
Is it OK to Accept an Invitation to Speak at a Church Conference So You Can Evangelize the Audience?

Orginally published on Tuesday, July 08, 2008 at 7:38 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Boy, the discernment sites are all up in a tizzy over one of their poster saints, Ray Comfort, speaking at a Word of Faith conference. It's kind of funny to see Ray Comfort, someone who the discernment folks really respect(ed) on the same platform as Jesse Duplantis and Rod Parsley. Calls have been coming in from all over the blogosphere for Comfort to not speak at this conference. Here are some questions posed by one blog:

1.Should Ray be seen to be associated with such WoF heretics though we have faith in his motivation to preach the Gospel at such conferences?

2.Will such an approach, i.e. preaching the true Gospel in a heretical conference, be effective?

3.Or is this a case where we can bring up the fact that though Jesus dined with sinners, he didn’t partake of their sinful ways but spoke His truth to them?

Ingrid thinks he shouldn’t speak.  So does Ken

Ray Comfort responded:

“I have never turned down any request to speak because I thought that the church’s doctrine was unbiblical. In fact, they are the invitations I have gladly accepted because I know that false conversions are the fruit of their heretical doctrines. Unsaved people sit in pews in the millions in this country because they have never heard the biblical gospel–and I have to say with Paul, “How will they hear without a preacher?”

But sharing the gospel with these people in their own forum is not enough for some:

“Ray must do more than share his evangelistic message. God has already spoken on these wolves. Can His servant do any less than issue warnings about these lying prophets when he stands in front of thousands of their followers? When Dr. R. C. Sproul and Michael Horton confronted Word of Faith teachers, they were cursed to hell by these men publicly. Ray Comfort has been invited back repeatedly by men like Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Mike Murdock, etc. because he is not warning their followers of their lies.”

And another:  “It does give one pause to wonder just how strongly Comfort has warned these Word Faith wolves—if at all—of their attempts to destroy the basic, fundamental truths of Christianity with the false non-gospel of health and prosperity and their “born again Jesus.”

And yet another admonition: “Brother Comfort, I pray that you’ll use this opportunity to expose these false teachers for what they are in accordance with Scripture (Jude 3), or avoid partnering with them “in ministry” so as to be obedient to 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.”

So… Ray is finding himself in quite the turmoil.

Everyone in the discernment camp, while calling for Ray to change his direction, is still sticking by his side.  Wonder what would have happened if Ray Comfort would have spoken at Saddleback or NewSpring?

What do you think?

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  There are 67 Comments:

  • Posted by Rick Frueh

    The considerations must include these:

    *How serious are the teaching errors in those who have invited me?
    *Will I lend credibility to them?
    *How much freedom will I be afforded to openly and subtley address the errors?
    *Will I confuse people who are edified by my ministry?
    *Is the opportunity of such unique importance it is worth causing a dispute within the body?

    In the end, with all these questions appearing as substantive in this situation, it would seem appropriate to politely decline.

  • Posted by iggy


    I do not deny Matthew 7 at all, I do put it in context as to who Jesus was talking to and that he was addressing those under the law.

    DO you deny Romans 8 and many other passages that state that the believer is forgiven and our sins are taken away? Do deny Jesus it the High Priest who sat down after the final sacrifice and that it was once for all?

    Instead, you seem to miss you are one that is also judging as Jesus taught, and by this judgment of Ken and Ingrid, you place yourself in the same shoes! Be careful as you judge them so your judge yourself.

    God does not lie, and if you understand the Grace, Mercy and loving Kindness of God, Then the warning of Matthew 7 in context is pretty scary to those under the Law or who live by the Law and not by faith.

    I do not see Ken and Ingrid doing this to the extent they are not saved. I see they teach one thing and practice another, which is dangerous enough.

    So, be careful as you judge others as the standard you set will be set on you… But I think that better things are for you as I think you believe in Jesus you set you free from the Law and now accepts you in Him as the righteousness of God.


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    I admit, I’ve been trying to be more discerning and less critical in my contributions to MMI here recently, but I’ve got to ask: do you have any other quotes in your pocket except for Matthew 7:1, or are you just a one-verse pony?


  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    iggy, CS, and everybody else.

    I successfully (in my mind… you be the judge) briefly refuted the completely anonymous “Mark’s” erroneous interpretation and connection of Matthew 7:1 and 7:21 (his interpretation assumes judgmentalism is an “unforgivable sin") in another thread here on MMI.


    He was not, in my opinion (you can read it and be the judge), really able to answer it, instead simply twisting my words around. He will, it seems, do this to you, too. I engaged him far past the point where others thought it worthwhile, but it is my hope that Mark will gain a more complete and holistic understanding of Jesus’ sermon on the mount, and indeed all of the New Testament.

    Mark does indeed have a very limited agenda, it seems, when he posts here. Please engage him at your own risk, as a logical argument has not historically been one of his strengths.

  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    I hit submit too quickly.

    I wanted to add

    Mark, thanks for making your argument a little more graciously today. I would still like to engage you more fully about your Matthew 7 argument. email me if you’d like to do that off-line, as this is really not a theology debate forum here.

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    CS, Thanks for your work in how you post here, I can tell a distinct difference.  I respect that a great deal.

  • Posted by iggy



    According to your own standard, which you are basing on your interpretation of Matthew 7… you are judging the salvation of Ken and Ingrid. This means you are usurping the judgment from God and thus judging and condemning Ken and Ingrid.

    You are doing what Jesus is teaching NOT to do…

    Look at Romans 2.... read it carefully.
    Romans 2

    1.  You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.
    2.  Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth.
    3.  So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment?
    4.  Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?

    It is one thing to judge something moral, but another to take the position of God and cast someone into hell as you have done.

    There is only One God and you are not Him. Mark, you are showing contempt for the Kindness of God that leads people to repentance… your interpretation of Matthew 7 is based on the Law and denies the Cross of Grace and Mercy and you are doing what Jesus taught we not ought to do.  You are sinning against your brother and sister in Christ and God Himself… yet God does not condemn you, but calls you in His Kindness to repent ot this.

    The purpose of the Sermon on the Mount was to bury all of us in our own sin to lead us to the kindness of God and repent… to fall on His mercy. You are warping it into a Law and Jesus never intended to add to the Law but to fulfill it Himself and then abolish it in those who believe in Him.

    You condemn when the Bible teaches there is no condemnation for those in Christ.

    If Ken and Ingrid are not saved, then the condemnation is already on them… it matters less that the judge as they are already judged. But they confess Christ so i give them the benefit of the doubt and trust God for their salvation…


  • Posted by Joe Martino

    I’m curious. you said:

    The bloggers you mention are your brother and sister in Christ.

    I’m curious, are they our “brother” and “sister” in Christ because they say that they are? I see no evidence in what they write that they have the fruit of the Spirit. In fact, when I read their writings I think of the verse where Jesus says, “Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we do all this for you?”
    BTW, I condemn no one, I am only able to stand and call it as I see it.

  • Posted by Dane

    Priscillas and Aquilla pulled Apollos off to the side and explained the way of God to him “more accurately”.  Thank goodness they didn’t make a church dividing fuss over it.

    The problem with many “discernment ministries” is they have assumed a position and a divine permission to speak to certain groups that God has not given!  There is so much presumption and pride there.  Just because you know the truth does not mean God authorizes or calls you to speak to any and every group.  There is a God-called sphere for each of us.  Paul realized his sphere was NOT the Jews!  That was Peter’s sphere.

    God has sovereignly opened the door to a Ray Comfort to go in and stand before people who need the way of God explained more accurately to them.  These critics of Ray will never get such a platform given by God.  They have presumed that platform from the popcorn gallery and often done more harm than good, in that their comments are only polarizing.

    By the way, why do you think they asked Ray Comfort to come?  Because they wanted to indoctrinate him or because they felt he could explain the way of the Master to them more accurately?????

    I believe it is the latter! 

    With all their faults, these WoF preachers will die for the tenets of the “true gospel” as most of us call it (ie the virgin birth, deity of christ, bodily resurrection, eternal judgment, etc.) They have just gone too far and added things on to the gospel. 

    God bless Ray Comfort for his grace and lack of presumption and pride.  May god also bless the WoF people who apparently believe Ray Comfort has something to teach them.

    “unteachable” is one of the signs of the apostates Paul says come in the last days.

  • Posted by Casey Sabella

    Speaking as someone who is both Charismatic *(36 years) and at times intelligent, people need to chill out. Ray Comfort is an evangelist who has been invited to speak. His job is to do the work of an evangelist, so would everyone please take their prozac? When Billy Graham first decided to preach in Russia, the Christian church went ballistic, many condemning him for allowing the Soviets to “use” him for their propaganda. No one is talking much about that anymore though, are they?
    Ray’s function is not to straighten out heretics but to preach the unadulterated word as given to him by God. God converts heretics and by the way, I don’t go so far as to brand these men heretics. How about praying for the man? There is a thought!

  • Posted by Dane

    Hello Derek,

    Any chance you are Derek Vreeland?

    If so, we’ve crossed paths before.  Shoot me an email at:

    If you’re not “that” Derek, I’d love to touch base anyway.  Sounds like we’ve got a lot in common.

  • Posted by

    Apparently some here have forgotten that there are two parts to the Great Commission. Presenting the Gospel, saving the lost and then there is also the responsibility to see that they are discipled in the truth of the Word and are not sent into the hands of corrupt teachers.

    The prosperity teachers are promoting false doctrine that is misleading at best and destructive. Ray’s presence gives the impression that he approves of their teachngs and he is comfortable with leaving new converts in their hands.

    We might find the Apostle Paul at this meeting, but we can be sure he would be dishing out correction, not using the opportunity to preach the Gospel to the audience and working in cooperation with the speakers with no disclaimers.

    Comparing discernment ministries to the Pharisees is incongruous and ignorant.
    Certainly there are those that abuse their forum, but to paint them all with the same brush is unfair. Some of the remarks have been extremely hateful and so unChristlike. The exhortations of Ingrid and Ken were not expressed in such a manner, but they have been castigated unmercifully. The Church absolutely needs the God-given voices of those with the gift of discernment,

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    I encourage consideration of Paul on Mars Hill at Athens. Chuck Swindoll preached an eyeopening sermon on evangelism under the title of the seed picker.  Swindoll discussed how Paul didn’t start out with the Athenians by pointing out steeped and unregenerate they were in idolatry. Instead he opened with,"I see from all the gods for whom you have made shrines how religious you are.  You even have one to an unknown god, let me tell you about that unknown God. Then he laid out the message of salvation.

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    Michael, those on Mars Hill were unbelievers, not believers who had gone astray. Of course you don’t go into a bunch of unbelievers and start attacking their beliefs!

    But with those who profess Christ, there is supposed to be a loving confrontation of the false doctrine.  By being silent, it implies approval and agreement with the false teachers. If they are truly brothers in Christ, they should be open to correction and Paul most certainly would have done that.

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    Truth in Love,

    I would agree that we should treat Ingrid and Ken with grace, however you need to read them more closely because they do not speak out in grace. Calling people like Rick Warren the Purpose Driven Pope is not a way to open dialogue and that is just one example. Yes we need people in the church to point out error but it is difficult to do that when it is only a monologue instead of a dialogue and it is done in the spirit of being “right” instead of “gently restoring”. I have seen people try to talk with these guys and what happens is they twist words and use quotes out of context against people. Let’s face it without someone to talk about these people have no ministry (especially in Ingrid’s case).

    Also the whole “guilt by association” or “endorsement by being at an event” is completely ridiculous and this instance with Ray Comfort points that out. So Ray’s character is really in question for going to an event like this? If not, why not, they do that to other pastor’s they criticize? Where is the Holy Spirit in all of this? Or does He really need our help? If people come to true faith in Christ at this event can’t the Holy Spirit which they would then have, help them discern false teaching? Or do we need to cocoon the people right away to make sure they don’t hear anything false?

    Ray’s job is to preach the gospel. He is an evangelist and evangelists go into places others “wouldn’t associate with” because they have a heart for lost souls. If he goes in there and just rebukes, do you really think the people there would ever “hear” the gospel? Do you think his rebuke publicly would really sway the people he is rebuking?

    In one way I am glad he is experiencing this because this is what he has done to Rick Warren on his radio program and now he is experiencing it first hand judging a person’s character out of context. No wonder the world can’t hear the gospel because of “Christians.”

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    TO, Have you been to Ken’s site to see his responses? They are filled with grace.

    Yes, we do need to protect new believers, babes in Christ, that they get the pure milk of the Word, and not some rotten garbage. Just as a newly planted tree needs to be protected from pests and damaging wind. As I said, evangelism is more than just sharing the Gospel, it is two-fold as the Great Commission states. Jesus Himself said it and that is good enough for me.

    We are supposed to avoid even the appearance of evil and we are not to fellowship with false teachers. For one thing, it gives the impression of endorsement and the other it is doing them a disservice. They are then reinforced in their false teaching, instead of being confronted about it. When someone is an invited guest it would be rude to confront them. But if one turns down the invitation and LOVINGLY tells why, thre may be hope for restoration and for the Holy Spirit to work if the teacher is truly a believer. It is like anyone who is involved in sin or disobedience. To act like nothing is wrong is an affront to God and it is not helpful those who are not walking uprightly.

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    I think what everyone is forgetting here is that we are still dealing with heresy across the boad, Rick warren is as much a heretic as these guys, yet nobody can call him out!  We do have to get rid of heresy but it has to start with cleaning up our house first! (those of us that are not pentecostals)

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