’t think this makes my view of apocalyptic literature unhealthy. 

    CS It seems you are trying to bate Daniel and that IMO is not what MMI is about.  Putting more verses here is not going to convince him since he sees those verses in a different light and meaning. 

    CS My point was not that people need to understand the gospel even though I think this is essential.  My point was that when a person comes to Christ, especially an adult, it is not usually because someone answered a question they had but because of a personal reason that brought about a step of faith. 

    I came to Christ because of what was happening in my home as a young child not because someone answered all my questions about God.  I did not know the Gospel when I came to Christ; I embraced Christ and discovered the power of God revealed through the Gospel.  I think this is actually how most people enter into a relationship with Christ, at least that has been my experience on 4 continents, across this country, over 25 years of ministry and personally. 

    Daniel, one final thought.  It seems to me and I could be wrong but it does seem to me that you are holding God to a human standard of what would be just.  The reason eternal separation is just is because of God’s holiness.  The bible does not describe me as good, kind of good, not that bad… but as dead.  Dead because of Adam, dead because of me.  Apart from Christ I was not sick, I was not under the weather, I was not even in a coma, I was dead.  This is what happened to Adam and all descendants of Adam.  My guilt is undeniable as is the guilt of the 3rd century fellow in Mongolia and the family in Ladak India, near the Himalayan Mountains and Tibet.  God’s holiness demands justice, his love provided it in Christ.

  • Leonard, I appreciate your cautious feedback.
    You’re right, I am probably flirting with carelessness in holding God to a human being’s standard of justice. But remember Job. Ranting and raving about injustice for the sake of God’s goodness, even if imperfectly understood, glorifies God far more than blind insistence that the currently held historically contingent view cannot be rejected because it is (supposedly) God’s own view. I want to affirm your critical insight that our categories of ‘good’ and ‘justice’ may need some reworking, but I also want to argue that I say ‘God is good’ and ‘God is just’ partially because I already have some notion of what goodness and justice are (in large part, though not entirely, because of Scripture, I would suggest).
    The occasion for Todd’s post is our 18-year-old friend’s questions. I simply want to suggest that they are excellent questions. And yes, I am pushing my ‘agenda’, namely that “hell” (a word that does NOT exist in the NT manuscripts, as any careful translation in fact notes) has post-biblical metaphysical baggage which is potentially damaging to God’s character.

    I think I’ve more than exceeded my posting limit for this particular thread. Peace to all participants.


  • Posted by

    Wow, I hope the young girl in questions does not read the comments here. She definitely would not not want to consider herself a Christian, based on the questions she voiced and the answers from some here.

    Some of the answers I’ve seen here today seem exactly like the legalistic, fundamental church I walked away from as a youth.  If that is the church God intends I’m not sure I can consider myself a Christian either.

  • Posted by

    CS, et al, this young girl has deeply felt philosophical questions and you’re arguing about theological nuances and eschatology.  It’s no wonder the church is losing young people in droves.

    If you’re going to reach young people with their innate curiosity and questioning minds you’re going to have to do more than just throw some scripture at them, you’re going to have to actually engage them and talk with them.

    She asks how it is that God would condemn an apparently virtuous man who lives a righteous life just because he is not a Christian.  She asks how a just God could do this.  You’re NOT going to reach her by quoting scripture that says God doesn’t have to be just or the God is vengeful against those who don’t know him.  She’s talking about someone she evidently admires and respects and she wants to understand how God views him.

    There are passages in the Bible that may not seem right or just to some, especially young people, and we must be prepared to talk to them about the questions they have.

    For Example; Joshua 6:21 decribes how the Israelites killed every man, woman and child in Jericho.  Try explaining to a child why God would command them to kill all the children.

    Try explaining to a victim of rape how Deuteronomy 22:28-29 could ever have been the will of God.

    Go ahead and try to really communicate with someone who is questioning their faith by quoting verse after verse of scripture. 

    Talk to a young person who asks why they should call themselves a Christian when a respected Christian leader says things like “The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians” and “You say you’re supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbyterians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don’t have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist."--Pat Robertson, The 700 Club.

    Throughout the ministry of Jesus, the single most important principle that was emphasized is love.  He declared this to be the basis of all law and prophecy.
    ♦ Matthew 22:35-39 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law?  Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

    The love that Jesus calls us to is what many young people are looking for from the church today, but sadly it is not what many of them are seeing in the church today.

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