Orginally published on Monday, June 08, 2009 at 7:44 AM
by Todd Rhoades
Geoff Surratt has recently written a book I think everyone should read. It's titled "Ten Stupid Things That Keep Churches from Growing: How Leaders Can Overcome Costly Mistakes". I could say that Geoff is uniquely gifted to write a book of this title, but I won't say that. Let's face it, we've all done stupid things... stupid things that have not been good for our churches.
Geoff is going to join us on THE SHOW tommorrow (TUESDAY) to tell us some of these mistakes, and help you not to make those mistakes in your church. It's something that you'll not want to miss. There will be a short interview (15 minutes); then you can call in and ask your questions of Geoff live! All you have to do it go to tomorrow at 4:00 Eastern (3 central; 1 pacific) and watch along. I hope you'll join us...
SO, HERE'S TODAY'S QUESTION FOR YOU: What is the STUPIDEST THING you've ever done to keep your church from growing?
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There are 3 Comments:
I think, when I was an associate pastor, one of the stupidest things I did was allow people like this (hear real audio file below) continue to control and manipulate others in the church. Keeping people like this, without proper correction from church leadership, and in positions of authority is one of the stupidest things I’ve done (or rather allowed).
(If the file doesn’t play automatically, download. It’s definitely worth listening too. I guarantee it.)
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I think the stupidest thing I have ever done was while I was setting up for a big children’s event in s small forest. A couple of the events called for swinging on a rope across a small ditch. In order to save time I climbed the trees in order not to have to walk a quarter mile back and get a ladder. The only thing wrong with that was the both trees had poison oak vines up the trunk and I was wearing shorts. Needless to say I had poison oak blisters in a few hours nearly everywhere on my body. Interestingly enough 2 families became a part of the church from this event. I spent 2 weeks on prednisone and calimine lotion baths.
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