Monday Morning Insights

Photo of Todd

    When Christian Marketing Collides with Family Values

    Sucks I stopped dead in my tracks when my eyes saw this picture on the cover of Christian Retailing Magazine this month.

    Am I a fuddy-duddy?

    I know that the word 'sucks' has gained wide-spread acceptance in the Christian community as of late.  Heck, I even have a link to here on this blog.

    But it's not a word that I honestly use much; and am still startled sometimes when those around me throw it around as casually as they do.

    Let me just say this:  I don't allow my kids to use the word 'sucks'.  And I definitely wouldn't allow them to wear it on a T-shirt.

    It could just by my traditional, fundy background.  It might be that I'm not keen on all the hip young talk.  Or it might be that I actually remember what the word 'sucks' meant when I was in high school back in the eighties.

    My kid's friends say it freely (I know because they've say it around me).  But I've tried to key my kids on to a 'higher standard' that I expect from them.  I hope they oblige their father.

    And now, a "Christian" T-shirt comes out to help me along in my parenting.  Hell Sucks. (or as they promote it on their website H***Sucks.  They're description:

    "We had to do it. White lettering on black is simple and straight-forward. We also carry one with red lettering on a black tee with red stitching.  Now, if we can only get up the nerve to say it!"

    So... am I a fuddy duddy?  How do you adjust when even the Christian culture goes a step too far (in your or my opinion?)

    What rules do you have for language in your family?  in your youth group?  in your church?  (the other words that we hear ALL THE TIME that we don't allow are things like 'freakin', 'frickin', or 'friggin'.)  Those words are off limits at our house (at least with the kids around!)

    Love to hear your input on this one!



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    1. David on Wed, March 15, 2006

      I agree and how sad that we as a church are not more “set apart “from the world. Sadly, it seems we can be more of followers than leaders especially when it comes to Christian industries like magazines music ect.

      The Bible says in Proverbs ... A brilliant man can justify anything he does. ....

      really it means in our natural minded wisdom we can convince ourselves that anything is ok.

      Just a thought,



    2. ck on Wed, April 04, 2007

      First off, I’m 28.  I was stunned to see the relation from ‘sucks’ to oral sex!  Not even in my thoughts when I say suck.  I use it to state when something is really bad.

      Nothing more nothing less.  I know it shocks people at times, but its when we overreact to things like this that chases away non-Christians.


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