
Attention All Church Staff:  Make Today Count

Orginally published on Monday, October 31, 2005 at 6:40 AM
by Todd Rhoades

Yesterday brought the tragic news of the unexpected death of Pastor Kyle Lake of University Baptist Church in Waco, TX.  Kyle was electrocuted when touching a microphone in the baptismal pool.  Kyle was an extremely gifted leader and a loved pastor at UBC…

Events like this happen every once in a while, and they really cause me to take a time out and ponder many different things.  Of course, the obvious questions like, "Why, God, would you allow this to happen" are at the top of my mind.  But, quite honestly, I know that there probably won't be an answer to that one.  I do know, though, that there is peace in knowing God is still in control, even in this situation.

When things like this happen, it also reminds me that none of us really know how much time we have left.  That gives me a real sense of urgency to make every day count.  Just as Kyle never thought yesterday would be his last day of ministry, neither did Pastor Don Brown.  I shared his story with you just a little over a year ago.  Here's what I wrote then...

When Pastor Don Brown got behind the pulpit on August 10th, 2005, he had no idea that he would preach the most profound sermon of his life. He also didn't know that it would be the last sermon he would ever preach.

Pastor Don had just finished speaking on "Why bad things happen to good people" from the book of Job. As the congregation of First Baptist Church in Creedmoor, NC sang the closing song (Face to Face), Pastor Don told his Associate Pastor, Eddie Mauldin, that he "felt a little pain"; then walked out of the sanctuary. Mauldin recalls, "When he said that to me, I didn't give it a second thought because of his casual nature." After the closing prayer, church members found Pastor Don had died on the floor of the church library...

We have no idea why God chooses to work the way He does sometimes. Many times His plans for us just don't seem to make any sense at all. Sometimes devastating times do come to those who strive to do good...

Look at some of what Paul says in II Corinthians 1 (from The Message):

"He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort--we get a full measure of that, too. When we suffer for Jesus, it works out for your healing and salvation... Your hard times are also our hard times. When we see that you're just as willing to endure the hard times as to enjoy the good times, we know you're going to make it, no doubt about it... Now that the worst is over, we're pleased we can report that we've come out of this with conscience and faith intact, and can face the world--and even more importantly, face you with our heads held high. But it wasn't by any fancy footwork on our part. It was God who kept us focused on him, uncompromised."

If you're going through a tough time in ministry, take heart. God has a plan, and you're in it! The key is to run the race and to finish well. Just like Pastor Don did last year, and Kyle just yesterday.

Face to face with Christ, my Savior,
Face to face--what will it be,
When with rapture I behold Him,
Jesus Christ Who died for me?

Face to face I shall behold Him,
Far beyond the starry sky;
Face to face in all His glory,
I shall see Him by and by!

Take a moment to pray for UBC; and particulary Kyle's family (wife Jen; and their 5 year old daughter, and 3 year old twin boys).  I'm sure it will be a long road to recovery for them.


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 TRACKBACKS: (1) There are 15 Comments:

  • Profoundly saddened by this tragic event.

    May the God of all comfort be with this shepherd’s family and the sheep he cared for.

  • Posted by Ron Roy

    Resurection is Our Hope, That is Why Death is Necessary!

    Is. 57:1; states that the righteous are being taken away from the evil to come, and none are laying it to heart. Malachi 2:1,2; states that if we do not hear, lay it to heart, and give glory to His Name, He will curse our blessings. Obviously we are not recognizing the judgments of God in all that is happening in this generation. Many are pointing to the Rapture of the saints, well Pastor Kyle has already raptured and is in the presence of Jesus Christ as He promised. We must see that it is resurrection and not rapture. The rapture theory is poisoning the Body of Christ, by putting off to some distant shore, the blessings of Christ’s death and resurrection for every man. (1Jn. 2:1,2)

    Pastor Kyle has received his crown of righteousness, and we should seek the same end for ourselves and our families by the Gospel that Kyle preached.

    None of us receiving the promise of; to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord will then have to wait for the rapture to be made alive. Such foolishness, we have already received the gift of eternal life, but we all as the firstfruits of the resurrection, like Christ has passed from death to life because of His glorious resurrection from the dead. That same resurrection power that raised Jesus is now in all of us. Through the first Adam all die, through Christ all shall be made alive. When? Right now, as Kyle already has experienced and be sure that all who have died In Christ, are with him. Want proof? (Mt. 57:50-53)They too, the old testament saints are part of the firstfruits and so are we. Amen

    It is a wicked servant that sayeth, the Lord delayeth His coming. (Matt. 24:48) Please visit our web site and study this truth for yourself. http://crossofchristministries.org/id68.htm

    In His Blood,
    Ron Roy

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    Even for beleivers, “it is appointed unto men , once to die and then comes judgement.”
    Why Jim Eliott, why Robert McCheyne, why David Brainard and so on. All “young men” in vital ministry.
    It is not about the who, when , how or where. It is about the sovereignty of God and His purposes for His glory.

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    To Bro. Kyle’s family,
    Death, the Paul-proclaimed enemy of God, may have cast a dark shadow over your life in these days, but you will come to know the Light of the Son of God as never before.  You will also find out how much you are loved by those who genuinely love Kyle.  Our hearts ache for you and our prayers are lifted up on your behalf.

  • Posted by Jim Zieger

    It is a sad time for the family of Kyle and also for his church family. We will hold them up in prayer. But I want to add that this article about not wasting the time we are given is speaking to my heart. As my wife and I find ourselves faced with the possibility of our church (which has been growing) running out of finances to pay us because of some unexpected physical plant issues. As the pastor I am tempted to pull back from our forward ministry mindset and sit and wait to see what God will do to solve this or move us on. We have only been here 12 months and we have seen great growth yet the church is not where it needs to be and the bank account has been cleaned out. Now we are relying on a congregation that has not been meeting the budget. The temptation is to begin to look for another church, and to not begin any new ministry, just wait it out. However,after reading your article this morning (God wanted me to read this)I have come to the conclusion that even if He is going to close this church. It will be on His terms and I need to be in about the work of ministry and not be distracted by these issues that are out of my control. Today is the day I need to be working in and not tomorrow.

    Jim Zieger

  • Posted by Bill

    I was in a service in Los Angeles when I heard of Kyle’s death.  All who knew him were sad and taken back!  All who heard his name for the first time wept with those who feel the loss of this man of God.

    We as a body (in gentleness and kindness) can take this tragedy and use it for good. After all, He is with Jesus as I write and God’s home is a lot holier than this place.  We mourn the loss of a brother in Christ and we can only imagine what the loved ones feel at this time as we try with few words to console them. But through it all we can rejoice in his final destination.

    Kyle’s death like many that come unexpected in the body of Christ should be a blessed message from the Lord for us to Stand up and say to the world - BE READY - Be ready for your departure from this life to LIFE with ....  If you don’t know, it is time to make a choice!!

    We know Kyle was ready and we applaud his personal relationship with the Jesus the Christ.  The passing of a great young man can be the explosive impetus for an out break of relationship with Jesus as Savior and Lord for those who have walked the line. 

    Tell of his life and tell of his death!  As I do, I will thank the Lord for a great man of God and make mention of the “call HOME” and ask,


  • Posted by Chris Parrish

    I extend my sympathies to Kyle’s family and pray for them at this time of their tragic loss.

    My comments are on a more practical note. When baptizing by immersion, make sure that another speaker is using the microphone at a distance from the water. No microphones should be near the water!

    Otherwise, as a minister baptizing people by full immersion, simply don’t use a microphone! Project your voice!

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    Good Afternoon Todd,

    Sorry to hear about Kyle and the loss to his family and fellowship of saints.

    Your article, and some comments, got me thinking about our reaction to death.  We try to maintain good theology by asking “why God allowed it” but the very question reveals a hidden lie.  If God “allows” death He is seemingly impotent against or unconcerned about the consequences of sin.  I have been trying to put away language that associates God with anything but life, joy, hope and peace within the constructs of a holy and disciplined life.  Saying that God allowed someone to die, while having biblical proof text, seems to me to be far from His character.

    Did God allow Kyle to die?  Yes - in the sense that He seemingly did nothing to prevent his death from the consequences that led Kyle to the moment… including the electrical power through the microphone (that might have been phantom powered having 48V available), which hand Kyle used to hold the microphone, not observing standard safety precautions of handling electronic objects when in water, not using a ground fault isolation circuit… I think more accurately, Kyle did not die because of God’s will or permission but God’s will was overridden by a tragic series of events; events that were directed by free choice (Kyle’s and others).  To go one step further, there is an enemy who sole purpose is to kill and destroy - Kyle’s death fits squarely on this enemies shoulders.

    Blessings to you and your family,


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    Even though I have never heard of or met these men, my heart aches. I ministered at the funeral of a 17 yr old killed in an auto accident last week. God, I could feel the families pain.

    Looking for comfort in my church leadership all I was met with was crude remarks like “ I hear they pulled the plug” and it made me sick.

    I know things like this happen by God’s design, but it ought to pierce our spirit every time, even if we never knew them.

    My prayers are with you all.

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    I Cor 9:24
    Do you know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way that you will get the prize.

    It is very evedent that Pastor Kyle has won the prize. I sorrow for his family, but rejoice for him.

  • Posted by

    I Cor 9:24
    Do you know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way that you will get the prize.

    It is very evedent that Pastor Kyle has won the prize. I sarrow for his family, but rejoice for him.

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    God said that My times are in Thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies,and from them that persecute me.Ps.31:15 It is God that does all things well, It is also Him that allows things to happen in our lives to perform His perfect work in us and in others that perhaps know us.  His ways are past finding out, yet He is altogether lovely.  I grieve also with them that miss their dear loved ones, May this same God of Heaven bring great comfort to these families.

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    To the family and church family of this dear Pastor, our prayers are with you. I was reminded of the book of Acts 7:55-56,were Stephen looked up into heaven and saw JESUS ( STANDING ) at God’s right hand ready to welcome His servant home. Sunday, Kyle saw the face of his Savior as JESUS welcomed him home. See you in heaven if not sooner.

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    A sad and tragic event but a great reminder to all of us that life comes with a deadline and none of us when our deadline is.  We must live each day as if it is our last and seek to make each day count.  Like a man with a rifle seeks to place each shot in the center of the target so we must seek to use each day to glory of God.  Giving our all, whether we are doing ministry, spending time with our family, or simply enjoying the life and world God has given us we must live each day to the fullest. It is also sadly a reminder to use the knowledge God has given us and never touch anything electronic when standing in water. 

    May God use Kyle’s death to bring much glory to Himself by causing many to live their lives in a way they never would otherwise and in through his death continue to bring a strong influence on many.

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