
Would You Accept an Invitation to Speak with the Dalai Lama, Bishop Tutu, and Pravrajika Vrajaprana?

Orginally published on Monday, April 07, 2008 at 7:24 AM
by Todd Rhoades

I know that we kind of poke when some blogs get mad at 'their own' like John Piper for sharing the stage with a person such as Mark Driscoll. But, would you accept an invitation to speak at an "InterSpiritual" day that featured people like the Dalai Lama and top Hindu, Islamic, and Sikh leaders? Rob Bell and Doug Pagitt have. They'll be sharing at the Seeds of Compassion event in Seattle later this month. I'm wondering... what could the end result of this day be for the Christians involved? What's the end game on this one?

For your response:

1.  Would you speak at an event like this.  (Obviously, I know that Rob Bell and Doug Pagitt are not endorsing the other speakers on the platform, but this does feed into the criticism both have had from inside the Christian camp, does it not?)

2.  What good could come out of an event like this one?  (I’ve thought about it and couldn’t really come up with anything).


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  There are 108 Comments:

  • Posted by

    YOU:  “God is the only one qualified to assess this [someones Christianity], so we should take people at people at their word.  Disagree with a brother or sister all you want, but affirm that they are your brother or sister.  To do less is indeed disrespectful.”
    ------------So then Wendi, you DO NOT question the Mormons, JWs?

    -----------Are you saying you would not have questioned Jim Jones or David Koresh?

    -----------How can we make a distinction between a heritic and the real deal?

    -----------Wendi, do I misunderstanding you when you say, “...we should take people at their word” about being a Christian and not make any judgement about that?

    I am truely interested in your answer.

  • Posted by

    Forgive me, but throughout this whole thread it seems you have been trying to pick a fight.  It seems you are deliberately reading into words to make a point, kind of exhausting for me.  It is not because I don’t like dialog, but to go from to pastors speaking at a conference with the Lama to Mormons and Jehovah’s Wittiness’s is an augmentative approach.  I actually think you know that was not Wendi’s point.  The emergent movement within the church is wide and vast and there are many within (In a very real way, myself included) and cannot be pigeon holed by some leaders.  One of the hardest parts of love is to believe the best of someone.  It requires that each of us listen more, seek to understand more and then give grace. 

    I believe Doug and Rob to be my brothers in Christ; I also believe them to be in error in some matters.  I can hope they would more than likely say the same about me.  They are not bowing down to the Lama, they are not seeking some blessing as you have stated.  This was the question:  Would you speak if invited?  Not are Bell and Paggett unbelievers or heretics.  Not about their motives.  From your first post till your last you are ratcheting up the rhetoric.

  • Posted by

    “Pick a fight,” no, just putting voice to my opinions. And apparently you don’t like my opinions. I am ok with that. Hey, that is what community is all about, isn’t it?

    YOU: It is not because I don’t like dialog, but to go from to pastors speaking at a conference with the Lama to Mormons and Jehovah’s Wittiness’s is an augmentative approach. 
    -----Leonard, the dialog, and by the way, I don’t set all of it, just by its nature moves and circles and flows into many areas. At least that is my experience in blogs. And in the case of Todd’s original questions, take a look at and you will see that they leave the door open wide for where some of us have went.
    EXAMPLE: “...what could the end result of this day be for the Christians involved? What’s the end game on this one?” “...but this does feed into the criticism both have had from inside the Christian camp, does it not?)”
    --------Those questions by their very nature where going to open up hot spots. Not for you, maybe, but certainly for someone like me who see only harm to the cause of Christian. You may not agree with my assessment, but to accuse me of ‘pick[ing] a fight,”?
    ---------And actually for you to say::::"I actually think you know that was not Wendi’s point,” is to take a lot upon yourself and be judgement. I meant every question I asked Wendi. And if she responds to me, I will dialog with her as to what I am trying to get to.

    YOU: From your first post till your last you are ratcheting up the rhetoric.
    -------That may be so, Leonard, but it is a subject I am quite passionate about. I notice that the “emergent boys” can be passionate and make some pretty tough statements about “fundementalist,” but when a fundementalist pushes back a little it is called: “ratcheting up the rhetoric.”

    And finally you say:::  One of the hardest parts of love is to believe the best of someone.  It requires that each of us listen more, seek to understand more and then give grace.
    -------A little condesending, but I can take it. You see, I have listened to Bell, Pagitt and others, and I have made my statements based on what I have read and hear from their own mouths. For me to take a stand against them does NOT mean I don’t have Christian love for them, anymore than I would accuse you of not having Christian love for me because you have taken me to task. At least give me the same benefit of the doubt as I give you.
    peace brother,

  • Posted by

    Fishon and CS – Arrrrgh

    You are trying to pick a fight Fishon.  You know very well that I was not suggesting by trusting a brother or sister who claims to be a Christ follower we now cannot discern errors in doctrinal essentials of a religion or religious sect.  I wish you would both read back over your comments on this thread and others.  Bell and Pagett are not Mormons or JW’s . . . they are Christ followers.  In discussions, when you express your opinion that a Christian should or should not do something (like Bell and Pagett being on this panel), you question whether they are actually Christian (“supposed Christians” or “who profess to be Christians”).  Then, the implication goes further, because it lands on us.  If the fact that these two guys would be on this panel is, in your mind, a reason to question the authenticity of their Christianity, then you question mine because I applauded them for their decision. 

    One of you asked earlier (my paraphrase, I can’t find it), “can someone be saved without being able to articulate the essentials of the Christian faith.” ABSOLUTELY!!  When Jesus healed the man born blind who was later harassed by the religious leaders he said, “All I know is, I was blind and now I see.” Did he understand his fallen nature, the divinity of Christ or the triune nature of God?  Very doubtful.  In the last 2000 years there have been millions like him, some who eventually came to understand more, many who never new more than what led them to Jesus in the first place. 

    Being able to recite the four spiritual laws or the Romans road, articulating sound doctrine that is approved by every fundamental Christian; these are not what authenticates my Christianity.  It is authenticated with my Father by my faith in Him (which only He knows) and by the world by my love (according to Jesus).  Keep wrestling with issues that all Christians must wrestle with as we minister in today’s culture, but please, quit trying to authenticate the Christianity of fellow Christians.


  • Posted by

    Fishon, careful not to jump too far in your conclusion of what I do not like.  It is how you come across I don’t like.  It is how you come across with those opinions that makes it seem as though you are trying to pick a fight.  In a blog like this here to differ in opinions is expected to be less nitpicky is appreciated and respectful.  It is not my intent to write my words so you will believe what I believe.  I write my words to exchange ideas, to share my perspective, to dialog respectfully, to learn through articulation and examination of thoughts I share.  I read this blog because there are people who write here that disagree with me and I am informed.  I am encouraged to seek the word, to stand on what I believe from a place of having examined my thoughts. 

    I get what you think of Paggett.  I know the man, have spent time with him and listened to him.  I do not know Bell but have listened to him, read his writings and have found him to be a brilliant communicator.  Both men I consider brothers just as I consider you a brother. 

    So tell me you did not know that Wendi was not including Mormons and JW’s in her thoughts?  Tell me that and I will believe you.  You call them the emergent boys, but you lump into one category a lot of people whose doctrine is much closer to yours than Paggett and Bell, myself included.  But the calling of the name closes doors for the dialog you say you are a part of and ratchets the rhetoric unnecessarily.  It is as if you feel that our agreeing with you is the goal. 

    Lumping people together, ascribing motives you CANNOT possibly know (they want to bow down to the lama or be blessed by the lama) is not dialog.  Ascribing thoughts to posters (the Mormon and JW) comment for example that are either very unlikely or simply ridiculous is not dialog. 

    I appreciate you feel this would be wrong and harmful to Christianity.  I myself would not do it either.  I have stated I would prefer other voices to represent the voice of my faith.  I am probably closer to your thoughts on this matter than the majority of this blog roll.  But I still feel like you have come across as angry, harsh and combative here in this thread. 

    As far as judging you?  I don’t think so.  Again, tell me you honestly thought Wendi feels the same way about Paggett and Bell as a JW or Mormon.  I think that is where the nitpicking comes to the forefront.  There are not many on this thread defending Bell and Paggett, proclaiming them to be the voice of their faith.  But in answer to Todd’s questions about the good or harm, you are the one who calls their salvation into question.  You are the one who ascribes motives you cannot possibly know, you are the one who name calls.  This is ratcheting up the rhetoric and is not Christian love.  You have gone past taking them to task and judged them and then used this thread to announce your judgment. Then you justify that behavior not by the word of God but with a “they said it first” defense.  That is picking a fight.

  • Posted by

    I am telling you that I did not know Wendi was NOT including Mormons or JWs. I do not know her, her beliefs, anything about her. I can only go on what she says. And I based my questions to her on her words, and I quote:;::::::::::::::::::::"God is the only one qualified to assess this, so we should take people at people at their word.  Disagree with a brother or sister all you want, but affirm that they are your brother or sister.  To do less is indeed disrespectful.”

    Leonard, let me ask you this. When Romney was running for President, did you not hear many people on the TV say that Mormons were Christians? I heard with my own ears many say that. And if I was to argue with them, they would use the very same arguement as Wendi was using about Bell and Pagitt:::::::I quote: “God is the only one qualified to assess this, so we should take people at people at their word.”

    Again, Leonard, I know nothing about Wendi, so I believe I was asking a legitamate question? If my answer doesn’t make sense, I am sorry, but I wanted to know from where she was coming.

    YOU: Lumping people together, ascribing motives you CANNOT possibly know (they want to bow down to the lama or be blessed by the lama) is not dialog.
    --------I will be a little defensive. You take me to task for “...ascribing motives you [me] CANNOT possibly know....” I would declare to you by your questioning me about my question to Wendi, about Mormons and JWs, that you were ‘acsribing motives,’ by me, you CANNOT possibly know. Not once, but twice you question me about my motives for asking Wendi a question. You don’t see a little of the “pot calling the kettle black?”

    YOU: As far as judging you?  I don’t think so.  Again, tell me you honestly thought Wendi feels the same way about Paggett and Bell as a JW or Mormon. 
    -----------------Leonard, let me make this as plain as I can to you question about my question to Wendi.
    -----------------NO! I did NOT honestly think Wendi felt the same way about Paggett and Bell as a JW or Mormon. NO. I did NOT think that. Leonard, I DID NOT KNOW WHAT SHE THOUGHT. That is why every thing I said to her was in the form of a question. Leonard, I was seeking clarification. Did you miss the part where I asked Wendi:::::::Wendi, do I misunderstanding you when you say...?” I do not know how I could have been more clearer in seeking clarification. I am sorry I am not to your level of writing abilities.

    If stating my strong opinions and asking tough questions is “picking a fight” to you, there isn’t much I can do about that, except, be quite. So since you think me picking fights, about the only thing for me to do to prove I am not trying to is to bow-out.

  • Posted by

    CS : No matter what the description of the course, they haven’t said anything yet.

    I once was asked to speak at a secular homeschooling state convention.

    Yes, I accepted, though there were many other speakers there that I do not agree with, philisophically and spiritually.

    My session title was “Empowering Your Children with Creativity”

    It was the most well attended session they had, and the principles of creativity were 100% taken from scripture.

    Now, someone like you could have looked at that title and told all what you thought I was going to say and been completely wrong.

    By the way your sarcasm is unappreciated.

  • Posted by

    Fishon –

    In the case that I didn’t answer your question in my last post, I will answer it below.  But first, let me ask you a question.  Since this thread is about Pagitt and Bell, are you saying that you consider these two pastors “false prophets” in the same category as a Mormon or JW; as Jim Jones or David Koresh?  Are you saying that you DO NOT consider these men Christian brothers with whom you strongly disagree?

    Even though you and I have never met and discussed theology, I believe that a cursory read of my comments on this and other threads makes it clear that I have a good handle on essential Christian doctrines.  In the context of this thread and the subsequent discussion, your apparent doubt about whether someone who sits on this panel can actually be a Christian, my request that we take people at their word is in reference to Pagitt and Bell.  Of course we must discern the difference between Christianity and other religions.  If either of these guys claimed to be a Mormon or JW, I would not consider them Christian.  But these two pastor Christian churches.  They both write and speak, so their views are widely known.  I disagree with some things, but also learn from and am challenged by them (especially Bell).  My disagreement with them is not even close to my disagreement with Mormon doctrines.

    To use your logic, we must doubt the authenticity of every Christian we meet, every pastor out there, unless and until we can know their theology.  Leonard and I have both been part of many discussions on this blog, and rarely have the discussions been theological.  Knowing that he pastors a church and reading his comments are enough for me to confidently assume he is a very devoted Christ follower.  I make the same assumptions about others who comment about church practices and Christian leadership here on MMI, unless someone makes a comment that would cause me to think otherwise.  Frankly, in the context of this thread, I think you made a huge (and ridiculous) leap linking my trust in Bell and Pagitt’s Christianity to accusing me of believing that Mormons and JW’s are also Christians.

    If you really assume the worst of every person who claims to be a follower of Jesus, every poster on MMI, until you know their theology, then I feel sad for you.


  • Posted by

    Since I start a move today into a new parsonage I won’t be on saying much. Um, may be God’s way of shutting me up.

    Wendi, yes, from some of the things I have hear and read from the guys in question, I do wonder about their faith. My opinions are not based only on them meeting with lama, that however just adds more fuel to my belief in that.

    Wendi, the bottom line to my question about mormons was your statement::::::: “God is the only one qualified to assess this [someones Christianity]....”
    ------------In that statement, you are inferring that I was judging them, and only God should. It was to me like the old words, “Who are you to judge?” So I was searching to see if you were consistent; ie., do you see mormons as Christians because they say they are, or do you stay consistent with your statement to me:::::"God is the only one quelified to assess this (someones Christianity)?

    I am sorry if I offended you, I truly am.

    No, I don’t doubt the authenticity of every Christian or pastor I meet. But when I read or hear from them certain things, then I may come to doubts. 

    YOU: Frankly, in the context of this thread, I think you made a huge (and ridiculous) leap linking my trust in Bell and Pagitt’s Christianity to accusing me of believing that Mormons and JW’s are also Christians.
    ----------I believe that to be either a bad read of what I asked you; or, I did not make myself clear in my questions.
    ----------I WAS NOT accusing you of believing Mormons or JWs as being Christians. Did you not read what I told Leonard? I was asking because I didn’t know what you believed because of your statement about “God is the only one qualified....”

    YOU: If you really assume the worst of every person who claims to be a follower of Jesus, every poster on MMI, until you know their theology, then I feel sad for you.
    ---------Don’t feel sad for me. At least on for that reason, because I don’t assume the worst of people. It is only when I hear or read things of faith/belief that are wayyyyyyyyy out there that I do some questioning.

    If I was as judgemental and hard as I assume you may think of me, I would have chased out the Baptist, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, Emergent guy, and who knows what else who attend the church I pastor. During our SS class, some of them even will tell me I am wrong, and you know, they are not one bit afraid that I am going to toss them out on their ear. They do know that I may or may not try and show them where they are wrong, all depending on the topic and situation. Heck, I have even had a lady stand up in the middle of my sermon and tell me I was wrong. So I leaned on the pulpit and let her tell me why she thought I was wrong. She was doing great until all of a sudden she stopped, looked around and screamed out, “Oh, my God, I am arguing with the preacher during his sermon.” It took us many minutes to stop laughing at that painful scream. She will still stop me and ask a question. She hasn’t jumped up and did what she did a few years ago.

    The people I pastor have no fear of me, because they know I love them, even when I tell them they many be wrong. Sadly, when we get into those kinds of things in blogging, it comes off as nasty and hateful, especially if someone like me does not have the gift of writing with sensitivity.


  • Posted by


    “CS : No matter what the description of the course, they haven’t said anything yet.”

    I’m looking more at what they have already said through their sermons, books, interviews, and other means of communication.  And in those forums I have seen serious problems with their faith that causes me to question them.

    It’s kind of like if Louis Farrakhan was going to speak somewhere.  I can already take a pretty good guess that his presentation would be full of crazy, racist antics.  I don’t have to wait and see what he says in the course, even if the title was, “Loving The Jewish Nation in Peace.”

    “By the way your sarcasm is unappreciated. “

    Me?  Sarcastic?  Noooooo way.  =)


  • Posted by

    Some of the answers are now in.  And, so far, in looking at the two clips below, most notably, we have Rob Bell calling the Dalai Lama, “His Holiness.”

    The answers he gave were real softballs, devoid of mentioning Jesus or the Gospel message, too. 



  • Posted by

    Now that the conference is over, maybe we can get this thread to 100 posts without rehashing the same issues over and over ad nauseam.  Some of us are still holding out for an MMI travel mug or something for getting a thread to 100 posts.

    CS – I’d like to challenge you to find a site to recommend for us to review that isn’t already dedicated to pointing out every wrong with everything and every person emergent, seeker, etc.  It would give the impression that you are looking for objective assessments.

    That said, if Bell didn’t even mention Jesus’ name, I am disappointed.  I will find time later this week to listen to this whole session.  Nevertheless, I loved his response to the young man who asked about spiritual responses to transgression and violence.  He said that giving forgiveness instead of retaliation feel like death but bring about resurrection, would be like Friday but would usher in Sunday . . . the only think that made it an imperfect response (IMO) is that he didn’t say “I’ve learned from following Jesus Himself that . . .” Bell is brilliant.

    As for him referring to the Dali Lama as his holiness, I’m not sure.  I don’t think it qualifies as heresy, but it does bother me.  For those of you who would have agreed to this panel, what do you think would be the appropriate and respectful term to use referring to this man in this kind of a forum? 

    Post number 87 - Wendi

  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    Yes, indeed.

    “Leaven” is perhaps one of the least objective “news sources” out there…

  • Posted by

    I, too, am a little uncomfortable with Bell calling the Dalai Lama “His Holiness, but then I’m not comfortable with Christians calling the Pope “His Holiness”.

  • Posted by Derek


    Last summer we got the Al Mohler beer thread up to 116 posts.

    I was proud to be a part of that push to 100. I am still looking for that coffee mug...Todd???

    I really don’t have a problem with calling the DL “His Holiness.” I find it appropriate for Christians to use the religious title used by leaders in other religions. Now if he wants me to call him “Lord God” then I would have a problem. “His Holiness” seems to be a title of respect. Buddhism is atheistic and so I don’t see that we are running into the sin of idolatry by calling a man by his given religious title.

    Go ahead and fire your arrows at THAT comment. Maybe that will get us over a 100.

    All for my MMI family,


  • Posted by

    Wendi and Peter:

    “CS – I’d like to challenge you to find a site to recommend for us to review that isn’t already dedicated to pointing out every wrong with everything and every person emergent, seeker, etc.  It would give the impression that you are looking for objective assessments.”

    I was simply making the rounds and found those videos on A Little Leaven.  I recommend that the focus be put on what was present in the video, not the forum that put them up for dissemination.  If a “bad source” has good content, we often have to put aside our prejudices and look at the story.

    “As for him referring to the Dali Lama as his holiness, I’m not sure.  I don’t think it qualifies as heresy, but it does bother me.  For those of you who would have agreed to this panel, what do you think would be the appropriate and respectful term to use referring to this man in this kind of a forum?”

    The Dalai Lama is not holy, so to ascribe the position of holiness to him is definitely wrong.  Especially from the lips of someone identifying himself as a Christian in a forum like that.  I think heresy is an applicable word here.  Ditto for “Holy Father” for the Pope.

    As for what to call him, the words “Dalai Lama” literally mean “Ocean Teacher,” which, contextualized, means “Deep Waters Spiritual Teacher.” So, there isn’t as grave an error in using this title in addressing him, as this phrase or the phonics of the name have little impact in English. Same for “Tenzin Gyatso,” his given Buddhist name, which means “Ocean of Wisdom.” However, his fully given Buddhist name does start with, “Holy Lord,” which I wouldn’t dare use.

    I would probably call him by his birthname of Lhamo Dondrub.  Or, I would be polite, and discrete in addressing him, by saying something like, “And I may disagree with my fellow forum patron in saffron robes.”


  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    “I would probably call him by his birthname of Lhamo Dondrub.” Probably be considered disrespectful, like calling your Dad Fred. Might be his name, but not quite the token of respect that he probably expects.

    But, just to stir the pot, since the word “kurios” can (and is sometimes) be translated as “Sir” or “Mister”, we should probably just call everybody “dude”.

    I agree that calling the DL “his holiness” ain’t a big deal.

    Your list of things that are “heretical” is probably a bit long for me.

  • Posted by Derek


    So here we go again with a discussion of linguistics. What does the phrase “His Holiness” mean? The word “holy” means special, set apart, different, separate, etc. In that connotation, the DL is “holy.” He is not holy in the way God is holy, but that is not how Buddhists are using the word. I am afraid you are using a Christian definition to a word used in a Buddhist context and missing the point.

    I think if Christians used the title “His Holiness” to speak of Jesus then I would see why we as Christians would take offensive at using that title for the DL. For example if the DL used the title “Lord and Savior,” I may be a bit hesitant to use that in reference to the DL, because it is a common title used for Jesus.

    I think showing respect for a religious leader is a part of loving our enemies as long as “respect” does not become idolatry. Certainly there is a fine line there.


    P.S. This is comment 93

  • Posted by

    Well, if “Your Holiness” is just an honorary title, with no religious significance, I guess I shouldn’t have a problem with it.  With that in mind I would like to heretofore be addressed as Your Magnificence, High and Mighty Grand Imperial Poobah.  

  • Posted by Derek

    Your Magnificence,

    Did I get the title right or is the whole thing with the “high and mighty” and the “poobah”? smile)

    “His holiness,” as a title, certainly has religious significance. I was simply pointing out that one religion uses the word “holy” differently than another. CS said the DL is not holy. The DL is not holy like God is holy, but he is holy (special, set apart, etc.) within his religious context.

    Derek, the Great

    P.S. You may refer to me as “His Greatness” if you so desire… grin

  • Posted by

    CS – with all due respect, your opinion about what to call the Dali Lama if you sat on the panel is irrelevant because you’ve made it very clear that wouldn’t sit on the panel.  I’m interested in what people who WOULD sit on the panel (like me) think is appropriate to call him.

    Derek the Great – good points about trying to apply Buddhist terminology to our Christian context. 

    Mr. Grand Imperial Poobah (Dan) – since my spell checker doesn’t recognize the title Poobah, I’m not sure we should consider it a legitimate title.

    Are there other comments about the clips?  We’re at 96 now.

    - Plain old Wendi

  • Posted by Peter Hamm

    On the way to 100…

    I’d like to be called Monsignor even though I’m not Catholic. Will that work okay?

    Dan, how about abbreviating to HAMGIP.

  • Posted by Derek

    Plain old Wendi,

    I watched the clips on A Little Leaven (posted above) and I can’t say what Rob said was all bad. I think he was trying to authentically answer questions, but I would have liked him to work in the gospel and maybe the name Jesus. In the second clip, he certainly could have said, “Jesus taught us” or something like that.

    You don’t want to just blurt out GOD, JESUS, BIBLE (the three answers to 75% of Sunday School questions), but he could have certainly spoke in Jesus name by saying Jesus name. 

    A Little Leaven posted more video on their post here:


  • Posted by

    Wendi, you obviously are not using the official Flintstones spell checker.

    I assume since he’s called “The” Dalai Lama, Mr. Lama would not be correct. 

    I’d like to know what he would say if someone broached the subject and explained that some Christians are uncomfortable calling him “Your Holiness” because we consider only one person holy, Jesus Christ.  I have a feeling he might just say, “Call me Dondrub then.” I would think the whole Your Holiness thing would get old pretty quick.

    I’ve decided to ditch the big title and go back to just Dan.  High and Mighty Grand Imperial Poohbah is just too much to sign every time, plus it makes me sound like I should be behind a curtain pulling the “magic” levers. 

    I would like to see Peter meet with the Dalai Lama and call him “Dude”.  As in, “Listen, dude, about this whole reincarnation thing…”

  • Posted by

    Yipee - I get the mug.  #100

    I agree with you Dan.  I bet DL isn’t all that caught up in the “His Holiness” thing.

    Good decision about going back to Dan BTW.  If I’d typed your whole title,someone might have snuck in ahead of me and gotten the mug for 100. 


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