
Al Gore:  “Baptist of the Year”

Orginally published on Wednesday, January 02, 2008 at 8:46 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Al Gore is EthicsDaily.com's pick as Baptist of the Year for 2007. According to EthicsDaily.com, he "has pressed for the global good with a compelling message about the danger of climate change and a clear call for moral responsibility, knitting together science and faith, reason and passion. He has refused to be distracted by the character-assassins, the fear-mongers, the science-deniers and the merchants of short-term gain. He has remained faithful to his mission of protecting the earth and its inhabitants..."

EthicsDaily continues…

In the opening paragraphs of his Nobel Peace Prize lecture, Gore said, “I have a purpose here today. It is a purpose I have tried to serve for many years. I have prayed that God would show me a way to accomplish it.”

With an acknowledgment of Providence, Gore tethered his speech to his moral vision. He quoted the Bible, refused to make God responsible for human inaction, called squarely for an ethic of love for neighbor, confessed human failure and placed moral authority at the tip of the needed plan for planetary redemption. His address was profoundly Christian without being offensively so.

“The earth has a fever. And the fever is rising. The experts have told us it is not a passing affliction that will heal by itself. We asked for a second opinion. And a third. And a fourth. And the consistent conclusion, restated with increasing alarm, is that something basic is wrong,” he said. “We are what is wrong, and we must make it right.”

Gore appraised realistically one of the major obstacles to making things right—the deficit of leadership. Quoting from Winston Churchill about those who ignored the threat of Adolf Hitler, Gore spoke about the character of too many world leaders: “They go on in strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all powerful to be impotent.”

Gore has challenged that leadership deficit with a decisive doggedness that surely comes from the depths of the prophetic vision. 

Regrettably no Baptist has received less applause from Baptists than Gore, a shameful but not unexpected reality from a people snarled in religious fear, suspicious of science and stuck in the rut of spiritualized reading of the Bible. 

“No prophet is accepted in his own country” (Luke 4:24, KJV), remarked Jesus after he issued his moral mission statement in his hometown synagogue in Nazareth (Luke 4:18-19), which concluded with a pro-environmental vision. That vision proclaimed “the year of the Lord’s favor,” a time that protected the land, its livestock and laborers from exhaustion.

You can read more here at EthicsDaily.com...

FOR DISCUSSION:  Any thoughts on Al Gore being names the “Baptist of the year”?

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  There are 34 Comments:

  • Posted by


    I hear what you are saying and I have studied both sides thoroughly. Most people only study one side of the view. As a matter of fact I have copied most of these articles on to my microsoft & am ready to make many quotes. My point was, don’t be so quick to believe so called “facts.” Much of it is so decietful but given as fact. Strong evidence is now showing contray. In recent articles, it has been said that the year 2007 was to be the hottest year on record. But it has been the coolest year since 2001. It was John Coleman, founder of the weather chanel writes, “It is science; the science of meteorology. This is my field of life-long expertise. And I am telling you Global Warming is a non-event, a manufactured crisis and a total scam...the sky is not falling.” Writing in the International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society, professor David H. Douglass (of the University of Rochester), professor John R. Christy (of the University of Alabama), Benjamin D. Pearson and professor S. Fred Singer (of the University of Virginia) basically said, the conclusion is that climate change is “unstoppable” and cannot be affected or modified by controlling the emission of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, as is proposed in current legislation. NY Times recently wrote an article titled, “Global Warming Claims Bogus.” They write, “Critics are calling it clear evidence that the climate of opinion on alleged global warming is shifting in favor of skeptics.” It’s all bogus being presented as facts. Even the Web site JunkScience.com has raised its “prize” offering from $100,000 to $125,000 for anyone who can actually supply proof that human emissions of greenhouse gases are causing global warming. They gave Al Gore the challenge also but he and no one else has been able to prove it. In a more recent article it is actually saying global warming has stoped. A researcher at Russia’s oceanology institute says global warming has peaked — and the planet is now headed for a cooling period that will last through the end of the century.
    Oleg Sorokhtin is a fellow of the Russian academy of natural sciences.  I can go and on but I will remind you, God was in control of the climate in the book of Jonah & Job & He is still in control today. God controls global earth, the galaxies, the stars, the moon & even the climate. It’s simple faith in the God who controls it all.

  • Posted by Peter Hamm


    We’re probably getting off track.

    But in any case, the conclusions I’ve come to about this are far different than what you have concluded.

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    You are right Peter but I guess time will tell. It’s actually the moral decline of our Country that I am more concerned about. But anyways, God bless and thank you for your words.

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    I’m late to this discussion, but find it interesting and decided to jump in.

    Way back on January 3 Melody said:

    [Good stewardship over the environment is a good thing.  But it’s not a “Christian” activity unless Christ is at least mentioned or given some glory as Creator of the earth.]

    I disagree.  Good stewardship of God’s creation is most certainly a “Christian activity,” in fact, I believe it’s a Christian responsibility.  Shouldn’t it be Christians at the forefront of the conversation about caring responsibly for God’s creation?  To me, it is a black mark for us that we are so late to join the “let’s care for the earth” conversation.  It’s the same kind of black mark we have for being so late join the discussion about what we must do about the Aids/HIV crisis in Africa (not to hijack the thread, but to make what I think is a reasonable comparison). 

    Whether or not Al Gore is a Christian, or a Baptist, he using his influence to encourage people to make responsible choices regarding the environment.  Isn’t that something all Christians should do?  (And I know about his inconsistencies, but I just noticed a log in my eye so decided it would be best to examine my own actions before calling him out on his)

    Even if global warming turned out to be a bunch of bunk (which I doubt will happen), should that give us permission to live irresponsibly or abuse the resources we’ve been given to care for?  Too many Christians seem (IMO) to be arguing against global warming in order to justify careless behavior.

    I live in a region with terrible air.  Many people, myself included, have developed respiratory disease, as a direct result of the air we breathe.  I’d be much healthier if I didn’t live here. 

    We don’t create all the bad stuff that goes into our air.  We live in a valley and much of it blows in from northern CA and gets stuck in our valley.  But no matter who caused it, our bad air is NOT a natural phenomena.  Human beings and their activities (individual and corporate) messed up the air we breath, the air God gave us.  And there are things we human beings can do to reverse the problem.  We could whine about the fact Bay Area residents are sending their bad air to us, or we can buck up and do the hard work to fix it.  At the end of the day, if we choose the latter, we’ll be healthier in our own backyard and if global warming turns out to be real, we will have been part of preventing something grave and ominous happening to the world God created.  That is something Christians should do.


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    Al Gore will soon need to answer to numerous authorities, sooner or later, for the unnecessary, political and financial trist he’s been having with global conglomerates, the Pew Foundation, the UN, the World Bank, carbon credit brokers and other financiers of the greatest contextual fraud in modern human history.  I’ve always wanted to watch him callous his hands and ruin his cuticles planting and harvesting potatoes.  Looks like I’m gonna get my chance.

    He has used his notoriety to push for questionable policies on a questionable issue.  Billions to trillions of dollars may be re-distributed for what is at its best, a very large UNKNOWN.  It’s not high science, it’s hijinx.

    Obviously this website has an agenda to promote leftists views as good religious views.  Fact is real Judeo-Christianity and the true left have mostly mutually exclusive ideologies.  You should be ashamed.

  • Posted by

    Another thing:

    Good, patriotic Americans will question those who set themselves up as authorities.  Albert Gore has not endured a fair interrogation, and he refuses to debate the facts about climate change and global warming. 

    You may wonder why the US Congress has done nothing to address global warming.  Among the reasons are a number of interviews with pre-eminent scientists who have told them that fighting climate change is inevitable (because it happens all the time), and we should concern ourselves with more realistic environmental and energy challenges.  In sum, Al Gore’s anthropogenic global warming context is a near unadulterated fraud.

    Don’t believe it?  Study the issue.  Or bury your head in the sand.

  • it would have been funny if al gore decided to run again

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    if al gore was the winner of this “award” i am really curious about who came in second and third in the voting…

    as for global warming, one thing that seems to often go over-looked, is the possibility that the warming may ultimately be something good… imagine how the amount tillable farmland in the world (specifically in north america [canada] and eurasia) would increase as the average temperature of the earth rises a few degrees…

  • Posted by

    Perhaps it may be an opportunity after reading so many venomous comments, for us to all turn to:

    Gal. 5:22-23—

    As we examine our hearts opening and honestly before the Lord and His word—does such writings witness to that fruit?

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