Next Time Rick… Just Say No…
Hey Rick... next time your approached by a guy wearing fake redneck teeth requesting an interview... just say no. No, really... please!
I'm gonna cut Rick some slack on this one... he's trying to be a good sport... but I wonder... would he do this one again!?
I've been asked by my friend and fellow Leadership Network colleague to pass on this question. We're looking for any large churches that used to hold Sunday only services that have recently added a Saturday night service. There is a church of a couple thousand who is hoping to make the leap, and would like to talk with similar churches who have already done so. Are there any churches in your area who fit into this category? If so, could you please help?
Help! Do You Know of Any Large Churches Who’ve Recently Added Saturday Night Services?
Things get real cloudy sometimes in ministry; as you'll see with this question from a longtime MMI reader. Read his situation and then help him out with your perspective on his situation...
OK, OK... this wasn't an actual question posted or asked of MMI specifically; but rather one posted over at Yahoo Answers. Here's the specific question and comments from the questioner: "I want to leave the church where my husband pastors, is there a right way to do this? I am a minister, very much overlooked in the church body."
Dear MMI: I am volunteer youth pastor,. This means I have a full time day job to help support my family. Our church is surrounded by several middle schools and several High Schools and because they do not have a paid position for Youth pastor, (and I have to work full time elsewhere), I do not have the time to visit my students at their schools missing out on an opportunity to invite their friends...
Today’s question comes to us from Charles in Stratford, Ontario. Charles writes: I pastor a Pentecostal Church. Our church still has Sunday night services. (Perhaps you remember them.)
A pastor writes: "My wife has determined that she no longer wants to do "the church thing". We have both been hurt and bear the psychological scars of good intended church people and friends who we have found to be less honest than we thought. I’d still like to consider some kind of church ministry in the future. What are your thoughts?”
Here’s another question in to MMI: Someone writes, "I just recently saw the resume of the former pastor with whom I’m familiar. While I in no way want to argue or cause problems for this man, there are several things in his resume that concern me. They are not outright lies, but they stretch the truth quite tightly…
Why do pastors leave the ministry? Several common issues emerge from the research of Dean Hoge and Jacqueline Wenger: preference for another form of ministry, the need to care for children or family, conflict in the congregation, conflict with denominational leaders, burnout or discouragement, sexual misconduct, and divorce or marital problems. Of these factors, which form the basis for the central chapters of Pastors in Transition, two are especially important: conflict and a preference for specialized ministry. A close third is the experience of burnout, discouragement, stress and overwork. As the authors explore these factors, they provide significant insights into what can be done to help people stay in ministry. The bestselling author of "The Message" challenges believers to read the Scriptures on their own terms, as God's revelation, and to live them as they read them. Based on his extensive experience as coach and mentor to many thousands of Christian leaders across a broad spectrum of ministry settings, Reggie McNeal helps spiritual leaders understand that they will self-select into or out of greatness.
Pastors In Transition: Why Clergy Leave Local Church Ministry
Eat This Book: A Conversation in the Art of Spiritual Reading
Practicing Greatness: 7 Disciplines of Extraordinary Spiritual Leaders
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